6 Powerful Ways to Improve Sales Training in Your Company


“Your sales team is the engine that drives your business forward. Without them, your growth will stall.” Mark Cuban’s wise words drive home the importance of sharpening your reps’ skills.

However, developing a quality program can be a daunting project. In fact, according to G2, 26% of reps say their coaching is ineffective. Here are four powerful ways to help you elevate your company’s training.

Customize learning content

Off-the-shelf courses have a strong appeal. For one, these programs are often more pocket friendly and quick to kick start. However, sales training companies say you could be short-changing your team.

Pre-packaged programs ignore a company’s unique processes. Also, fully generic courses don’t factor in your team’s learning styles. So, opt for customizable content. Research by CSO Insights shows that customized solutions can boost quota attainment by 73%.

Keep it short and sweet

People often have short attention spans, especially when it comes to learning. The National Training Laboratories says that after 45 minutes of instruction, information starts to slip off the radar.

So, skip long and drawn-out sessions. Instead, split the content into digestible chunks. That way, you’ll keep participants’ attention from fizzling out.

Also, try to avoid jamming multiple topics in one session. Covering too many concepts can make it tough to absorb information. Instead, break down the course into manageable subjects with clear objectives.

Balance theory with practical knowledge

Theory teaches sales reps the basics of selling. However, that information doesn’t always translate seamlessly into practice.

So, blend real-life scenarios into learning sessions. Getting hands-on experience builds more competent and confident salespeople. Here are some practical ways to strike the right balance:

  • Encourage role-playing activities.
  • Let your team practice pitching in real-time.
  • Invite current and former salespeople to share their experiences.
  • Use simulations and exercises to bring theory to life.

Add gamification elements

Gamification can electrify your company’s sales training. The use of games and rewards can fire up engagement and boost collaboration. Also, gamification helps sales teams quickly grasp complex strategies.

TalentLMS says 83% of employees who experienced gamification felt more motivated. Also, productivity can shoot up by 50% and engagement by 60%.

Here are some ideas to supercharge your programs.

  • Offer virtual rewards and badges to motivate employees.
  • Set up leagues or tournaments to ignite friendly competitions.
  • Use leaderboards to show which team or employee is performing best.

Reinforce learning

Work Learning Research shows that without reinforcement, people forget 87% of what they learn in just 30 days. Given the hefty price tag of most courses, that’s an earth-shattering loss.

A robust reinforcement strategy keeps information from slipping through your sales team’s fingers. A study by American Express found employees are four times more likely to recall new knowledge if effectively reinforced. In addition to ongoing coaching, regularly-scheduled follow-up activities can help keep key information at the front of their minds. Professional negotiation workshops should always include post-seminar activities such as role-playing, case studies, and practice sessions to help reinforce the learning.

To keep information fresh in employees’ minds to boost performance:

  • Create short quizzes for your employees to take after each module.
  • Organize small group discussions or activities to reinforce topics.
  • Incorporate on-the-job coaching.

Measure and track progress

Learning is most effective when it’s ongoing. However, hosting regular sessions can become a tick-in-the-box exercise. If your team feels you’re just going through the motions, it can dampen their desire to learn.

Measuring and tracking progress strongly conveys that you’re heavily invested in getting the best outcomes.

To keep tabs on performance:

  • track key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • conduct pre-and post-training assessments.
  • gather feedback directly from attendees.
  • observe reps in the field.

By following the tips above, companies can turbocharge their sales training.


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