39 new cases of COVID-19 in Antigua


(Dashboard Update for February 28, 2021)


The most recent reports received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment from the Mount St. John’s Medical Centre (MSJMC) and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) have revealed thirty-nine (39) new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Saturday 27th February 2021 at 6pm.



Subsequent to the publication of the dashboard for Saturday 27th February 2021 with the cut off time of 6pm, one hundred and eight (108) additional samples were processed at MSJMC increasing the pending results from one hundred and seventy-three (173) to two hundred and eighty-one (281) in total.



Of the one hundred and eight (108) samples processed by MSJMC, seventy-six (76) were negative and thirty-two (32) positive.  Twelve (12) of these positive cases were repeat tests.



Of the one hundred and seventy-three (173) samples sent to CARPHA, one hundred and fifty-three (153) were negative and twenty (20) positive.  One (1) of these positive cases was a repeat test.



All thirty-nine (39) cases are non-imported.



Meanwhile, six (6) recoveries have been recorded bringing the total to three hundred and seven (307).



Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is seven hundred and sixty-nine (769); which is inclusive of four hundred and forty-eight (448) active cases.


The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.

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  1. Well, this is pretty much out of control now. And we have at least 2 months of this before any vaccine effect will kick in. Great job Antigua government!

  2. ““Antigua’s positivity COVID-19 rate is too high, and its testing is woefully low based on the CDC criterion,” a Washington source tells REAL News.

    “The country’s data is faulty and unreliable.”

    The source says the US medical fraternity – as well as local doctors – believes “Antigua has been grossly under-reporting COVID-19 cases” and that the country “has pretty high community spread.”


    • Massive outbreak wouldnt be happening today if the government took that VERY HIGH RISK rating seriously Massive outbreak wouldnt be happening today if the government took that VERY HIGH RISK rating seriously

      instead they negotiated to get a lower rating rather than actually implementing some real restrictions at the border AND educating the local population about how serious this disease here and abroad

  3. So they're just not going to add the 6 or 7 people who died of COVID in the last few days to the dashboard, huh? So they're just not going to add the 6 or 7 people who died of COVID in the last few days to the dashboard, huh?

    that’s how they’re going to play this?

    Why stop hiding information now, I guess. They’ve been hiding it all along.

  4. 448 Active Cases?? That is a bit much. Just stay safe folks.To the Administration,please increase the contact tracing. Add more personnel to your current teams.It should be easy to do.With a population of just 100,000 in Antigua.Get this Virus under control.At this time it seems to be out of your control.

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