All Level 4 Students Will Be In One Place, Clare Hall Secondary School


Director of Education Highlights Support for Underperforming Students (Video Below)

Director of Education Clare Browne expressed both celebration and concern while addressing the results of the Grade 6 National Assessment.

Browne emphasized the importance of recognizing students who have performed well, while also stressing the need to support those who did not meet the expected standards.

“We celebrate and rejoice with those who have done well and achieved acceptable grades,” Browne stated.

“However, our education system prioritizes the success of every learner, and we must pay particular attention to those students who are not performing as well.”

Browne highlighted that 12% of students fall into the Level Four category, indicating scores of less than 100 out of a possible 400 across the four core exams. To address this, a new initiative will be implemented to provide targeted support for these students.

“We cannot spread these students around, as they may fall between the cracks. Instead, we are placing them all in one location, the Clare Hall Secondary School. They will form one class and receive focused attention from three dedicated teachers,” Browne explained. The teachers will specialize in literacy, numeracy, and a combination of math and science, ensuring comprehensive support for these students.

In addition to core subjects, the students will participate in technical vocational subjects with the rest of the school.

“We will emphasize literacy as the building block for everything else, along with numeracy and some science and social studies,” Browne added.

Browne underscored the importance of ongoing assessments in the education system.

“At grades two and four, we conduct assessments annually to monitor student performance. Detailed reports are generated to help teachers identify weaknesses and focus their efforts on areas needing improvement.”

Capacity building for teachers is also a priority. Training programs are geared towards addressing weak areas identified in the assessments, ensuring teachers are better prepared to support their students.

Browne acknowledged the challenges faced in improving the education system.

“While technology has created a world of instant solutions, education does not work this way. There is no quick fix. We must ensure we do things for the long haul, and the results will come in due time.”

Browne emphasized the commitment to universal secondary education and the importance of targeted interventions for underperforming students. “Every student deserves the opportunity to succeed, and we are dedicated to providing the necessary support to make that happen,” Browne affirmed.

Watch his remarks in full in this video below:

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  1. .need more teachers do the classes can be smaller for quality attention to be given to each student.

  2. This is cute fix for now, but there is a teacher shortage, the classes are huge and teachers are burnt out. Let’s start the fix right.

  3. Clare hall school is not equipped to teach level 3 much less level 4 students. And this is first hand experience… Teacher find it hard to put in the work and sit with students. The more bring them down and call them out of character than anything.

  4. CHSS just happen to have some of the most dedicated educators that I’ve met. I had the opportunity to interact with many of them on last visit to Antigua in May over a three day period.

    They take the students welfare quite personally. The relationship between the students and the teachers, even the principal, was evidently noticeable as observed the many of the discourses.

    I’m convinced that with the support of the ministry, the teachers will be equipped with the tools needed to harness the skillset of each student.

    CHSS is my alma mater. So I make it by duty to support them whenever I’m called.

  5. Parent

    CHSS has been making significant progress for the past ten years. This is a good initiative to assist our children who are slow learners; however it is important that CHSS gets the support from the Ministry of Education throughout the academic year and the need to put something in place to hold the parents accountable to support their own children. We must remember also TEACHERS are parents and husband/wife also. They cannot be putting in 90% while parents don’t support. My child is a proud product of CHSS and my family is greatful for people like Teacher Brookes, Mr. Scott, Mr. Azille , Ms. Bento, Susan Jarvis and I can continue the list

  6. Looks like another knee jerk reaction from these people.
    Did they consult the level 4 teachers? What are the other level 4 teachers in the other schools to do? How big is level 4 class this year?
    Look,the ministry of education is just defunct. Full of people with no original thought, just there to keep up appearances.
    Education is gone the people making decisions are clueless.

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