All Chinese Workers Who Arrived In Antigua Are In Quarantine -Greene


Antigua News Room

Foreign Affairs Minister Paul Chet Greene says the mass hysteria which followed the arrival of 163 Chinese workers here yesterday is unjustified.

The passengers will be working with the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) which is building its headquarters in Antigua.

Greene said 15 of the workers were in transit to Dominica.

He is assuring the public that all the passengers on the China Eastern Charter presented negative PCR COVID-19 tests and all of them are in quarantine. Greene did not disclose the location.

He said they will remain there for 14 days before they can proceed to work.

The Foreign Affairs Minister said the Antigua and Barbuda Government will not compromise the safety of residents.


Greene explained that a charter was used instead of a commercial flight to keep the passengers in a safety bubble.

According to him, Chinese workers have been coming to Antigua for years to build various projects including the airport and stadium.



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  1. Wow! So they walked with all ALL of their workers… will any Antiguans benefit from this project? Will there be any employment for our architects/carpenters/welders/construction workers ???

    Anything at all??

    These Chinese will come in, work! All live together.. cook their own soup.. and will contribute not a thing to the country… in the end I’m sure they will get Antiguan citizenship or become nationals .. I’m sure that was a part of the deal…

    Either way… most governments try to secure some benefit to their citizens in some way when giving other countries the benefit of setting up shop.. they should be forced to make 50% of their workforce Antiguans in order to set up shop here.

    That’s how the government can look out for us, but Instead I’m sure There was some nice personal financial benefit handed out to certain ministers of government .. so out the window goes the people of Antigua… smh

    • As you say, the Chinese are not here to benefit the working class / skilled working class of Antigua. To fly an entire labour force from their home country should speak for itself.
      As a nation the Chinese are incredibly smart and tactical at conquering one step at a time.

    • Hey there, we all know you’re just using satire… You do know the workers are not allowed to leave their compound and will be sent back once the projects are done right? They’re buying supplies and materials from my shop every week so I’m sure they’re benefiting our economy. Good job being a troll Jeanie!!!

  2. Word. Black ppl will always sell out each other for vanity… never present a united front so all benefit… It’s all about me

  3. At a time of high unemployment in Antigua, the government is allowing all these Chinese to enter the country. Antiguan people, you have a government that cares nothing about you. Remember this at election time. Those Chinese won’t leave Antigua.

    • You are right … they are not going to leave .. we have so many Chinese now because I. Their agreement with Antigua, we have to give the Chinese citizenship

    • It was an exchange of workers….. 163 Chinese left on the plane while 156 workers came to exchange those that gone

  4. Were all these positions advertised locally to comply with the government’s new law about work permits?

    • They pay their monies to come here, so they are guaranteed work, unlike our Caribbean nationals who “bang wata come ya”. Wether you became Antiguan by your parents who got here by the slave trade or fig leaf via the Caribbean sea, if ya black you getting the “nigga” portion.

  5. I am from Antigua to be exact.When I left Antigua.There were some of the best builders around.We had some great tradesmen in Antigua.Now in 2020.Where have all those great trades people gone.If the country did get a loan from China to do a particular project.Why the Chinese have to come into Antigua and do it.Then we have to pay back that loan.While our construction workers are sitting on the sidelines and breadlines.Are the Chinese demanding.That their people must do the projects.Is it because they do not trust us with their loan monies.That the Administration would get the money and spend it on something not contracted to be done.

  6. How does Chinese workers contribute to the economy and local workforce? In this time of covid, no other country is allowing Chinese to enter to live, work, or do business. Bringing a large workforce into a country only stagnate and undermine the growth of the local economy. The Antiguan workforce and citizens should benefit first from all projects in the country. Its been proven that outsiders don’t bring stability and growth to the country or strengthin the local government. The Chinese are being expelled and deported from Africa for their indifference to the native residents. I hope the Antiguan government invest in an aculturalization/sensitivity training to these people and not grant them citizenship. 😥

  7. What is happening now is exactly what happened during slavery.

    These workers are all exempt from statutory deductions…

    Did the ministry of health approve the quarantine housing?

  8. It is too late. The damage has already been done. While we were busy shopping at the Chinese stores and buying their cheap goods, they were busy pushing us aside with the help of our politicians. Centuries later we have forgotten the sting of the massa’s whip. The house slaves are making sure they stay inside and the others outside by trying to look like the massa and carrying news to him about his brother in the hot sun in the fields.

    • When children get and get without work for shit, they become spoilt, ungrateful and entitled little brats. That’s what these generations if leaders are. All the blood, sweat and hard work our forefathers give-for us to have a voice and a choice we selfish people put vultures in leadership and governance over our livelihood. The government is a reflection of the minds of the people. Now let’s use our voices to make a choice, party or country!

  9. China’s world view is becoming the world’s undisputed super power. They are well on the way to achcieving that with the neo-colonial control they are slowly building over countries like Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean and other areas around the world. Clearly, we are not against relationships and investments from countries from all over the world. However, relationships and investments should not be at the expense of our sovereignty and national character. These two fundamental factors must be protected at all cost.

    • We are a country not a household of husband and wife, which means we don’t have to have a monogamous relationship with China. How about having relations and investment with other countries.🤔🧐

  10. When children get and get without work for shit, they become spoilt, ungrateful and entitled little brats. That’s what these generations if leaders are. All the blood, sweat and hard work our forefathers give-for us to have a voice and a choice we selfish people put vultures in leadership and governance over our livelihood. The government is a reflection of the minds of the people. Now let’s use our voices to make a choice, party or country!

  11. We have a man running this country that I believe is missing some of his marbles. It is not country first, but what is in it for me.
    Why do you think the Chinese are moving into all these black countries, corrupt and Incompetent black leaders allow them in. They are certainly trying to control all the natural resources in Africa.
    The Chinese motto is world domination. Don’t think for one moment they like black people. I know, I deal with them. Continue along this path and we will be their slaves. Think of the treatment they afford the Muslim minority in China.
    I read an article on YouTube that stated the Chinese are trafficking in human organs? Hope this is not true for black People’s sake.

  12. Do we have the capacity to check all these Chinese for Covid-19?
    If there is a huge outbreak in Antigua, we will know the source.

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