Antigua & Barbuda Embassy in Switzerland Under Consideration


Prime Minister Gaston Browne welcomed Mr. Urs Schnider, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to Antigua and Barbuda. The Swiss Ambassador paid a courtesy call on PM Browne today at the Office of the Prime Minister on Queen Elizabeth Highway. 


“Thank you very much for this courtesy call and your country, for providing the very generous assistance with establishing an embassy in Switzerland, it is certainly an offer that we intend to avail ourselves of”, PM said. 


Antigua and Barbuda has appointed an Honorary Consul to Switzerland, however with the creation of an embassy, it is intended that deeper relations between both countries will flourish. 


Switzerland was one of the first countries to formally recognize the political independence of Antigua and Barbuda in 1981. The two nations have maintained diplomatic and friendly relations since. 


PM Browne thanked the Ambassador, and by large the Government and People of Switzerland for the offer of an embassy space. 


“We need to strengthen our presence in Europe, we have had the practice of appointing honorary consuls, however that comes with some level of risk. There is no doubt that we need to have a presence in Switzerland but we do not have the finances to maintain an office there, so this gesture by your government is most appreciated. It will now help us to put a competent Antiguan there to represent us, our interest, in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and in Europe generally.”


PM Browne reiterated that this move signifies the stronger and deeper bilateral relations between the two countries. 


Prime Minister Browne continued by declaring support for Switzerland’s Candidacy in the International Fora. “We know that you have a candidate for the Universal Postal Union, we are inclined to support you and you can expect the support of Antigua and Barbuda generally speaking, in the international fora,” PM Browne said. 


In response, Ambassador Schnider thanked the Prime Minister for his warm welcome and support for Swiss Candidacy. The Ambassador also indicated that Switzerland maintains its offer to support Antigua and Barbuda in establishing a United Nations Mission in Geneva. “This will be essential in the first two years to come, we will provide office space, furniture and the like,” The Ambassador said. “Whenever you are ready we are ready,” Ambassador Schnider continued. 


PM Browne thanked the Ambassador again for his commitment to strengthening the relations between Antigua and Barbuda and Switzerland and to expect continued support of the European nation moving forward. 

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  1. Switzerland is interesting because of its central location in Europe. The Embassy could have a “Cultural Attache” on it its staff who could coordinate the tourism promotion of Antigua & Barbuda in Europe. I know from experience that Switzerland is an excellent location since I was assigned by a USA company to setup its European branch. After studying the possibilities in Europe, I eventually chose location Switzerland and ended up there up 9 years as Managing Director. It is a country of which much can be learned. The Swiss also have very interesting programs for development assistance for which Antigua might qualify. Maybe a possibility to create a student exchange program. The Swiss can be very generous. Go for it, establish your Embassy.

  2. This is another move in the right direction. Switzerland is a neutral nation, and this is important in the world political system. Long may the cooperation between our peoples be maintained.

  3. This initiative only show Us the direction in which Hon. Gaston Browne is moving this country . Antiguans and Barbudans should be proud of the foresight of Prime Minister Hon. Gaston Browne. We would Never see another Prime Minister with such broad outlook for the Nation. We have some Political Operatives who are trying Their best to pull down Antigua and Barbuda . You have People such as Serpent , Knight ,Cleon Athill ,Gladys Potter and the Observer Media but They are wasting Their time. Now you can see what took place in DOMINICA. Take heed People. ABLP is the best Administration for Antigua and Barbuda. I am Excited for 2023.

  4. This move from Switzerland reminds me of the PM’s move to have China and The Dominican Republic have an embassy here in Antigua
    I guess Switzerland have many buildings with free office space
    And believe me we don’t need a large office space
    But having our embassy there will boost the statue of Switzerland even more as the Capital if the world like New York or Washington

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