Antigua and Barbuda Pushes for Airbnb Integration into Formal Economy

Colin James, CEO-ABTA

Efforts are underway in Antigua and Barbuda to integrate Airbnb accommodations into the formal economy. 

The Airbnb sector plays a crucial role in the nation’s tourism industry, offering approximately 1,100 rooms ranging from small hotel properties to private residences.  

However, many of these properties remain unregistered, depriving the government of essential tax revenue used for marketing campaigns.  

During the pandemic, these accommodations were required to register for health and safety reasons, but compliance has dropped since. 

Antigua and Barbuda’s Tourism Authority CEO, Colin C. James, emphasized the need for registration, taxation, and adherence to established standards to ensure a level playing field for all operators.  

Currently, fewer than 300 out of approximately 500 Airbnb listings are registered, prompting a government initiative to bring these properties into the formal economy. 




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  1. This is the question Colin james..
    Why st.johns look so?
    The city stink and dirty Colin
    Again why st.johns look so?
    People like you and st.johns development Corp get easy money to do absolutely nothing!
    I saw you in the Hamptons this past summer looking lovely all smiles with your pearly whites..
    You guys ain’t developing nothing
    I don’t understand how you guys sleep at night willfully knowing that there is absolutely no kind of developing going on in the city..
    Look at tanner street, and down by heritage hotel and big banana restaurant down there look disgusting🫣🤮
    Only in antigua!

    • St John is down town (the ghetto city for lack of a better word) that’s why businesses moving to fry hill rd. Up town up town.

    • Agree 💯 Air bnb owners are local people who live here in Antigua, all or most monies owned are spent back right here into the economy and they pay abst, cst, and duties on goods that they purchase unlike the large hoteliers who gets government concessions and still import 80-95% of their products and goods. Mek poor people drive nuh.

  2. Colonial slavery might be abolished but economic slavery is alive and well in Antigua. under the ABLP. government.. Gaston needs endless tax revenues, not to pay for two Years worth of carnival or pensioners or laid off LIAT workers, but to shovel into the hole in the water that is called Alpha Nero and to make LIAT look as if could ever actually fly.. Make the Airbnb operators pay up Gaston so that you can continue to shovel the fruits of their hard labour down the drain! There is a $billion of accumulated dollars from the WTO ruling going begging. That money could solve all of Antigua’s problems virtually overnight. Call me and I’ll tell you how to get It!

  3. Have Airbnb apply, collect and pay it in the taxes. This option is available to other countries. This will ensure maximum compliance, and eliminate the added administrative pressure/stress on the hosts. Stop making joe public do your job for you.

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