9 people hospitalized with COVID-19; one in serious condition

Sir Lester Bird Mount-St.-Johns-Medica-Centre

Nine people are currently hospitalized in Antigua with COVID-19, Prime Minister Gaston Browne announced moments ago.

The Prime Minister said one of the hospitalized individuals is in serious condition.

In announcing the hospitalizations, Browne reminded residents that people are still being infected with the virus.

He is warning residents that they should not let their guard down.

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  1. ‘dont let your guard down’
    and enjoy social gatherings of 25 people in your house & grounds, partially vaccinated or unvaccinated, young & old, known or unknown, as decided on Thursday by the Browne Cabinet; it’s Labour Day weekend, we want you to have fun, but not at the beach…
    There appears NO scientific sense in this declaration but seems election IS coming soon eh?
    (Yep weddings & funerals are 25 people but usually held in a public place where protocols are observed).

    I’m sorry for the hospitalized people, and hope there is not a spike mid-May as a result of this weekend.

  2. Where are the Ministry of Health leaders. Why they are not the ones giving us such pertinent information. Is there a one person Administration in Antigua and Barbuda. So he has to speak on all issues. No matter which Ministry is involved.I wish for a speedy recovery of all.

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