214 new cases of COVID-19 in Antigua


The most recent report received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment revealed two hundred and fourteen (214) new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Thursday 6th January, 2022 at 6pm.

Three hundred and forty (340) samples were processed.

Seven (7) recovered case were recorded.

One (1) COVID-19 related death was recorded increasing the total to one hundred and twenty (120).

Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is five thousand and fifty-eight (5,058); which is inclusive of eight hundred and twenty (820) active cases.

There are seven (7) hospitalized cases; four (4) moderate and three (3) mild.

The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.

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  1. some of the active cases now are ‘fully’ vaccinated individuals. have you thinking why all the mandatory vaccinations was for

    • For the umpteenth time, the vaccine does NOT prevent you from contracting the virus. It lessens the severity of the impact of the virus on an individual. You see the size of Cutie Benjamin? If he was not fully vaccinated, then woah would have been unto him

  2. News: “DELTACRON” a new variant discovered in Cyprus.

    “Cyprus Finds Covid-19 Infections That Combine Delta and Omicron.”

    • What about the new variant discovered in France?
      214 out of a sample of 340 were positive. That is 63%. Can we extrapolate this to the entire population and say there is a probability that 60% of the population is infected. I hope not. If we believe in prayer, we should start praying for deliverance, as the more we vaccinate, the more the numbers climb.

      • No DC. The cases that are sent to the hospital for PCR testing are those who already have a rapid antigen positive , their close contacts or those who are showing highly positive signs and symptoms.

  3. How predictable, but totally avoidable prime minister Gaston Browne.

    You allowed the fully-vaxxed spreaders (especially from the – Coronavirus ridden – UK and the USA) to enter Antigua for the Christmas & New Year holiday season.


    Remember Gassy, ‘Every day devil help teef, but one day God wi’ help the watchman …’

  4. My people: We are just witnessing the mere beginning of yet wilder stuff to be unleashed on this world. There is no escaping. Signs of the times.

    Mankind has travelled the road of evil from time memorial. We are only reaping the consequences of our evil ways.

    We have not seen anything yet. The BIGGER, MORE SEVERE PANDEMICS ARE YET TO COME!

    This is a wakeup call for humanity to consider our ways. Seek the Creator and forsake the evil.

    The other option is to continue on the rebellious pathway and then face the end result of destruction.

    There are just two ways in life: GOOD. and EVIL.
    We are called on to choose one. There is no middle ground.
    To each man the choice is for us to make. God will NEVER force us to choose HIS way.
    We are at the crossroad: the choices we make determines our destiny.


  5. Omicron is a MILD infection & rarely kills… In time, it will be proven to actually CURE covid by providing the antibodies needed to protect people from current ‘covid’ infections and ALL FUTURE VARIANT’S. Getting OMICRON is actually a GOOD thing because it will END THE PANDEMIC!

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