Alex Feng Denied Bail


Bail has been denied for Tianzhao Alex Feng, the Chinese born man charged with arson of the XPZ Supermarket.

Magistrate Conliffe Clarke denied bail to Tianzhao Feng, who appeared in the Magistrates Court on an arson charge moments ago.


Police allege the Chinese national deliberately started the fire that destroyed XPZ Supermarket last week.


The defendant, who was unrepresented and spoke through a translator, said he was unsure if he could find any Antiguans & Barbudans to stand as sureties for his bail.


Prosecutors had earlier objected to bail, deeming the defendant a flight risk.


They also said there were discrepancies concerning his Immigration status in the country.


Magistrate Clarke will revisit the bail issue on June 23 in the presence of Immigration officials.


The court will begin committal proceedings on the arson charge on September 29.

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  1. Local Inmates: Yo Chiney Man!! wah mek ya bun dung XPZ??

    Feng: Cause dey no wan Feng have Black woman..Dey wan control Feng life…..Feng lose it and now Feng here

  2. Flight risk to where? Really, back to China he can afford 10k ticket?

    Alex is trending as infamous.

    Wow much support

  3. Alex is a flight risk? Mehul Choksi was a flight risk from Antigua. He was then allegedly kidnapped to Dominica. How could it be determined that Alex is a flight risk. Is he going to escape on a dagger log. Or perhaps in the belly of a whale.

  4. With all the male Officers in the Police Force, why put female officer to export him suppose just as how he lost his head and burn XPZ he loose his head and put two karate on the Officer. They should put Glenroy Weekes and Alex in the same cell. They are both there because of Chine fire and Chine 💰. What a SOAP OPERA in Antigua.

  5. A lot of people from your community in prison because they talked back to a police office or had a little bit of weed. No free talk. However, a little Chinese bombohole who was sent here to assist in extracting the economics from you community got himself on the wrong side of the law and you christian minded descendent of slaves talking bout free Alex. GTFOH.

  6. Yes, free Alex and lock up the bullies. Antigua love Alex. He has won our hearts. Set him FREE!!

  7. @insurgent you sound like a bitter f in foreigner. Why you do not mind your business and leave Antigua matters to Antiguans…….now you GTFOH…..BTW we are descendents of slaves but you are still a slave. This is why r u lub run lef r u country a look better life here in Antigua.

  8. This has #Indenture #servitude someplace, in this pepperpot.

    A…we know, that for the most part, due to clams of language barrier, Chinese only hire Chinese, yes some others too, but mostly Chinese!
    The question can be asked, can some of these workers be classified, categorized as Indentured Servants? As in work for visa, to possible citizenship.
    And, fram de lukkah tings, Alex a get wife to phuck no rass soon! Dem might even pay him legal fees!
    Nun #GoFundAlex@Wadadli a trend yet?
    👀👣dis haffu trend outside a Antigua! Choski done!
    Alex a get wan free honeymoon, dey a Sandals, after party at the PM residence! PM Jtrute residence dem say!

    …Papi! Dis wan yah crazzeee fram ebrie angle to rass! 365 a dem!

  9. This babylonian system a jus oppress poor people ! Dem need fe Jus leggo de man ! Oppression all ova dei likkle island even with the street side pigs dem wah ride bike all day a ticket people and charging people wrongfully !

    Dem waan lock down this man but Mehul Choksi dem lou
    a bare injustice in this place ya !
    When you on murder charge or drug charge or money laundering you get off !
    Me a sen everybody guh plant weed !

  10. The only people the ALP bring into the country are criminals. Deport his behind back to the Chinese labor camps.

    • Right cause UPP did not kiss the Chinese ass and did not give out the millennium passport. The UPP did nothing wrong in their 10 year run right? Or you just blue blind?


    He is a kind person, who was taken advantage of by his own Chinese people.

  12. Antigua-born people love Alex. Prayers are going up everywhere, and the anscestors are working. Lock the bullies up who took advantage of this man. Most people don’t believe he set fire to anything. Much love to Alex. His fan club grows by the hour. Brothers in 1735 please take good care of him and see that he is well treated. The ancestors will reward you. Thank you.

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