12 Air Peace passengers held at Immigration Department Detention Centre, sources confirm


*A dozen ‘Air Peace passengers’ held at Immigration Department Detention Centre, sources confirm*

Following reports that about 12 West Africans were being held by the Immigration Department at its Detention Centre in Coolidge, sources confirmed to REAL News that this was, indeed, the case up to Sunday.

However, they allege that one of the detainees had since been released into the custody of a female, a Guyanese national.

These persons were among the reported 130 passengers on the Air Peace charter that arrived early Saturday night, August 5, from Lagos.

The sources claim the authorities suspected that some Ghananians in the group had acquired Cameroonian passports – for the ultimate purpose of seeking asylum – while some with Nigerian passports might have traveled here with plans to migrate.

The sources further allege that close to 200 applicants for E-visas were denied, and, reportedly, some of the detainees did not have visas to enter this country. How they managed to get onto the flight, therefore, is not known.

One official is complaining that, instead of detaining the suspects and sending them back, the impostors rightly should be charged.

Other persons tell our Newsroom that Nigerians already living in Antigua had sent for relatives with the intention of the new arrivals taking up residence here.

However, it is alleged that these persons were advised they could stay only at designated hotel properties – including one owned by a female radio personality and vocal supporter of the prime minister – and must leave on the return flight.

Meanwhile, it was also alleged that the chartered aircraft remains on the ground here and will be departing on Wednesday – instead of Tuesday, as had been announced.

Up to Monday, August 7, there had been no official word on the investment summit. But other media have reported that an Air Peace official said the airline is looking to commence commercial flights between Nigeria and Antigua and Barbuda, and is hoping to attract other investors from the West African nation, especially to opportunities in the tourism sector.

The 16 cultural artistes who arrived on the flight staged a performance at Sunday night’s Soca Monarch Competition – reportedly without many audience members even being aware of who they were and with the online audience being highly critical of of the exhibition.

*A REAL News Report*

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  1. This government always embarrassing us. It’s not only our problem but the Caribbean. You think the other islands want to deal with this shit game the government and Africa playing? Foh

    • This Government hasn’t learn from the fiasco which occur recently, the dust hardly settle and their you gone again inviting more fraudsters and pretenders posing as investors with only one agenda, which is to defraud the state. Why are their so many individuals with bogus documents ? Is this another smuggling operation ? Those Africans could hardly fend for themselves yet alone help some one else. Only a few wks ago a delegation from the continent went to Russia begging for wheat and grain. Come on people forget these imposters else Antigua will be the laughing stock in the region.

  2. What a damn mess!

    And don’t say that the ABLP government and Gaston Browne as well as the Immigration Department wasn’t warned about this. Crazy, and another self-inflicted fiasco!

    We also know that not a one of them will hand in their resignations (though someone should).

    But not to worry my fellow patriotic Antiguans, as I’ve mentioned time and time again, that Gaston Browne’s STUBBORNNESS will eventually lead to his downfall and departure.

    No wonder Charles ‘Max’ Fernandez run gone ah India … maybe, he not so ‘tupid after all (he might even step down earlier than expected after this)!


    • He’s not stubborn alone, wilful too. And he knows quite well that you all will just talk and don’t do a damn thing about it.

      Did it once, what a mess, and doing the same thing again despite all the problems it caused? Why not?

      The man knows his people very well. Bunch of miaows. Especially our hard back men.

      • The electorate had a fantastic opportunity to get rid of this foolish Prime Minister at the General Election back in January, and yet spurned the chance to do so.

        Many of us begged and pleaded for change, but what can autochthonous Antiguans do when illegal immigrants are given the right to vote at election time, and the diaspora with Antiguan passports are flown in to vote and then fly out immediately afterwards @ Stubborn?

        You are correct in what you are saying, because when good people do nothing evil tend to reigns.

  3. We all knew and expected this to happen, all except the self proclaimed brilliant progressive and smartest Prime Minister in the Caribbean aka Worl Boss! Why we continue to go down this rabbit hole is beyond my comprehension at this time….I’m signing up for class in New Politics next week.

  4. On point @Brixtonian
    Where are the comments from the ringmaster and his circus AB government officials? Minister of Tourism?…are you even on island?
    What a bunch of freakin’ clowns…they all need to be run out of government.
    Let’s see how they spin this?
    We’re waiting!

    • Mr prime minister you and all Involved in these trips from africa knows what exactly is carrying on. Yes a lot of these Africans are well educated and have no intention of investment in Antigua ,the are just using here as a transit point to get to the USA🇺🇸 . NOTE the US authorities are observing ,accumulating information and evidence sooner than later we will know who fall in the trap. Over 300 made it to the USA from the first set let see what happen with those came on the 5th and 9th August 2023

  5. These immigration officials need to listen to the reigning calypso monarch, King Young Destroyer, and stop insulting the Prime Minister.
    Just let them through. They are our brothers and sisters

  6. Here We Go Again……. First it was November. Now it’s August. Different months. Different year. But same Quka

  7. Wait tell me something ,are you Antiguan peoy stupid or what . The same fucking thing all the time bring people from Ginnie only those others can’t be trusted time for us to stand up enough is enough I am so damn sick of this people stand upmy god man what next is going to be done😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤧😤😱😡😵😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  8. But didn’t the Prime Minister said that persons arriving here on Air Peace were high end business persons coming here looking for investment opportunities? He also stated anyone else arriving here will be properly screened and vetted. He also said that this will not be a repeat of Antigua Airways saga. So what is happening now? Isn’t it the same thing? This government just will not learn. It’s DEJA VU again. Bunch of comedians!!!!

  9. The owner of Air Peace, Nigeria was indicted in the state of Georgia charged for money laundering and fraud.

  10. Folks, concerned, patriotic citizens insisted through protest actions, for Rodney Williams to call an inquiry into this African saga, and the man proved spineless and compromised. When protest actions are called, most sit on their a$$es and do nothing, but they come on these forums and cry fowl. How pathetic, weak and cowardly most of us are! We should be in the streets insisting that Gaston Browne resign because the list of failures and abuse of the citizens is long. This idiot has been the biggest failure, lauded only by the blood sucking, flip-flopping, traitors. How much more can we take? It wont be long before most countries simply impose rigid restrictions on Antiguans and Barbans.
    The CIP people knew damn well what was going on, but sat and did nothing. Wonder what they have to say now that the UK has taken measures to restrict access? More to come.

    • You mention the Governor General Rodney Williams @ Watching, he must feel like he’s been inveigled by the ABLP and Prime Minister Gaston Browne.

      Surely, after being duped into not calling an enquiry in the first place he must now feel like a fool.

  11. Oh boy the dogs are barking. Oh no they are howling. They cannot take it anymore. Losing an election is so hard. Guys and girls, I feel sorry for you all. You will be bawling out for at least four more years. But then again, Tek that in nah nennen.

    • I’m really surprised you didn’t respond to this news article like you normally do Sidey.

      Are you losing your touch?

      You normally go into much detailed explanations. Hey, I hope your normal musings will return soon boss.

      From one political rival another 😁

  12. @Egbe Justine…then, take your riches and STOP the CIVIL WARS in Africa. Chase the Europeans and Chinese out of Africa. Develop areas of Africa, of which there are many, and leave us to fuck alone. What does Antigua appears to you like a “whore” who needs pimping? We already have our caretakers pimping the people like they’re recruiting for the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.

    Money buys Slaves. Knowledge buys #FREEDOM. Since you have so much money, you can use some of it, to wipe your bloody asshole.

  13. We all know exactly how they got here without proper documents, we all know so well, because it’s a scheme people, it’s a bloody scheme.

    We all know they have their people at the Nigerian Airport just letting them through, fully expecting that our stupid immigration officers will fall for the scheme, why, because they pulled it off before. 😂

    This is just laughable.
    You’ll better wake to hell up to the corruption and just downright buffoonery of this Administration.

    Imagine 4 more years of this craziness.. 🤣😂. It’s not funny, but I just have to laugh.

    • @Islanman26.
      I keep asking why we are being force-fed these Africans all of a sudden and have not got a reply, so I am asking the same question again, can you or anyone help?

  14. Brixtonian- it’s not stubbornness, it is dictatorship. However, I believe there must be something sinister to these flights. One day we will find out – darkness must come to light.

  15. @oversee. It’s a simple answer. These business men from Nigeria have GM in their pockets,that’s why he keep coming up with schemes like these unfruitful flights to try and pay the piper.

    Look at the language, it’s the same frases over and over, that’s how scams works.

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