Antigua and Barbuda PM Browne: Climate change a significant existential threat


Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne said climate change poses a significant existential threat to all small island countries in the Caribbean and around the world. In 2017, the island of Barbuda was devastated by Hurricane Irma, with nearly 95 percent of its properties damaged.

“This is not an exaggeration but a fact,” he said, hence our obligation to continue advocating for sustainable development. Browne fully supports China’s efforts to further strengthen the “Belt and Road” green development initiative. “We share a common civilization, live on the same planet and must rely on sustainable methods to pursue development,” he said.

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  1. Can any ABLP supporter please explain how come Prime Minister Gaston Browne mout’ just ah run like a burst pipe in St John’s on every damn topic accept on the rise in crime, the lack of housing stock, and the high cost of living?

    The three serious issues that the hardworking citizens are concerned about and want addressed.


    Where’s my FUNGEE 🥣 while I’m waiting?

  2. You are the existential threat Gatson, you, not the glorious sun that God has given unto us to give us light and energy,you Gatson, you are flawed leader that’s taking Antigua to the dumps.

    You change your tongue more than the weather changes,with your lying tongue.
    You are the one we are worried about, not the climate change.

    This dude is a classic.lmao.

  3. Oops! I am pm, and climate change existential threat allows me to go to the international community for money, which just disappear through off shore banks been Divi up into enrichment scheme.

  4. What does China have to do with stopping climate change? Their cities are choked with gasses, their factories are spewing poison into the air that will reach us. The “Belt and Road” is a debt trap to enslave us. What is the current balance owing to China? How are we going to pay and keep our freedom?

  5. China classifies themselves as a developing country, which allows them to continue to pollute unabated while the more developed countries have to reduce their productivity to fix the weather. Meanwhile China is lending money to small countries they know can’t possibly pay them back. I question the science behind global warming but I must admit, it does make for a convincing narrative…give me free money because u have it and I need it. I just hope some of that money makes it into public infrastructure and not “creative enrichment”.

  6. The destruction of mangroves to make room for huge developments funded by China etc will ensure Antigua has her own individual climate crisis.

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