Antigua has drug which experts say can be lifesaving for patients who are critically ill with COVID-19


Prime Minister Gaston Browne said the government has the anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone in stock.

This week the UK government hailed the drug as a ground-breaking treatment for hospital patients who are seriously ill with Covid-19.

Dexamethasone is a steroid, a medicine that reduces inflammation by mimicking anti-inflammatory hormones produced by the body

“Yes, we do have in stock. Most hospitals carry the drug. I checked with the CMO up to yesterday and she confirmed” Prime Minister Browne told state media.

The government said it would only use the drug on COVID-19 patients if there is approval from internationally recognized standard bodies.

“The FDA, for example in the US and the standard body in the UK, they will all have to confirm the efficacy of those drugs and the safety in using them”, the Prime Minister said.

The drug can help treat various illnesses involving inflammation or swelling in the body, or conditions where the immune system goes into overdrive.

It works by dampening down the body’s immune system.

Experts said the drug is only suitable for people who are already in hospital and receiving oxygen or mechanical ventilation.

The said the drug does not work on people with milder symptoms, because suppressing their immune system at this point would not be helpful.

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  1. @ Elizabeth
    Explain progress in this article, is the drug manufactured in Antigua and Barbuda? I would put a dollar on it was ordered for other reason and now they heard it can be used on COVID-19 patents the clowns in government is using this as a media spotlight. If it’s progress go be reckless and have them use it on you. Oh sorry could be limited supplies. If they want a good media spotlight start keeping a good supply and inventory of medications for the people who has already contributed to medical benefits scheme, so their not told medications is not available when it’s needed. Gaston just trying to look good after his numerous failures, should the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda be relax because you and the CMO say you have the above mentioned drug? Before we go when were they ordered and expiration dates on the drugs. We are not fooled

  2. How come you got this drug so fast when it is currently at the experimental stage. Hope somebody wasn’t paid to experiment on Antiguans. We know money is suppose to be tight.

    • Guy the drug is one which has been used for years to deal with inflammation. If we did not have it, we should not have a hospital

  3. This drug is already commonly used all over the world and is cheap and readily available.
    The UK scientists conducted a large trial and found it lowered the death rate of people already on ventilators as a result of COVID-19 by 20% and those on extra Oxygen by 5%.
    It’s side effects are already known. (I am not a medic and so offer no advice)
    It has been approved for immediate use in the UK for those in critical need.
    Hence it is very likely Antigua does have stocks of this drug as suggested.

  4. The drug is wildly used for many years it’s very cheap so most country’s carry it drug trials were carried out on over 3000 people it is 30% affective for the most seriously ill with COVID

  5. LMAO you are absolutely correct and I could not agree with you more. I am slowly coming to the conclusion that either Antiguans cannot read or that they can read but have a comprehension problem.

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