303 samples pending

(Dashboard Update for February 21, 2021)
The most recent report received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment from the Mount St. John’s Medical Centre (MSJMC) has no new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Friday 19th February 2021 at 6pm.
Subsequent to the publication of the dashboard for Thursday 18th February 2021 with the cut off time of 6pm, an additional forty-five (45) samples were processed at MSJMC increasing the pending results from one hundred and seven (107) to one hundred and fifty-two (152) in total.
All one hundred and fifty-two (152) samples processed by MSJMC were negative.  The additional forty-five (45) samples are reflected in the total samples taken and total persons tested columns of the dashboard.
One (1) recovery has been recorded bringing that total to two hundred and eighteen (218).
Since the 6pm cut off time for this publication, two (2) Covid-19 related deaths of non-imported cases on February 20th 2021 were recorded bringing the non-imported deaths to eleven (11).
Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda remains at five hundred and ninety-eight (598) which is inclusive three hundred and sixty-seven (367) active cases and thirteen (13) deaths.
Meanwhile, three hundred and three (303) samples are pending.
The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.

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  1. Someone please explain how there are 367 ACTIVE cases, yet only a total of 176 in quarantine and hospital? ALL 367 ACTIVE CASES SHOULD BE ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE 3 CATEGORIES OF HOSPITAL, GOVERNMENT & SELF QUARANTINE.

  2. The WHO’s new guidance, which includes lower PCR thresholds, almost guarantees COVID “case” numbers will automatically drop dramatically around the world.

    In an “inauguration” of its own while Joe Biden was being sworn into office, the World Health Organization (WHO) initiated new rules regarding the PCR assays used for testing for COVID-19.

    Even though they’ve been widely used across the U.S. and around the world to determine who has a positive case of COVID, PCR assays are not designed to be used as diagnostic tools, as they can’t distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.

    Besides that, previously, the WHO had recommended 45 “amplification” cycles of the test to determine whether someone was positive for COVID or not.

    The thing is, the more cycles that a test goes through, the more likely that a false positive will come up — anything over 30 cycles actually magnifies the samples so much that even insignificant sequences of viral DNA end up being magnified to the point that the test reads positive even if your viral load is extremely low or the virus is inactive and poses no threat to you or anyone else.

    What that means in plain language is that the more cycles a test goes through, the more false positives that are reported.

    Now, with the WHO’s lower PCR thresholds, it’s practically guaranteed that COVID “case” numbers will automatically drop dramatically around the world.

    Via https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/who-admits-covid-pcr-test-has-a-problem/

  3. @ Government needs to clarify

    It appears like persons with mild symptoms or asymptomatic cases are allowed to quarantine on their own since as we have been analyzing the dashboard each week…and the number of positive cases do not correlate with hospitalization and quarantine cases.
    Quite an unusual occurrence because we just cannot account for all active cases.

    So definitely, some real explanation needs to be given as to how the categorizations are done.

    • So what is the definition of “Self Quarantine” if it does not mean quarantining on your own at home?
      It would make me feel more comfortable knowing where all of those confirmed Active cases are recovering, as it would give some reassurance that the Government is keeping tabs on each case.

  4. Am saying…there needs to be an explanation to account for the persons who are active positive cases but are not included in the categories of hospitalized, government and self quarantine. If there are 367 active cases: of which 40 are presently in hospital , 57 and 79 account for government and self quarantine respectively. That gives a sum of : 57 + 79 + 40 = 176
    There is a difference of 367 – 176 = 191

    Where are the 191 positive cases now ?
    Also, Are the 79 self quarantine persons presently covid-positive cases ? If such is the case, I would think that it is MADNESS to have them on self quarantine. Does self quarantine mean that they are at home with family, friends, etc ? Who monitors them to ensure that they are no contact with others around them ?

    I consider also that persons who enter Antigua must be quarantined for 14 days. I am supposing that the numbers on the dashboard do not refer to this category of persons.


  5. Why they have to push that swab all the way through your nose close to your brain to do a covid test, should not your saliva be sufficient since they say you wear mask to prevent the spread? I dont see why the swab has to go all the way back there

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