ABEC responds to UPP and BPM over Register of Electors

Dame Lorna Simon


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  1. …and this is the professional whom the former administration attempted to terminate without just cause.
    The Eastern Caribbean Court nullified that attempt. She was appropriately reinstated.
    In spite of that, she is unmoved by the foolishness which are all of a subjective nature.
    She is a consummate professional.
    She is however, mentoring the younger ones to fill her position when it’s due for her departure from the commission.
    The both complainants simply wanted to impair the process, assuming that it will create havoc leading up to the election process.
    Thank you, Dame for vehemently clarifying the trivial strides.

    • It is time for her to RETIRE. When and where will it end. There are many persons in Antigua and Barbuda who could fill that VOID. Some persons have stayed too long into certain positions and become entrenched. Then you need a crow bar to remove them.

      • I agree! It reminds me of Harold Lovell who has been around since Noah built his ark. The worst thing is that Harold has extremely poor track record along with his longevity in his political career.

    • Dave Ray, why don’t you crawl back into your hole and stop chatting your crap? We all know that just like you launa Simon is an ALP psychopant, hence the extension of her retirement to ensure she remained in place for the election.
      I will not be surprised if we have a similar situation to what happened in the 2009 election l.

    • Dave Ray what are you talking about? If you are not familiar with the facts please refrain from commenting. Even the lawyer for ABEC subsequently advised the Supervisor of Elections that the Register for Elections should rightfully have been published on 9 January, 2023. ABEC’s lawyer clearly miscalculated the 14 days from the date the writ was issued on 20 December, 2022.

      • The register was published online at ABEC website. However, a hard copy should have been done and distributed accordingly.

  2. This Election on January 18,2023.It would be like a jungle warfare between an Elephant and a Tiger. The Tiger would be winning that War. For it moves too fast for the Elephant. By the way,all 16 Candidates of the DNA would be losing their deposits. Our Treasury could surely use those monies.

  3. Had to wonder since when claim and objections were allowed on the final list. UPP and their affiliates as usual are like the foolish virgins. Watch them now try to raise the dead. Too late continues to be their final cry

    • TENMAN is anybody talking about Claims and Objections on the Register for Elections? You minions of Gaston and the ALP spin everything.

  4. Read carefully. Lorna’s response was very condescending. Why the use of bold fonts to sharply imply that the complaint shouldn’t have been made. It also seems counter-intuitive to list the transfers FROM constituencies and not the constituency that persons will be transferring to. Meaning that the BPM would have to peruse ALL the constituencies that the new voters are coming from?!! An inordinate amount of extra work in my opinion when it would have been much simpler to show the constituency being transferred to – which is Barbuda. Let’s be clear, this is a blatant attempt to sway control from the Walker to Nedd in Barbuda when the votes are always extremely close. Just because one can quote a law doesn’t make it right, slavery was a law. Also, Dave Ray your motives are glaringly obvious, smh.

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