44% of Africans in Antigua have completed a university degree


Approximately 83 % of respondents are currently unemployed; However, 89% of the population assessed was employed in their country of birth/last country of residence.

Most respondents did not know of anyone in their migrant community who worked and did not get paid.

Still, 22 % of respondent knew of someone who worked and received less than agreed…

In general, respondents did not know of anyone within their migrant community who was forced to work against their will.

Most respondents (44%) have completed a university degree.

This preliminary analysis is based on responses provided by 110 individuals representing migrant groups of interest during a rapid assessment conducted between 1 – 10 April 2023 in Antigua and Barbuda.

The migrant group of interest includes adults originating from West African countries who arrived in Antigua between November and December 2022.

The data was collected using questionnaires created using The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) which forms part of a methodology designed by The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

Both the tool and methodology were provided to the Government of Antigua and Barbuda prior to the start of field work.

Both documents were reviewed and validated by all relevant UN Agencies.

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    • How are you going to do that wen there’s a war going on?
      Are you a mental I’ll person? Kmt guess ur one of them who are disliking them funny thing is they are black ppl just like you.

  1. Why you nah ask all the Antiguans who get university degree and decide to live in Merica and Europe and build up the foreign county that question?

    • @Bolans Vere
      If Antigua had jobs and opportunities for them they would return. But the civil service can’t hire everyone with their small pay and they certainly won’t work as housekeepers in hotels. Some of these highly qualified Africans are working as security guards at Gaston’s properties.

    • Because Antigua is a small island (108sq.miles) with limited opportunities. African is a continent with 54 countries. Cameroonian is 183,568 sq miles
      Further, Antigua already over flowing with foriegners competing for the limited opportunities that are available.

  2. Wow, and 56% have NOT completed a university degree.

    As the former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once famously said:

    “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics”.


  3. 89% were employed in their country of birth or residence, so how come the narrative that they are refugees? Just because they say they have university degrees may not necessarily be so. The USA just deported a lot of African nurses with phoney diplomats. These people are bound for America and all the so-called outpouring of love by Gaston won’t stop them.

  4. The discrimination is so thick in Antigua! Yes jah! Don’t worry man. Don’t worry. We will not always be refugees or immigrants!

    • The problem in Antigua is that anybody can wash them foot and come. There are no immigration laws. How come you think so much discrimination in Antigua when over half the population are non natives and there children?

  5. Well said because they act like they dnt travel to other ppl countries lot of these African are well educated I met one with diploma an was denied work just because she’s not antiguan an the position she applied for there was a vacancy so it is true Antiguans treat them like there not human

    • @ Mmmm, true autochthonous Antiguans do not dislike Africans, it seems like you have also fallen for Melford Nicholas and Max Hurst’s deflective and disingenuous diatribe about HATING Africans.

      This has always been about an independent enquiry into how and why the Africans were brought here by the ABLP government, after we were told that they were wealthy tourists.


  6. So what are we to deduce from this article? Just because they have a degree, was previously working in their country of birth they can just walking into a job in Antigua?

  7. Which one is the most corrupted UN and or ABLP? The leader of the ABLP did say. He had Constituents transferred from his Constituency into others,to help his fellow team Members in Theirs. If that is not admitting to Fraud. And he is the Prime Minister of the Country. The man has not an ounce of respect for the People. DAWG.

    • Why should the dawg have respect for Antiguans when many Antiguans are fools and allow him to lord over them? He is going to always commit fraud to stay in power. But I pray for deliverance. They say God works in mysterious ways. A lot of us are here today and gone tomorrow. We are only mankind.
      There is a woman who calls into his radio station frequently. She says she supports Gaston because he was born in poverty like her. Some of the people who live in Antigua graduated from the university of dunceness.

  8. So now these refugees with degrees may be lawyers, accountants, engineers and other degreed professionals who are eligible for high paying jobs in Antigua and Barbuda. One of the good thing about migrating is the ability to reinvent yourself.

    We would have to take their word for it as their home country is in ruins being torn apart by war and they won’t be able to confirm their degrees.

  9. Ok, so they have college degrees!
    A…are these colleges/universities accredited, and are their degrees tranferrable to other foreign jurisdictions?

    Next up…
    The African Continent has several of the fastest growing Nations in the World today, with untold and foretold resources, way beyond what Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA has to offer. #obeah to #polygamy to polyandry, so again, will the #Rattling_Bones of #Mami_Wata & #Papa_Elegba shake 🦴rattle🎲🎲🎲roll, please reveal, the #toll.💰💵💶💷💴which this Mayhem is costing and will continue to cost the Nation.

    A wah r u a run fram de richest Continent pan Earth for?

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Foot Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  10. Antiguans need to boycott any further talk for anything to do with these Africans. The articles are baseless and pointless, time consuming and a distraction to real issues affecting our land.

      • @Stay Focus…then the (Black) African Cameroonians who do not consider themselves to be “black,” but either British or french, must stop having these Europeans use that same “divide and conquer, STOP taking the weapons from either side(british or french), and using them to kill each other, then run from their own atrocities against each(civil war) to other Nations like Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA and creating the negatives in the the Nation. Well you can Stay Focused, as you channel the spirit of the ostrich or the possum and have the Government keeping their boots on your neck.

        Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
        De ‘ole Dutty Peg👣Foot Bastard

        Vere C. Edwards

        • @Ras Smood, if you notice, I was replying to the comment made by Truth that stated, “Antiguans need to boycott anything referring to these Africans.” My reference of the divide and conquer game is directed to Antiguans who are getting caught up in this verbal battle and are taking sides mainly based on political affiliation. My Stay Focus
          is to the part of becoming “distracted from the real issues affecting our land.”

          I’m certainly not telling Africans what to or not to do
          I’ve had enough experience with Africans to know how different we are culturally — And since culture is the blueprint to behaviour, my focus is on the people who shares my culture.

  11. What utter garbage article is this? You cannot use wrong to bring about right,simple as that. This fiasco is not about education, but was strictly perpetrated with deception. Who’s gonna step up and fix this shit?

  12. I am tired and weary of how brutal Antiguans are. You’d think that Antigua is heaven when you hear all these rhetoric. Sadly, Antigua isn’t all that nice. So many old break down buildings, terrible roads, water issues, rise in crime, etc. And honestly, nothing is wrong with that as long as they are trying to do better. But the way you guys discriminate others, even your sister islands in the Caribbean, it’s not nice. Funnily, Antiguans are living all over the world. What if they were treated like this?

    Stop the hate!

    Just remember that it’s a small world. Today for me, tomorrow for you.

    • @Antiguans Bitter
      Antiguans are bitter yes, but not at the Africans. We are bitter of the government for doing nothing to improve the conditions of the country, but always eager to bring in non nationals like you to perpetuate the filthy conditions by voting for them. Antiguans are not going in droves to any Caribbean country to dictate to their people. And in fact, you people would not accept it.
      Why don’t you stay in your beautiful developed countries? What are you doing in our heaven?

  13. Is that true? I think they don’t realize they may be doing the same in the US if they don’t have papers. One Nigerian guy who has an Masters in urban planning was the cleaner at our office in the US. I also met a guy from Peru with a biology degree doing sales at the hardware store. My mom worked with an Indian doctor who was living in poverty in the US. She couldn’t even afford her high BP medication.

    I wish these guys the best. They should make sure to get their degrees certified in the US ASAP. It cost me about 300 US to do this for my husband. Then they can even get state and city government jobs. If they have special degrees like accounting, law, teaching, medicine, they will have to spend more to get their state licenses to work.

    I’m not sure how much that costs, but if they skip these steps, they are in trouble. For immigrants who took ANY college courses at all, it is worth it to get your courses certified. If you have to take them over in the US, one class here costs like $3000 US.

    Best of luck to all the Africans, and any Antiguans who want to migrate. I want to see my people succeed and make good decisions.

  14. I think the African migrant issue is a big deal. In fact, it looks like a possible opportunity for Antiguans. If there is an asylum center or something of the sort set up on the island, it could cause issues as well as financial opportunities for locals. I’m assuming all these guys want to apply for asylum in the US.

  15. Antigua people are too gullible. 44% my big toe!!! Their per capita income is a third of Antigua’s. If you grabbed 1K smaddy off the street in America, 44% wouldn’t have university degree. Nobody has seen an official transcript, more scams…

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