ABWU Opens Labour Week of Activities with Address by ABWU President, Kem Riley
Brothers and Sisters,
On the occasion of Labour Day each year, we acknowledge and applaud workers for their contribution to nation building. We also recognize their commitment and dedication, as they continue to labour tirelessly to help employers derive profits and to assist the nation in achieving economic growth. As we commence our Labour Day celebrations, we are particularly mindful of the resilience workers have demonstrated during the events of the past two years. In the face of unprecedented risks, you showed bravery! At a time of uncertainty, you remained focused! You kept yourselves and your families safe! You kept your workplaces opened, and you set our nation on the pathway to recovery! We overcame the adversity of the pandemic because of you – the workers!
Sadly, however, employees in this country have not been accorded the dignity and respect that they deserve. Some employers are yet to come to the realization that their employees are more than just a payroll expense. Let it be known that without the commitment and dedication of the workers, a business or organization cannot prosper! It is with this in mind that we call on the government and employers to end all forms of abuse and exploitation of workers, and to commit to providing better wages, better working conditions and more meaningful benefits!
The Antigua and Barbuda Workers’ Union recognizes that the Government of the day has not handled the concerns and grievances raised by employees during the pandemic, with the level of respect required. As you may recall, the Government violated the rights of our working population, by implementing a mandatory vaccination policy, without any consultation with the workers who would have been impacted by this policy. Employees who chose not to be vaccinated were deprived of their income, and their families were submerged into unnecessary financial hardship.
The Government also allowed and encouraged employers to take a high-handed approach in terminating the employment of those who refused to take the vaccine. The Antigua and Barbuda Workers’ Union is urging the government to treat the workers of our country fairly and to compensate those employees who have suffered greatly due to the unjust treatment meted out to them!
Brothers and Sisters, the Gaston Browne administration is yet to demonstrate that the well-being of workers is a priority on its agenda. Instead, this government has been relentless in its attack on
workers and on the Labour Movement. As a result, my Union has developed a 2022 Labour Week Theme which represents the thoughts and convictions of many of the workers in this country. Our theme states: “Workers have NO Confidence in this Government! We deserve better!”

We are therefore calling on all workers, from all sectors, to join with us as we highlight the ills experienced by our working population today. We are also asking that workers stand in solidarity with the Union, to protect the rights and benefits secured by our forefathers and to endeavor to enhance the lives and livelihoods of all workers in this Country.
The Antigua and Barbuda Workers’ Union remains steadfast in the fight for workers, and in the battle to secure a Government that is for the People ― a Government that will respond favourably to issues of workers’ rights.
The Union is ready, willing and able to work along with that Government in establishing a severance protection fund, a livable minimum wage and other social policies for the betterment of workers.
As President of this great institution, and on behalf of the Executive Committee, staff and members of the Antigua and Barbuda Workers’ Union, it is with great honour that I open our Labour Week of Activities, celebrating workers who deserve better for Labour Day 2022 and beyond.
Unity in Diversity
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Known among the ladies as 3.5″
Just so abwu choose any and everyone to be “President”???? Kem you’re right – ride de donkey til u can’t ride no mo 😆 🤣😂😆
George Walter’s turning over in his tomb. Ian Magic Hughes for GG. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
good luck Mr. Rile Up
If you want to be taken seriously and appear credible, dump the pimp-goldchain and pimp-hoop from your ear lobe. This aint the streetz bro. Your pants saggin with boxers visible too?
-When last the people at ABWU got an increase?
-Does your union have a contract with a security company whose workers cant get a pension?
-Which one of the companies that ABWU negotiates for gets 6 month and 3 months sick leave with pay?
-7% over 3 years in Jumby Bay contract for employees?
-Observer workers got ALL their severance yet?
“…the battle to secure a Government that is for the People”
TRANSLATION: abwu will USE workers to try and carry out its POLITICAL AGENDA!
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