Cabinet Notes: At the moment, 12 active cases are being treated, one at the refurbished Center for Disease Control at the old Holberton Hospital. 277 are self-quarantined and 15 are quarantined in a Government-run center.
3,260 persons have been tested and 122 were confirmed positive. 107 have recovered and 3, unfortunately, have died. The record has been remarkable, the Minister declared.
In March, 7 persons tested positive; in April, 18 tested positive; in May, 1 person tested positive; in June, 44 tested positive (21 returning nationals from Santo Domingo, and 19 on an American Airlines flight); in July, 22 persons tested positive; in August, 3 positives; in September, 12 were positive; in October thus far, 15 (all domestic) tested positive.
The Minister called on everyone in Antigua and Barbuda to be vigilant in protecting self, including wearing a mask, practicing safe social-distancing, and sanitizing hands and face often. Too many people, he asserts, are relaxing their guard at a time when the likelihood of infection is greater than ever.
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But all of those cases came from outside or contacts with someone coming from outside.
Community spread cause by lying leaders saying they test the travellers, tourist mingle with locals and locals go to their families. The virus is imported!the African snails are imported!, Cuban frogs!, The iguana.! They were not here all the time. The way they give the news its like the community is the major problem, whereas proper screening should be done on the entrance. I dont believe it is being done properly. Them very lie . What trigger them to do the test of those individuals? Are they displaying signs and symptoms? When the borders was closed they were very reluctant to do testing , all of a sudden, they are testing. A family that live on a 100 acre farm dont come to town dont mingle with no one, the health authorities decide to test them, they find covid. How comes? Those kits must be contaminated! As we approach the winter season ,people will get sick more blame is going to place on covid. If covid was like man many people with get sue.
Let me shake your hand!
Full 100%
How come een?
to prematurely open the borders and let in thousands and thousands of tourists and not test or quarantine them
Now COVID is popping up everywhere in Antigua
And they still can’t tell the truth.
COVID is not endemic to Antigua so therefore these cases are coming from outsiders and spreading in the community. This has been going on a long time. Stop lying.
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