Antigua and Barbuda confirmed as host of 55th OAS General Assembly

Sir Ron

The Organization of American States (OAS) today voted by acclamation to hold its 55th General Assembly in Antigua and Barbuda.   

The decision was taken by at the current General Assembly meeting in Asuncion, Paraguay.

Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the OAS, Sir Ronald Sanders, who presented the offer said that “The agreement by acclamation to hold the 55th General Assembly of the OAS in Antigua and Barbuda is a testimony to the confidence of the leadership, government and people of Antigua and Barbuda”.

“We are proud and pleased by the honour done to us by the enthusiastic response of all the OAS member states that the general assembly should be held in Antigua and Barbuda”

Below is the statement made by Ambassador Sanders offering Antigua and Barbuda as the host country.

Statement by Sir Ronald Sanders, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda

to the Organization of American States

on 28 June 2024 in Asuncion, Paraguay

Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Heads of Delegations and friends.

On behalf of Prime Minister Gaston Browne and the people of Antigua and Barbuda, I am delighted to extend a warm and heartfelt invitation to host the 55th Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States in the allure of our islands in June next year.

Our deep regard for the OAS is rooted in our commitment to its principles of freedom, equity, and justice.

These values guide our collective efforts, from combating organized crime and advancing women’s rights to protecting the most vulnerable in our communities and safeguarding the integrity of our democratic processes

It has been 22 years since the OAS General Assembly graced the Caribbean, and we believe it is time to bring this gathering back to our region, to a place where the warmth of our community reflects the spirit of our cooperation.

Our recent success, hosting the 4th UN Conference on Small Island Developing States, with over 5,000 delegates, highlights our ability to bring leaders together, in a setting that inspires dialogue and strengthens partnerships.

We invite you to experience Antigua and Barbuda—not just as a venue, but as a home where the spirit of unity and the joy of collaboration are part of the very air we breathe.

With your permission, Mr. Chairman, please allow the Secretariat to present a brief video that captures the vibrant and inviting spirit of our islands.


Mr. Chairman, distinguished colleagues, Antigua and Barbuda is not merely prepared; we are eager to welcome each of you.

To host the 55th Regular Session of the General Assembly is to celebrate our shared aspirations and achievements in a setting that promises not only productive discussions, but also unforgettable experiences.

It is with a sense of great anticipation,  hopeful that you will join us, once again, in making history in the Caribbean, that I propose the adoption of the following resolution:


            TAKING INTO ACCOUNT Articles 43 and 44 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly relating to the holding of regular sessions of the General Assembly and the determination of the date and place for those sessions; and


            That the General Assembly of the Organization of American States shall hold a regular session each year, preferably during the second quarter; and

            That the government of Antigua and Barbuda, by note AG/CP/INF. 818/24, has offered to host the fifty-fifth regular session of the General Assembly, which is to be held in 2025, as a reaffirmation of its commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the Organization of American States and as a demonstration of its firm resolve to continue participating actively in strengthening the Organization,


            To determine that the fifty-fifth regular session of the General Assembly be held in Antigua and Barbuda on a date to be determined later within the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Guatemala seconded the motion for the resolution to be adopted by acclamation at which point the Assembly burst into applause, and the Chair of the Assembly, the Foreign Minister of Paraguay declared Antigua and Barbuda as the host of the 55th OAS General Assembly by acclamation.

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  1. More praises and kudos to this Prime Minister who keeps demonstrating to us that he is not just the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda but he is also the World Boss. respected by many abroad Internationally. I guess the haters will find something bad to say. But we will pay them no mind at all.
    Let them take that in their nenen.

  2. We are in a roll with these conferences. The world
    recently got a taste of our hospitality and beautiful island, it made the approval seamless in our country’s favour. We’ve done it, we’ll do it again, with even more exuberance.
    Cheers to Antigua and Barbuda.
    The world is watching…

  3. Yeehaw, more talks about talks.

    Great news for the destitute, the homeless and the hungry in Antigua & Barbuda, unless people like Sir Ronald Saunders can highlight the BENEFITS of the OAS General Assembly.

    However, I could be wrong … yeehaw!!!

  4. @@Brixtonian:

    You usually are…Being wrong is not foreign to you. Sir back and watch how it is done, sir. Movements will happen despite your discouraging responses. Stay on the sidelines and observe.

  5. I love this that Antigua is hosting these conference meetings like SIDS and now this, but it smell fishy, I wonder if it’s just the white brotherhood supporting each other at this critical juncture of getting virgin lands in Barbuda, so they will use their markets to prop up the politicians in power at the time, they prompt up ruto of Kenya to do an IMF deal to give away lands to American companies but the youth lashed out at him and he is on his way out, presently in south Africa the white monopoly capital has been fluctuating the rand currency to have certain efficacy of political outcome there by having white apartheid rule return with threat to destroy the rand if any black left wing politicians attain executive power, what we are seeing in Antigua is the white monopoly capital domination markets at play to sure up Gaston to get Barbuda lands, and if the upp goes in it can be different but all black leaders are more centrist because of how our head is condition towards white people by this white Jesus project, that’s how they controlled our old parents back then, but it’s wearing off of the youths who knows the truth, the markets of white supremacists is at play in antigua for Barbuda lands here supporting their white colleagues, the apartheid Oppenheimer family even gave loan to Gaston For airport and could be financing Barbuda which was to be a escape location for white racist south African because pending election in south Africa showed the EFF and Julius malema might come to power to demand land expropriation without compensation, so the white people had Barbuda as their next plan, they will let go monies in Barbuda through prostitution and drugs to control the populace and even the politicians, as you can see Arthur nibbs and Trevor walker seem to be onboard because the aspirations of the people are passified by these two or else it would be bloodshed, I am no little black fool for these white people because antigua don’t have the road infrastructure or conference center for that level of meetings, the other day they had to build a small place for SIDS conference, places like Bahamas, st Thomas or st croix or Guadeloupe have proper road and infrastructure, I love my country but we have to learn international politics and it’s manipulation of political executive power. Meanwhile hooray for the travel influx and hotel spin-off from this pending meeting even though the hotels are foreign owned and so the monies will stay right in the USA or the white banks, something is fishy, and lands is the case on Barbuda.

  6. @ Dave Ray, maybe you yourself could enlighten everyone of the benefits – as I mentioned in my earlier post – how the OAS General Assembly will help the destitute, homeless and the hungry?

    I look forward to your unbalanced retort …

    🦗🦗 🦗 🦗

    Don’t let me down again, I recall you hiding yourself away when I put you in your place regarding unitarianism. 😁

  7. Lol@@Brixtonian:
    I never hide myself from any discussion, sir. I have very thick skin. At times, these news portal delete the previous articles in the their changing of encryption on a regular basis.
    The OAS General Assembly being hosted in our country gives us visibility and relevance on the world stage.

    When developed countries have first hand experience of any developing country and its challenges blended with its hospitality, they are usually more amenable to assisting when approached.
    The other main purpose is to drive foot traffic to our tourism product. It gives people a reason and a finite structure to make airlift viable for at least that time period, furthering the possibilities of making our country an option for future vacation or investments.
    Many taxi services, hoteliers, restaurateurs, bed & breakfast outfits, local vendors will all benefit from the arrival of thousands of delegates embarking at our port of entry, then released into the community.

    So, you have time to set up shop to be ready for their arrival.
    Only positives can derived from any conference coming to our country.

  8. Lol@@Brixtonian:
    I never hide myself from any discussion, sir. I have very thick skin. At times, these news portals delete their previous articles in the their quest to the changing of encryption on a regular basis.

    The OAS General Assembly being hosted in our country gives us visibility and relevance on the world stage.

    When developed countries have first hand experience of any developing country and its challenges blended with its hospitality, they are usually more amenable to assisting in many ways to benefit our economy and growth when approached.

    The other main purpose is to drive foot traffic to our tourism product. It gives people a reason and a finite structure to make airlift viable for at least that time period, furthering the possibilities of making our country an option for future vacation or investments.

    Many taxi services, hoteliers, restaurateurs, bed & breakfast outfits, local vendors will all benefit from the arrival of thousands of delegates embarking at our port of entry, then released into the community.

    So, you have time to set up shop to be ready for their arrival.
    Only positives can derived from any conference coming to our country.

  9. Nice.
    Now those who travel for the piem, will get one piem less
    Those who do not get selected to travel on government business, will get an opportunity to witness a general assembly

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