Antigua and Barbuda commits to sending ABDF personnel to Haiti

Prime Minister Browne with some of his CARICOM colleagues and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau following discussions on Haiti on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in New York

Antigua and Barbuda is among three Caribbean states that have pledged to send military personnel to Haiti as part of efforts to restore law and order in that strife-torn Caribbean country.


Prime Minister Gaston Browne who spoke about the matter on Monday, however stated that there was no determination at this point on how many members of the Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force (ABDF) will be dispatched to Haiti.  There is no set date for the soldiers’ departure.

Last Friday on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Prime Minister Browne joined his CARICOM colleagues in participating in discussions held by the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti.

The meeting provided a platform for high-level discussions on strategies to support Haiti in its path toward stability, prosperity, and effective governance.  Leaders from the Caribbean region came together to exchange ideas, share insights, and reaffirm their collective dedication to fostering positive change in Haiti.

Discussions were also held on a proposal for a Kenyan-led multinational  force to restore security to Haiti with contributions from interested parties to include the United States, Canada and other members of the United Nations family.

Other than Kenya, which would head the operation, Jamaica, and the Bahamas, have pledged to deploy personnel.

As recent as last Friday when he addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, PM Browne noted that the recent mission by the CARICOM Eminent Persons Group, seeking a resolution to Haiti’s political deadlock, voiced deep concerns over the rising dominance of gangs and the ensuing human rights crisis.

“The immediate imperatives are clear: An urgent, comprehensive, coordinated intervention is required; that will concurrently restore governance, security, and the rule of law while resolving the humanitarian needs.

“The CARICOM Eminent persons strongly recommended that a broad-based transitional government is the linchpin for effective governance. It is our aspiration that this proposed representative transitional government materialises, to provide the necessary leadership that is required; with external assistance to restore order and bring lasting peace and prosperity to the Haitian people,” he stated.

Antigua and Barbuda, the prime minister emphasized, stands resolutely in solidarity with the Haitian people.

“In this regard, I reaffirm my government’s pledge to collaborate with all Haitian stakeholders, and with the international community, in the efforts to reinstate the rule of law, restoring democracy, and assisting with security and humanitarian relief,” he reiterated.

The people of Haiti deserve no less, according to the prime minister in his United Nations General Assembly address.





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  1. We strongly condemn the actions of the Haitian government. Antigua and Barbuda is wide open for those poor haitians who fear for their lives every day. Come and seek safety within our shores and we will look after you, there are plenty of jobs that these lazy Antiguans don’t want to do !

    • Hey… do you feel good disparaging Antiguans and making sarcastic statements that mock Haitians in crisis, you low-life?

      Why the fuk. don’t you call on the white nations, such as Canada, France, or U.S., to give back the gold and money stolen from Haiti? You wouldn’t; you’re an empty vessel full of ignorant noise…

  2. I can bet your bottom – EC – Dollar that our Prime Minister didn’t speak to the Canadian President Trudeau in the strongest terms about the ongoing Visa restrictions on Antiguan nationals (especially for those who regularly travel on business).

    If Gaston Browne reacted to Trudeau with the same VIGOR and STUBBORNNESS as he does with UPP ministerial officials; autochthonous Antiguans; the TWO airline fiascos; and wage restraints, Antigua & Barbuda’s Visa restrictions with Canada would have been lifted ‘YESTERDAY’!

    Why doe Prime Minister Browne continually directs his IRE and RETICENCE in the wrong areas?

      • Furthermore, Gaston Browne should DISASSOCIATE himself from Justin Trudeau.

        The Canadian government recently presented a former German wwll soldier who FOUGHT against the ALLIES, and was given a standing ovation by the Canadian House of Parliament.

        You couldn’t make this stuff up folks!

        Proof perfect that Prime Minister Browne doesn’t have any GOOD political advisors around him at all. Tarl!

  3. Why? Why now? When you were the Chairman of Caricom…you did nothing. Now you want to parade and pappy show yourself with a commitment of Antiguan and Barbudan soldiers to Haiti to quell the violence and bring about a peaceful existence for its people.

    You, Gaston Alphonso Browne aka “Stone Brain” had the power to galvanize your Caricom members and wider countries to get the country of Haiti stabilize. You dropped the ball. You couldn’t even go to the country in your capacity as Caricom Chairman. Which by the way is a member of Caricom.

    You just FRAID… YOU HAVE NO INTESTINAL FORTITUDE, you lack empathy for the Haitian people.

    I will say. They are very resilient and hard working people. You and your foreign minister up in NYC shaking and greeting scoundrels from the Dominican Republic. Who, by the way. Close their border with a Haiti. They stripped citizenship from Haitians living in thier country. It’s a damn shame that you in and you out cohorts are in a position to bring meaningful full change to a nation of people to be portrayed as gangsters, law breakers, hoodlums and assassins.

    They are black like you. Please remember the DOMINICANS NO LUB YOU. They think the white. Read their history. Then you will find out not one person in the DR considers themselves BLACK!!!NEGRO!!!

  4. Mr. PM, take care of Antiguans first.
    How can you in right mind send our forces to Haiti to fight crime when our beautiful Island is infested with, rapist, theifs & murders?
    Your people are afraid to drive or walk in the day or night for fear of being stopped, robbed, beaten, raped.
    What are you doing with our tax dollars? ABLP
    traveling all over the world spending our money and bringing nothing of value back but empty promises.
    I’ve tried really hard to like you, but I just can’t get pass your arrogance and greed. You’ve taught your MP, etc. to get rich at any cost. Well Mr. PM they have done just that, in the process of enriching themselves they hurt a lot of Antiguans.

  5. I cannot believe that Gaston is actually going to waste tax payer money and risk the lives of our soldiers to fight crime in Haiti meanwhile resources are needed here at home.

    This is a dumb move.

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