There were evident signs last evening that the a protest by ABS staff affected their company’s operation.
There were a number of audio, camera, lighting and production problems as the majority of staff did not perform duties on Thursday morning.
The entire news cast was produced by the managers and supervisors, ANR was told.
Meantime, the ABS protest is expected to go into a second day after staff met with their union yesterday.
They want the physical condition of their environment to be improved, more humane treatment from
However, speaking on ABS last night information minister Melford Nicholas suggested the real reason behind the protest is recent disciplinary action meted out to staff.
He warned them that tardiness on the job will not be tolerated.
“What we will not tolerate is the level of indiscipline and certainly the level of time cheating that has been taking place,” Nicholas said.
The minister disclosed that he will attempt to meet the executives of the Antigua Trades and Labour Union today to try to resolve the issue.
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People you guys doing it wrongly, hit the government when its election
The employees of ABS should be fired. If I left my job like that, my boss would fire me within 5 minutes. Just fire these people and hire new employees – there are many people in Antigua looking for a good job.
But not many with the job description it would be a walk backwards to where they are now
The minister is a BOLD FACE LIAR!
Before meeting with the union, the Minister has already “blamed” the workers?
Seems odd that they would collectively take action and the union would sanction it, without valid reasons. Not buying the minister’s angle.
If this is a feeble attempt by the Minister to side with management, it appears premature and dismissive of the workers’ concerns.
It’s almost 2019, surely we can do better. At least the Minister could have listened first at the meeting, instead of pre-judging the situation and publicly lambasting them.
Good luck trying to resolve it with that approach, Mr Minister.
If the Minister actually said the things in this report publicly, the staff’s protest is justified.
This Minister knows very little about managing people. He might be very capable of carrying out certain functions, but the art of managing people he need to pay attention in Cutie Benjamin and Max Fernandez classes……
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