(Dashboard Update for March 4, 2021)
The most recent reports received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment from the Mount St. John’s Medical Centre (MSJMC) and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) have revealed thirty-four new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Tuesday 2nd March 2021 at 6pm.
Subsequent to the publication of the dashboard for Monday 1st March 2021 with the cut off time of 6pm, one hundred and eighteen (118) additional samples were processed at MSJMC increasing the pending results from one hundred and twelve (112) to two hundred and thirty (230) in total.
Of the one hundred and eighteen (118) samples processed by MSJMC, ninety-three (93) were negative and twenty-five (25) positive. Three (3) of these positive cases were repeat tests. Of the one hundred and twelve (112) samples sent to CARPHA, one hundred (100) were negative and twelve (12) positive.
All thirty-four (34) newly confirmed positive cases are non-imported.
Meanwhile, eighteen (18) recoveries have been recorded bringing the total to three hundred and twenty-seven (327).
Two (2) Covid-19 related deaths of non-imported cases have been recorded bringing that total to nineteen (19).
Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is eight hundred and three (803); which is inclusive of four hundred and fifty-five (455) active cases and twenty-one (21) deaths in total.
The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.
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21 Deaths in Antigua from Covid-19.I pray for no more deaths.There are 34 new Covid cases and 50 Covid patients in the Hospital.Let us all pray for their recoveries.
PM Browne said that “unless the COVID-19 situation gets to a point whereby the health system becomes overwhelmed, the country would not go into a lock down. ” Feb 20 2921
“The crisis situation remains manageable; the health systems are not overwhelmed.” Cabinet Report Weds 17 Feb 2021
FROM THE SIDELINE and TENMAN what is going on here with our covid data. I know in terms of total cases we are still behind of St. Lucia and St. Vincent. However, when taken on a per capita basis we are far worse. Even our deaths per capita would be much higher. We cannot allow this thing to get out of control any further. TENMAN do you agree?
Ask Pringle. He knows well about per capita.
Now maybe you can learn some decency and humanity
What makes you think you know what is decent and humane. Just because someone differ to you makes the inhumane and lack decency?
Nigga why don’t u phuck off. Lakka one phucking parasite. I’m not intereated in u.
Had a few runs between posts?
Glad your back and showing everyone your true colours.
I wonder, are you true to your word, or have you lined up for the vaccine?
Already had my vaccination unlike u covidiots who sitting down praying for da worst for Antigua I would like to work and depend pan politicain handout. Not all of us can be paid trolls.
So many people have died because of the ” N ” word . Educate ourselves before spewing it on the internet . This platforrm is seen worldwide not just in Àntigua .What hope is there for the youngsters then .
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