75 Teachers Receive Personal Laptops To Facilitate Online Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic


Makŏ Williams, Director of the Caribbean Tech Genius Foundation, partnered with the Rotary Club of Antigua and the Bellvue Breakfast Club to deliver their “Computers To The World” Initiative. Since January 2020, Ms. Williams, along with Dr. Susan Lowes and Kendra Thomas, has been training 75 teachers, on a weekly basis, using a unique program called the Systemic Technology Integration Training Series (STITS 3.0), now in its third iteration.


For the past few months, teachers have met to design integrated technology-based unit plans to improve student engagement, with special emphasis on literacy. When on Friday, March 13th, 2020 at the tail-end of the training the COVID-19 social distancing protocols interrupted a regular day in Antigua and Barbuda, giving teachers an opportunity to continue their learning online and immediately requiring educators globally to consider how to complete the Second Term, remotely/online.


Tasked with the challenge, Caribbean Tech Genius Foundation began the emergency distribution of the computers, [earmarked by the Rotary Club of Antigua and Rotary  International] for teachers who had successfully completed the Rotary’s technology program. The plan now is to immediately use computers and skills learned in STITS to support a ” Flipped Classroom”. A Flipped Classroom is a type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at home (online) and practice working through it at school or with parents. This is the reverse of the more common practice of introducing new content at school, then assigning homework and projects to completed by the students independently at home.


The activities which the teachers participated in during the STITS 3.0 training, will provide guidance to the teachers from the 15 schools island-wide — the training could not have come at a better time. Over the next few days and weeks, the teachers who are up to the challenge will be supported in creating Google Classroom and other online forums and platforms, to facilitate learning using online tools. Teachers will set lessons to deliver the balance of lessons to close-out Term Two.


STITS is a unique training program designed to clarify the role of educators and education administrators in supporting and driving technology-integration for the construction of the 21st Century Caribbean ecosystem.


Ms. Williams agrees with the growing consensus that the current global crisis underscores the importance of providing high-speed internet to all, which is a basic human right. She said, “number one, this global crisis allows us to see how quickly and easily the global playing-field can be leveled. Number two, that access to technology and skills-building programs in the tech field will provide anyone, no matter age, race or economic background, location with the best advantage to work, learn and solve world problems; the key is having access to a connection and the proper training to use the tools meaningfully.”

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  1. Going forward, ALL teachers in the 15 schools island-wide, and any who were unsuccessful, MUST be given the opportunity to successfully complete the STITS program.’Over the next few days and weeks, the teachers who are up to the challenge will be supported in creating Google Classroom and other online forums and platforms, to facilitate learning using online tools. Teachers will set lessons to deliver the balance of lessons to close out Term Two’ (above).
    After this, the Education department and Caribbean Tech Genius Foundation MUST robustly and rigorously assess the understanding (knowledge) and skills of each teacher and each student to obtain a high success rate. This program MUST be driven tirelessly to achieve….’the best advantage to work, learn and solve world problems (especially in the nation/village Antigua&Barbuda) by ‘having access to a connection and the proper training to use the tools meaningfully.’ Ms Williams.
    ‘When you learn, teach. When you get, give.’ Maya Angelou.

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