80 new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda


(Dashboard Update for May 25, 2022)


The most recent report received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment revealed eighty (80) new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Saturday 21st May, 2022 at 6pm.


Forty-two (42) cases were recorded on May 20th and thirty-eight (38) on May 21st.

One hundred and fifty-three (153) samples were processed.


Sixty (60) recovered cases were recorded.


Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is eight thousand and sixty-two (8,062); which is inclusive of two hundred and thirteen (213) active cases.


There are three (3) hospitalized cases; one (1)severe and two (2) mild.


The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.

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  1. Is it because people have to travel out , they are taking the test thats how we are coming about with the figures?

  2. Government needs to put back the harsh protocols AFTER carnival. Church numbers for instance should be reduced to 20.

    • Hey .
      PROVE it that LOCKDOWNS, DISTANCING and MASKS accomplished ANYTHING to stem the tide of people getting sick ! Your comments show me that you are an anti-God and Pro Tyranny dangerous idiot.

      The ONLY evidence for the alleged sickness was CASE NUMBERS produced by a PCR test that was never designed to be used for diagnosing anything according to the creator of the PCR technique – biochemist Kary Mullis. The PCR ‘test’ was cycled up to 40 times to produce false positives. The only thing that it identified was ‘dead’ RNA fragments…. it wasn’t showing any ‘live’ intact virus infection. The whole thing was a SHAM designed to get people to become so fearful that they would mindlessly get themselves injected with a dangerous experimental shot. ( population control agenda of the Globalists)

  3. Churches are still following protocols. Many like mine still have social distancing in place, which by default reduces numbers, and families are encouraged to sit together. Being in an orderly church service with persons whom are known to you is not the same as being in a fete with mostly strange people, many of whom will be drinking heavily and jam packed, rubbing on one another to have a good time. Having said that, I don’t have a problem with limiting church numbers, just put it at whatever you would put your next fete

  4. The country by country data across the world is clear. It’s the jabbed who are catching covid and the jabbed who are spreading it. They have also put their health at risk by compromising their immune systems with with these experimental treatments.

    The so called public health officials have been anything but professional. They’ve been talking heads looking for their salary, while trying hard not to rock the $$$ driven boat. The dripped release of Pfizer’s damning trial data confirms as much.

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