Ambassador Calvin Ayre Moving Ahead With Nikki Beach, PM says

Ambassador Calvin Ayre/Photo Ayre Group

Prime Minister Gaston Browne announced a major development for the Nikki Beach property at Jolly Beach, spearheaded by Ambassador Calvin Ayre.

He says the project will commence soon.

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  1. Gaston Browne, all you seem to want to bring here is hotels. My God, man,are you so dumb? Didn’t covid teach you anything? We need to feed ourselves and reduce the importation of goods we can produce here.
    Anyway, after thirty odd failed projects any rational individual would find other projects to pursue, but you just continue the failing trend and empty promises.
    We just need to remove you from your vaulted position and evaluate your stewardship by investigating why our country is leaking billions of dollars before we are beyond salvage.

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