4 new confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda, two in hospital




(Dashboard Update for December 21, 2021)


The most recent report received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment revealed four (4) new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Monday 20th December 2021 at 6pm.


Two hundred and seventeen (217) samples were processed.


Five (5) recovered cases were recorded.


Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is four thousand two hundred and five (4,205); which is inclusive of forty (40) active cases.


There are two hospitalized cases; one (1) mild and one (1) moderate.


Meanwhile, Antigua and Barbuda has fully vaccinated fifty eight thousand five hundred and three (58,503) individuals while three thousand six hundred and fifty-one (3,651) have only received their first dose.


The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.

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  1. Nigeria DESTROYS around 1 million doses of AstraZeneca, despite having this vaccine several months before expiry.

    Antigua CONTINUES using AstraZeneca …

  2. Brixtonian, false Information again, the vaccine had expired, it was given to Nigeria close to its expiry date.

    • Again, you are trying to hide the fact that Nigeria had AstraZeneca before the drug had expired, and didn’t want to use it. Ask yourself why that is?

      • Again Brixtonian, you twist the truth to benefit your anti vax sentiment.
        According to Nigeria’s leading newspaper, The Guardian, their decision was due to logistic issues, not a rejection of the actual component:
        A direct quote from the newspaper dated December 8th.
        “Some of them had residual shelf lives of only few months that left us very short time, some just weeks, to use them, after deduction of time to transport, clear, distribute and deliver to users. If such vaccines arrive back-to-back or are many, logistic bottlenecks occasionally arise,” Ehanire said on Wednesday.
        I hope you realize that we are seeing past your mantra and are checking the reality.
        I challenge you to show the readers an article that states the Astra Zeneca was destroyed because they did not want it…I am sure you can not.
        You are no longer relevant to the conversation, take your conspiracy theories elsewhere.

  3. Coming soon, US military new universal Covid vaccine called Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle or SpFN — designed to target all existing variants as well as future variants. 💉💉🤣😂🤣

  4. There are some really daft MYOPIC people on here. Nigeria, had this AstraZeneca Vaccine for several months BEFORE the expiry date – Why didn’t they use it beforehand?

    Because they KNEW of the problems with the AstraZeneca vaccine; even the UK has quietly stopped using this dangerous drug.


    P.S. Update on the cruise ship Covid passengers, watch (on YouTube) Fact Matters titled: 6,091 Fully Vaccinated Cruise Passengers suffer massive outbreak …

    I’ll be interested to see how you ‘pro-vaxxers’ spin the facts on this story!

    • Take your meds, you’re having a psychotic episode 🤪😵‍💫😝 You are special. First you tell us you got your info from the”msm” then you criticize the “msm” when your called out for not being able to read 😂🤣😆 Based on your absurd comments it’s clear you still haven’t read any article on this topic from beginning to end. Suffering from adult attention deficit disorder? Reading comprehension skills a bit dull? That would explain why you only read headlines from your social media news feeds. Keep up the good work, you are oh so entertaining 👍👏👌 I eagerly await your next episode…

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