A prime minister’s residence could engender proper behaviour


Makeda Mikael

Antigua’s Prime Minister and the Governor General need Official Residences, where they officially reside with their families.

This business of paying them a housing fee and have them live in their own homes is unacceptable, and moreover unsafe for our Heads of State, and Government.

One has always to tip the hat to V.C. Bird for his adherence to certain protocols like living in the Prime Minister’s residence, which was pointedly the former residence of the Antigua Syndicate white Boss, whom he had fought and won the freedom of his people.

Since then the only woman Governor General tried but failed to live in the decaying Government House and even gave up at any restoration as now done by the current GG.

Clearly living as one of the people has normalized the housing of these two very important Statesmen of Antigua & Barbuda, but is it appropriate?

Living in one’s house certainly has its perks, like hanging out in the living room in underwear when alone, but shouldn’t the residence of the Prime Minister or GG have certain protocols, which allow the families to go home for breaks like that?

At least the GG has Government House for entertaining and upholding the dignity of his position but the PM has to entertain at public places. We need a Residence of the Prime Minister, which will ensure the position is respected and the protocols, which go with the job help to create the kind of atmosphere which encourages diplomacy in and around the Residence.

Living in one’s own house stamps the owner’s personality on every action, culture and reaction, and encourages personally accepted behaviour whereas living in the Residence will often create a culture in keeping with the high standards expected of the occupants.

The time has come for Antigua’s Prime Minister to occupy the Residence of the Prime Minister, and be accessible to his people with the proper protocols in place and exhibited as such – We have to build one!

Makeda Mikael

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  1. Yes, we must build an official residence for the Prime Minister and those who will follow him. The Governor General should be living in Government House. Get that place fixed up for his place of residence, not just ceremonial meals etc. This is a priority.

  2. Long overdue! Politicians will never change these protocols as anyway they can get money from the public purse. Neither party when in governance or Opposition would speak on these matters of importance….because it is a windfall for them. How/when did politicians get to be “Master’s of their own Destiny” with the government’s purse? Guess when people start to put “Country before Party “. How long will we allow Politician’s abuse to continue before we take action?

    • What is wrong with you?? We ARE a “real” country, free and independent, founded by V.C. Bird and our forefathers and foremothers who paid the price to establish a nation based our the principles of social democracy and Black Democratic Socialism. Our membership in the United Nation is international recognition that we ARE a “real” country. Where have you been…hiding in the US of A or some other capitalist pit.

  3. Yes, we need a state house for the PM. Every other country has one. Look at the White House in the US. Government House was built for the Governor/Governor General but as usual government does not maintain their properties.

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