Antigua Considering Amnesty for Illegal Migrants


Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne says his administration is considering granting an amnesty to illegal migrants as he urged all people on the island to work together to help it rebound from the impact of the coronavirus.

Browne, speaking on his weekend radio program, said that the island was showing signs of significant recovery from the pandemic and was hoping that persons would put aside the political differences in ensuring the continued socio-economic development of the country.

“We expect everyone to sweat. The Bible says by the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread and I want everybody to eat bread, so you have to sweat, you have to work, you have to perform and that is the call I will be making in my New Year speech for 2022,” Browne said.

“I want to say here that every single person on the island, even if you are not a citizen, even if you are an illegal immigrant, we want you to be part of this strong recovery. In fact, I am contemplating whether or not we should not perhaps give an amnesty to the immigrants here who, for whatever reasons may be here illegally.

“We don’t want anybody to be in a situation where they cannot contribute…so that’s a discussion I will be having with my colleagues next week…and they will tell me whether or not we give an amnesty to the immigrants who are here”.

Browne said that Antigua and Barbuda has always had to deal with migrants who have been in the country for more than 15 years and are “now well integrated in our society, they have homes, they work and they have children here.

”We have to be flexible enough to allow for some form of integration of these individuals in society as we seek to get the contribution of all. So I will certainly speak further on that issue of a possible amnesty “ Browne told radio listeners.


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  1. Have a discussion with your colleagues is futile when you make decisions they are scared to disagree. From the cabinet to the radio station, a bunch of puppets that play along to get along ,going against their conscience constantly to please their master

  2. This is only a political move to try and fool the illegal immigrants to get votes but it is not going to work, the same illegal immigrants will vote them out of office, every time election draw near they pretend to care for the people being more generous, causing division with nationals and non nationals, red and blue.

  3. This is outrageous! Harold Lovell needs to go on record now that the UPP will not honor any ALP amnesty! All of these criminals must be deported when the UPP returns to power.

  4. If there is any one thing that mash up Antigua and Barbuda is this never ending ABLP open door policy that simply says, ” whosoever will, just come”. So the worst come, the poorest come, the wickedest come. Yet we want to build a good nation???
    Poor Antigua. I continue to cry for you and that the people will come to their senses.
    I mean, look at St Kitts and Nevis. They gave several stimuli and looking to give their citizens a double salary for christmas. That will never happen in Antigua because we have imported poverty to add to what we have and incredibly looking to import even more.

  5. Gaston, if you so good and your government is the best since independence, why do you need illegal immigrants to vote for you to stay in power? If Antigua people don’t want you just pack up and leave. Antigua doesn’t belong to you. Think about what happens to dictators who hold onto power when the people don’t want them. You are filling up all the ghettos with illegals, making certain neighbour hoods a dirty mess.

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