Cabinet Notes:
The CMO pointed out that approximately 58,000 residents are fully vaccinated and 4,000 partially vaccinated, and that no-one is currently hospitalized with Covid.
The authorities will continue to send SARS CoV 2 positive samples to CARPHA for genomic sequencing in order to detect the omicron variant should it be present.
To date, Antigua and Barbuda has NOT recorded a single case of this variant, although it is only a matter of time before it will reach the shores of many Caribbean countries.
In the past week visitors have come from more than 77 countries all carrying ID cards showing that they are fully vaccinated; yet, a small number has been identified as infected.
The population must, therefore, be prepared to live with Covid; and, many will have to take a booster shot to protect against possible infection.
The Cabinet encourages everyone who is eligible to take the Covid-19 Vaccine.
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Many will have to take booster shots to prevent against infection ? and the misinformation continues🏇
AstraZenca (the vaccine that most Antiguans have received) provides almost no protection against Omicron, and the same is true for the J&J vaccine. The Chinese vaccine in fact provides no protection at all (not just almost none at all). Two doses of the Pfizer vaccine provides decent protection initially, but this quickly wanes to low levels. These are all the vaccines that are in use in Antigua. In short, the population is almost fully vulnerable to infection by the Omicron variant.
The government must make policy that reflects this vulnerability. The worst of the pandemic in Antigua may be yet to come.
Restrictions should not be prematurely lifted, and the booster program must be expanded. Moreover, vaccine mixing probably should be mandatory (for those who want to get boosted) in some cases. Two Astra + Pfizer boost offers much more protection than three doses of Astra alone, for example. Moderna offers the single best protection, and should be incorporated into the mixing vaccination program when it arrives.
Rapid Progression of Angioimmunonblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shots: A Case Report.
Me keep reposting the corrected link to the above articles and magically it keeps disappearing. There should be a . between www and frontiersin. Censoring here too?
The link is further down the comment section.
No omicron should enter the shores, they say they are vaccinated before entering and rigorous testing are done before entering
Omicron = the big pharma jabs fade and don’t work.
Ironically Omicron may deliver an end to this crisis via herd immunity – highly infectious, yet no deaths*, few hospitalisations worldwide.
More breaking news, and this time from the makers of the controversial Moderna vaccine:
Moderna is pulling out of a major BIOTECH industry conference in January, BECAUSE THEY ARE AFRAID OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS.
Yep, that’s right, a company that has sold upwards of $15 billion Dollars in mRNA Covid vaccines this year, will not participate in a conference in San Francisco next month.
Per Stat, a website that covers the HEALTHCARE industry highlights:
Moderna “has pulled out over the health risks of sending employees to the CROWDED hallways of J.P. Morgan’s cramped venue, the Westin St. Francis Hotel.”
Again, I have a genuine question for those who are fully vaccinated (and, by the way, yet to be answered) and followed all the vaccinated mandates and protocols.
Much respect to all the critical thinkers in Antigua and around the globe.
It is not normal for young healthy athletes to suffer cardiac arrest while playing sports, but all these comes shortly after covid shots.
“318 Athlete Cardiac Arrest, Serious Issues, 178 Dead, After Covid Shot.” –Real Science
So let me get this straight. One island in the world is fully jabbed….gibraltar and they currently have a large surge of covid outbreak.
Fully vaccinated against what again?
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