Antigua and Barbuda Yachting Industry Set for Big Year

Antigua Yacht Show

CARIB JOURNAL: It’s already a major Caribbean yachting powerhouse, but Antigua and Barbuda is projecting a significant year ahead.

Franklyn Brathwaite, president of the Antigua and Barbuda Yachting and Marine Association, says “all indications are that business is strong and that the yachting industry will have a strong year in Antigua and Barbuda.”

Antigua has long been one of the region’s headquarters for yachting, from its popular charter yacht show to its super yacht regatta and several top sport fishing events, among others.

Antigua is also the destination for the World’s Toughest Row race, which is fully subscribed again this year.

It’s part of a jam-packed yachting calendar in the twin-island destination this year.

calendar of yachting events

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    • Listen to the cash register ring when those “Uppites” spend huge sums of money in Falmouth and English Harbors. There are lots of businesses and people that depend heavily on the influx of cash from the marine industry. There are plenty of local youth that learn how to sail just to get a ticket on a well paying yacht. The majority of sailors and seamen that visit Antigua are compassionate, honorable and willing to lend a helping hand. Those are common traits amongst seaman. Maybe the negative comment comes from jealousy, ignorance or an inability to understood the concept of capitalism. Maybe you should try to understand the bigger picture.

  1. Yachting International rated Antigua to Grenada as the world’s best yachting ground; plus the safety factor of LIAT annd small aircraft always flying overhead precludes piracy problems which other parts of the world endures.
    Blame those in power who fail to properly exploit the natural resources of our beautiful Caribbean, where it is shared with the locals instead of just having laborers in paradise, envying and begrudging!

  2. If something is good for Antigua.Shouldn’t it be good for all.I for one would want to see Antigua forge ahead.With prosperity for all and not just a few.In my opinion,if we as a people do not change our approach and visions.We would remain blinded by politics and party colors.That would not be good for us, and Antigua.

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