Antigua and Barbuda Parliament passes resolution to compulsorily acquire Cancer Centre of the Eastern Caribbean

Sir Molwyn

Parliament voted 9 votes to 5 earlier today on a motion to compulsorily acquire the Cancer Centre of the Eastern Caribbean.

Parliament’s Lower House has passed a resolution allowing the Government to acquire the Cancer Centre to ensure vital treatment can be restored to Antiguans and Barbudans.

Health Minister, Hon. Sir Molwyn Joseph made the announcement during Thursday’s sitting; after the owner pulled the plug on the operation as of April 30.

The resolution was passed after a seven-day notice from the Government to the owner Dr Conville Brown expired, without a response on his plan of action to address the situation.

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  1. Notice Mr Pringle pausing alot today in Parliament, obviously he is listening to someone with his earpiece feeding him his puppet lines.

  2. When will the Gaston Browne administration push for the illegal printing of Antigua and Barbuda passports case to be called 🇦🇬 When will the Gaston Browne administration push for the illegal printing of Antigua and Barbuda passports case to be called 🇦🇬

    The government get something that they didn’t want for again

  3. When has this Gaston Browne led ALP administration cared about Antiguans and Barbudans? They don’t give a damn about people and there is something rotten afoot. Rumor has it a government minister and a “pastor” have dibs on this. Another money making scheme exploiting poor people’s misery. Nothing these idiots do is above ground. Just corruption, skulduggery and lies. What’s new?

  4. We are walking a fine line with this motion to compulsory acquire the Cancer Center. Whilst I think that having the center in Antigua is good for the citizens, I am of the view that much better arrangements and solution could have been entered into with the owners instead of going that route. Government could be in for a court battle to go this route. It also sends a daunting message to private investors that at anytime, government can decide that any private entity is required for public good and acquire it, much of which happens in Communist countries. I am sure that with some effort, that the government in conjunction with the owner of the center, could find a bonifide medical group to continue the operation of the center.

  5. Why malwyn Joseph always have that smug, grin on his face, like he posing for gq magazine?
    And that he looks so handsome and fully of himself?
    Maybe he wants to be a senior citizen model?
    For Americas next top model tv show?
    Maybe he looking for a Hollywood agent, or someone famous to spot him and offer him a contract?
    Ps. U don’t take nothing with you..
    None of us do..
    Sad. Mr representative!

  6. Talking nonsense. We’re all aware ablp don’t give a rats @$$ about its citizens. Guaranteed they’re cooking up some enrichment scheme because they don’t do nothing unless something in it for their personal pockets. Shame, shame, Shane. Simeb9dy tell that ole yard fill he ain’t no rooster no mo. Go polish yuh teeth and head. Cliwns.

  7. When will the Opposition learn that you do not oppose for opposing sake. You know anyway that the Ayes have it. So, protest on things that you stand on principles. We had the same thing when the Labour Party acquired the Half Moon Bay Property. They opposed compulsory acquisition and said how bad it would be for the country. When they won the election they reversed the decision, only to acquire it compulsory again a year or more later. And the worse thing is they sat on the property not able to sell it and raked up interest almost to the same amount of the principal amount. And guess who had to pay it back. And is still paying back. The very same Gaston Browne they so like to hate and bad talk every change they get. One day we will find out what this personal hatred is all about. Because this has nothing to do with politics. It’s pure hate for the man.

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