ABPSA’s President Labour Day Message


Brothers and Sisters, the past two years have been challenging to say the least but the one thing that is clear and keeps reoccurring is the fact that God is merciful and good and we must continually give thanks. CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WHATSAPP GROUP

We are at an important juncture in history as workers in Antigua and Barbuda where decisions made will have an impact on generations to come. But in order to be effective, we MUST come together as one body. It is not enough to say I am a union member, or let the Executive handle the situation, you too have a part and role to play in ensuring the success of our beloved institution.

Yes it is true that we are all facing individual issues in our respective workplaces; but it is easier to break one twig than a handful of branches. Although it is the job of the Executive and General Council to lead the organisation, WE, the members, are needed to show the Government, and those who would seek to detract and destroy, that we are a force to be reckoned with.

How can we do that, you may ask?

By our attitudes towards work and how we apply ourselves to our daily living. Once our co-workers see the standards we are upholding, they too could seek to emulate. Yes we are not working under the best conditions (no water, no equipment, and not enough staff to share the assigned duties; blurred reporting lines and ineffective conflict resolution procedures…. The list goes on and on unfortunately) but that should not stop us from doing our best at all times.

We can also give our support, (physical as well as financial)to the Union, which will ensure the advancement of the organisation since it is a known fact that the chain is as strong as its weakest link….

Additionally, we can give support to our brothers and sisters from other departments in a show of solidarity since as the saying goes “today fuh mi, tomorrow fuh yuh”. Because the plight isn’t yours, should NOT justify turning a blind eye to what’s happening around you…. We are to learn from each other, build on each other and grow stronger together; as the Executive and General Council need each and every one of us to do their part and play their role. I ask today, Have you invited someone to join the Union? Have you encouraged those who you associate with to do the right thing, in the right way? Are you yourself doing the right thing in the right way?

In this global climate of crisis, I am encouraging us to all remain vigilant, don’t get caught up in the hype surrounding relaxing of restrictions; but instead use wisdom, Always.

The crisis not only extends to the pandemic and ongoing wars around the world, but it includes the issue of Equal Pay for Equal Work, and Decent work with a fair Living Wage (Salary) for every worker. Looking at the continuous increases in the cost of living and the cost of doing business; members now more than ever, need to come together to ensure that every member is taken care of and can comfortably sustain not only themselves, but their families.

The ABPSA is therefore calling on the government to:

1. Reconvene the negotiations process with a view to fairly and objectively assess the needs of the worker balanced with the needs of the Government who is the employer.

2. Resolve issues pertaining to Performance Appraisals, Upward mobility within the service, the lack of Increments/Cost of Living Allowances, Health Insurance coverage and Pension Benefits; especially with a view to eliminate the unfairness to the Seconded Workers at the SLBMC.

3. Revamp the Salary Scale to address the continuous anomalies that have been perpetrated over the years. There are workers who are considered “Essential” and are being paid at the bottom of the scale, this we see is an indictment against the government since a number of their employees cannot afford to live in this country.

4. Payment of salaries that were withheld from workers during the vaccine mandate period even though the parameters have changed to reflect an atmosphere of inclusion.

5. Address and remedy the diminishing access to essential services (water, health care and transportation); There is also the issue of the non-payment of the two months salary in lieu of back-pay,” still yet unpaid to a number of Civil Servants/Retirees.

The Executive stands ready to meet with the Government whenever they decide finally, to meet.

In closing, the Executive and General Council are poised to take the Union to the next level but we need your help. Don’t think your contribution is insignificant because we are all here to learn from each other. Thank you and May God continue to bless us all.

Long live APBSA

Joan Peters — President, ABPSA

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  1. Under her government (upp) the same worker were been paid salaries / wages late upto the 8th and 15th of the month. Where was she then?


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