Antigua and Barbuda High Commission UK Engages in Productive Talks with Singapore’s Transport Envoy


The Antigua and Barbuda High Commission UK recently held a productive meeting with Bernard Lim, Special Envoy of the Minister of Transport of Singapore and Senior Director (International Relations and Security) at the Ministry of Transport of Singapore.

This meeting, marked by a commitment to international cooperation, addressed critical matters pertaining to transportation and security.

The High Commission expressed deep appreciation for Mr. Lim’s insights and expertise, recognizing their vital role in shaping future collaborations and initiatives.

The focus remains on fostering robust partnerships with Singapore to enhance global transportation safety, efficiency, and sustainability.


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  1. One of Antiguas most productive diplomate at work again. Keep doing an excellent job for your country Ms. Karen-Mae C Hill
    Somehow the editor never mentioned your name in the article. Guess he forgot your name. While those members from Singapore all have a name. I guess new standard in journalism

  2. Glad to see Antigua and Barbuda focusing on “fostering robust partnerships with Singapore to enhance global transportation safety, efficiency, and sustainability”.

    While we are at it, look into how they can teach us how to overhaul/reform our ‘entire education system’. There’s much we can learn from the way they were able to turn about their own challenges decades ago, to bring Singapore to the forefront as MODELS OF EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE, GLOBAL FINANCIAL STRENGTH, and LEADERSHIP WITH INTEGRITY.

    Which brings me to the next area where they can help Antigua and Barbuda: ‘eradicate corruption’, (not minimize or reduce it – eradicate it, stamp it out) in the country as a whole. We will have to start with the elected and selected members of government, ALL the public sector employees, include those who are employed by the Statutory Bodies and other State Owned Enterprises. It’ll naturally trickle down into the private sector as well.
    DRAFT, PERFECT and PASS LEGISLATION aimed at making this a PRIORITY, show the world that we are serious about cleaning up the country!

    Speaking of cleaning up the country – that’s another thing we can learn from Singapore! Get really serious about littering, illegal dumping and waste collection and management.
    Here’s a surefire REVENUE GENERATOR – BIG FINES for littering! Mr. Commissioner of Inland Revenue and Mr. Accountant General, or whoever collects revenue for the government: WANT TO INCREASE REVENUES, get Mr. Legislator, to strengthen the laws against littering, INCREASE THE FINES, THEN ENFORCE THE LAWS, and put systems in place, such as hidden cameras, more wardens that are truly empowered and motivated to carry out their duties, so that perpetrators can be identified and prosecuted. That could be a direct revenue stream for NSWMA, to help to address their current challenges.
    I really don’t like to paint with a broad brush, but I find generally that, people living in this country have displayed an abominable level of ‘nastiness’! Littering is pervasive and in spite of the fact that we have laws and litter wardens in place to address this problem, much like everything else – ‘fren and comp’ny’ rule and nobody pays anything! Meanwhile, the place is filthy, particularly in the countrysides as persons seemingly have no qualms about dumping truckloads of garbage into side areas which are off main roads, or pitching their garbage from their vehicles as they drive.

    Yes please, DO foster relationship with Singapore, really work at it, broaden it so that Antigua and Barbuda can have the benefit of learning from them.
    Maybe, just maybe, then we can really get on our way to becoming an ‘economic powerhouse’! 🤞🏻

  3. Singapore is a hierarchical culture, so the boss is considered to be superior to their subordinates. Subordinates do not ask their boss questions, as it would indicate that the boss had not done a good job of explaining what was necessary. Subordinates will canvass other workers and come to a group consensus on what should be done and how it should be accomplished.

    There is also a darker side to the Singapore story, however. The island-nation’s prosperity came at the cost of a rather authoritarian style of government that sometimes infringed on civil liberties.

    This was the leadership style of Lee Kuan Yew

    I hear people always praise authoritarian leaders when things are going well. Like Fidel Castro. But the flip side is, would we want to ever live in a country that is run by an authoritarian? I doubt it. And certainly not me.

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