Only moderate increases to wages and salaries for those negotiating with Government of Antigua



The Minister of Health reported that negotiations with the Nurses Association is close to completion.

The successes with the ABUT formed the basis for the conclusion of the negotiations.

Negotiations with several other unions, whose membership numbers are smaller, will soon commence.

However, the Cabinet has reiterated its assertion of a few weeks ago; as the largest employer, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda can provide only moderate increases to wages and salaries, without requiring an increase in taxes to meet growth in expenditure.

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  1. What exactly is “moderate?” I don’t trust anything these clowns say. UPP, with a whole lot less, gave seniors a raise worthy of commendations( seniors are overdue another increase) police, teachers and civil servants overall shared in the increases. This administration has collected more money than any other in the history of Antigua and Barbuda and he has done absolutely nothing for poor people. Anytime people ask for salary adjustments he blames UPP, Covid-19 or anything else except his gross mismanagement of our finances. We had an opportunity to rid ourselves of this and missed the chance because of greedy, selfish people.

  2. No worries we will work as we have been payed… the public will have more news to post on social media

  3. Why does the public have to jump through hoops for their own money? Isn’t tax public money they say they collect for betterment of the people? Who manages the money?

    This maths ain’t sound like someone actually counting …sounds like funds aren’t counted correctly

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