Antigua joins efforts to fight against international organised crime


European Union and the Caribbean unite against international organised crime at First Strategic Focal Points Meeting

Further advancing the EU-Caribbean cooperation on Justice and Security, the European Union and Caribbean nations are set to convene in Barbados for the First Strategic Caribbean Focal Points Meeting. This gathering signifies the beginning of a joint work to map concrete opportunities for collaboration in the fight against international organised crime. The two sides will establish a joint strategy for the coming years, enabling collaboration at political, institutional and operational levels.

Against the backdrop of a complex global landscape and unique challenges in the Caribbean region, addressing international organized crime presents several key hurdles. These include legal barriers to prosecuting cross-border crime, the evolving threat of cybercrime, fragmented judicial efforts in different jurisdictions, high incidence of transnational illegal arms trade, sophisticated money laundering techniques and issues of overcrowding in inadequate prison facilities.

EL PACCTO 2.0, a European Union cooperation programme with Latin America and the Caribbean seeks to directly tackle these challenges. It aims to establish systematic operational cooperation between the two regions, promote skills development and training, and hold regular High-level Dialogues with focus on the regional and bi-regional perspectives. For the first time, the Caribbean area is included in this programme.

This first meeting in Barbados marks the commencement of a long-term cooperation strategy between the European Union and the Caribbean justice and security institutions. The stakeholders will discuss concrete and innovative solutions across the board. They will focus on the capability to efficiently prosecute transnational crimes, the improvement of judicial cooperation across borders, the fight against cybercrime, the enhancement of prison systems, new firearms trafficking prevention initiatives, the capacity to trace and recover illicit financial assets, and the partners’ ability to monitor and regulate cryptocurrency transactions, reducing illicit use.

This significant development aligns with the commitments of the EU-CELAC Summit in Brussels in 2023, where the two regions pledged to strengthen cooperation initiatives in this domain, under the framework of the EU-LAC Partnership on Justice and Security.

The meeting is inaugurated by The Honourable Wilfred Abrahams, Minister of Home Affairs, Information and Public Affairs of Barbados, and Małgorzata Wasilewska, EU Ambassador to the Eastern Caribbean. Prominent attendees include senior representatives of The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Implementation Agency For Crime And Security (IMPACS);  The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) and CCJ Academy; Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (ECSC), Regional Security System (RSS) and  Security and Justice Ministries and Agencies of  Antigua and Barbuda,  Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago. Additionally, the European Judicial Network, and the Dutch Prosecution Office will be represented at the meeting.

The programme is led by the Directorate General International Partnerships -DG-INTPA of the European Union.

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  1. Partnership with the western colonizers means, do as I say or sanctions, BRICS is a better choice, BRICS has genuine partnership, respect other countries sovereignty no matter how small or poor you are, and assist in development of other countries infrastructure without any hardship on the people.

  2. For goodness sake Prime Minister Browne, all we hear from your lame duck and sooooo out of touch government, is how they are going to help other countries in fighting all sorts of crime.

    How about tackling the rising crime rate here first?

    I can’t figure out your mindset when it comes to helping Antiguans, but what I do know, is that you thoroughly enjoy being on the global stage and ensuring that you bend over backwards to help others before looking after the indigenous population here at home.


    Wha’ wrong wid you boss?

    Don’t you want to be Prime Minister any longer?

  3. A bunch 9f sick people sit down in the same table

    The fish smell from the head and finish in his/her tail

  4. @Geopolitical issues affects our daily lives in more ways than one

    You must be getting paid to spew this drivel.

    Who is trying to colonize anywhere in the world besides the BRICS?
    South China Sea

    All targets of your beloved BRICS.

    While western democracies are far from perfect, getting into to bed with totalitarian dictators is infinitely worse.

    I suppose you believe the recent “elections” conducted in Russia and their occupied territories were all transparent and honest.

  5. I am struggling to understand the justifications for offering Nigerians visa free to enter Antigua, whilst Antiguans are having to pay for visa to travel to Nigeria.

    Antigua does not have diplomatic realtionship with Nigeria, apart from Olabanjo and his “tight friend ” PM GB, who were party to the faked asylum seekers that no body knows of their whereabouts.

    Would it be wrong to speculate that the visa free concessions offered to Nigerians are part of covert organised crime?

    Like Nigeria Antigua has infrastructures needing repairs,the revenues they would generate from charging us for visas to facilitate their infrastructures the same could be used for ours. Where is the logic?

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