A Message from E.P. Chet Greene, Minister of Agriculture for Antigua and Barbuda on World Food Day 2023


Nurturing our Future: Enhancing Water Security for Resilient Food Systems – A Message from E.P. Chet Greene, Minister of Agriculture for Antigua and Barbuda on World Food Day 2023

On this distinguished occasion of World Food Day 2023, I, E.P. Chet Greene, Minister of Agriculture for Antigua and Barbuda, am honored to stand with you in solidarity and dedication to the crucial mission of achieving food security for all.

Today, we celebrate the bountiful harvests that nourish us and the collective efforts to address the intertwined challenges of water security, sustainability, and global development.

Antigua and Barbuda wholeheartedly aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as they provide a comprehensive framework to drive our actions towards a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future.

The pursuit of SDG 2: Zero Hunger and SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation resonates deeply with our nation’s commitment to uplifting our communities through resilient food systems and improved water security.

Water is the lifeblood of our agriculture and the cornerstone upon which our foods are nurtured and flourish. Antigua and Barbuda’s government firmly believes in improving water security to meet our growing agricultural needs sustainably.

With strategic investments in Reverse Osmosis (RO) services, the establishment of new dams and ponds, and sustainable water management techniques, we are actively fortifying our infrastructure to ensure consistent water supply and usage efficiency across the food production chain.

It is essential that we recognize the criticality of water as the source of life and the foundation of our sustenance.

Beyond its instrumental role in crop irrigation, water supports livestock, enables food processing, and enhances the nutritional values of our produce.

With this understanding, we prioritize the efficient and responsible utilization of water resources, preserving this invaluable asset for future generations.

On this auspicious day, we are delighted to announce a calendar of events that reflects our unwavering commitment to nurturing sustainable food systems and educating our society on their significance.

These activities include the distribution of food packages to vulnerable communities, seeds and seedlings to encourage local cultivation, as well as educational initiatives to promote awareness and understanding of responsible water usage and sustainable agricultural practices.

Minister E.P. Chet Greene said, “Water is the essence of sustenance, the catalyst for growth, and the promise of resilience. Let us harness this precious resource to cultivate abundant, nutritious food for our communities and pave the way for a self-sustainable future.”

As we celebrate World Food Day 2023, let us unite as global citizens, recognizing the pivotal role water security plays in achieving food security and ensuring the well-being of our societies.

Together, we can nurture resilient food systems, empower our farmers, and eliminate hunger from our world.

I extend my sincere gratitude to our dedicated farmers, committed stakeholders, and all those whose tireless work contributes to our prosperous agricultural sector.

Their unwavering efforts ensure that the fruits of their labor grace our tables and support our communities.

Let us continue to march forward, hand in hand, towards a future where every person enjoys access to nutritious food, where our lands are nurtured sustainably and where water security remains a priority to sustain the lives that depend upon it.

Happy World Food Day 2023!

Yours sincerely,

E.P. Chet Greene
Minister of Agriculture





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  1. Barf Chet Barf because not even the bile can stand your hypocrisy. So, barf Chet barf 🤮🤮🤢🤮🤢🤢

  2. Chet so full a shit. How long ago his party promise so much water to everyone that they could even shower once a day?

    Keep on voting the same assholes in again and expecting to see different results.

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