140+ Argumentative Essay Topics for College Students


Mastering the art of crafting a compelling argumentative essay is essential for all high school and college students. Essentially, this writing assignment enables students to structure their ideas and argue persuasively. This proficiency is valuable not just for students in law, international relations, or public policy programs but for anyone aiming to enhance their critical reasoning skills. In this article, we’ll explore the elements of a strong argumentative essay and suggest the best argumentative essay topics suitable for college learners. For those who might find this task challenging, services like DoMyEssay.com can be a lifesaver when you need to pay for essay writing assistance.

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What is an Argumentative Essay?

Argumentative essays serve as a platform for advocating a specific viewpoint. Through meticulous research and the strategic use of logic and persuasion, these essays aim to convince the reader of their central argument.

Similar to a persuasive essay, the aim of an argumentative essay is to convince the reader to adopt the author’s viewpoint. Nonetheless, while a persuasive essay relies on thorough research and emotional appeals to make its argument, a robust argumentative essay ought to rely purely on evidence and data rather than emotions. Additionally, it is essential that each claim is substantiated with transparent evidence from trustworthy sources.

The Format of an Argumentative Essay

A well-crafted argumentative essay should also possess a coherent framework that guides the reader effortlessly. To structure your argumentative essay, stick to this layout:

  • Introduction
  • Supporting body paragraphs
  • Paragraphs addressing typical opposing arguments
  • Conclusion

In the opening section of the essay, the author declares their perspective and central argument in a thesis statement. Subsequent paragraphs within the main body elaborate on it, with every paragraph dedicated to a distinct idea. The number of supporting claims to prove your point depends on the overall length of your essay. Typically, you’ll need to write a minimum of two or three paragraphs. They should be thorough, referencing precise studies, cases, data, or personal stories for support.

In the section addressing opposing views, the author recognizes and challenges contradicting opinions. Then, in the concluding part, the author reiterates the primary claim presented in the thesis statement and recaps the main points of the essay. The conclusion might present a concluding suggestion to convince the reader to agree with the stance of the essay.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting an Argumentative Essay

  1. Select your subject matter. Use our list of the best argumentative essay topics for inspiration. Make sure that the chosen subject matter resonates personally with you because your writing improves when you are engaged with the topic. Moreover, choose an issue with substantial depth and balanced viewpoints for and against it. Steer clear of topics that are either universally acknowledged truths or excessively specific. For instance, “Does the Moon orbit the Earth?” would be a poor choice.
  2. Research the picked topic by consulting various resources. These can be libraries, online websites, and other relevant sources. Make sure to conduct a thorough yet efficient research. Keep track of your findings by taking well-structured notes, always recording the origin of each quotation and considering how it could integrate into your essay. Additionally, be mindful to identify and examine potential opposing viewpoints.
  3. Structure your writing. Utilize the discussed format for an argumentative essay to draft an outline for your paper. Delve into formulating a conclusive thesis statement that reflects the core aspects of your reasoning. Proceed to provide your supporting claims, prioritizing a coherent progression of ideas. Typically, it is recommended to present your most compelling piece of evidence towards the end.
  4. Create your initial draft using your research and the framework you’ve outlined. This draft does not require perfection. Echoing Voltaire’s belief that the perfect is the enemy of the good, concentrate on simply transferring your thoughts onto paper.
  5. Edit your work. Critically analyze your own writing. Ask yourself:
  6. Do I need to modify my thesis statement?
  7. Which examples feel the strongest? Weakest?
  8. Do the transitions flow smoothly?
  9. Do I have a strong opening paragraph?
  10. Does the final statement support and strengthen my work?

Tips for Revising an Argument Essay

Self-revision can be a hurdle, but fear not! Here are some effective approaches to tackle your writing and refine it into a polished gem:

  • Read your work aloud to yourself.
  • Boost the clarity and flow of your essay by recording yourself reading it aloud. Listening back will help you identify areas for improvement.
  • Create a backward plan for your essay. Begin by writing a brief synopsis of the core concept or arguments next to each individual section. Afterward, review this backward plan. Does the structure make sense? If there are inconsistencies, identify the sections that require modification.
  • Print your paper and separate it into individual paragraphs. Experiment with the structure and see if the sections need to be shuffled.

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Strong Argumentative Essay Topics for College Students

Family-Oriented Topics for an Argumentative Essay

  1. Should family meals be mandatory to enhance family bonding?
  2. Is it ethical for parents to monitor their children’s emails and texts?
  3. Should families adopt eco-friendly practices as a compulsory part of their household routine?
  4. Is it beneficial for families to enforce a daily “technology-free” hour?
  5. Should siblings be encouraged to mediate their disputes independently to develop conflict resolution skills?
  6. Should family vacations be considered essential for fostering family relationships?
  7. Should grandparents play an active role in their grandchildren’s upbringing?
  8. Is it crucial for families to have a pet to teach children responsibility and empathy?
  9. Should parents limit the amount of competitive sports their children participate in?
  10. Should parents use tracking apps to ensure their children’s safety, or does it breach trust?
  11. Should children be taught financial literacy by their parents from a young age?
  12. Should family traditions be preserved even if they clash with modern values?
  13. Is it beneficial for children to learn more than one language at home?
  14. Should families be encouraged to cook together to promote healthier eating habits?
  15. Should parents enforce a bedtime for teenagers to ensure adequate sleep?

Topics for Argumentative Essay about Education

  1. Should schools integrate mindfulness and meditation practices into their daily schedules to enhance student focus and well-being?
  2. Is the traditional grading system still effective, or should alternative assessment methods be adopted?
  3. Should schools require vaccinations for attendance to protect public health?
  4. Should schools enforce a uniform policy to reduce socioeconomic disparities?
  5. Are single-gender classrooms more beneficial for students’ academic performance?
  6. Should schools offer trade and vocational training as an alternative to traditional college preparatory courses?
  7. Should physical education be optional in schools?
  8. Should schools provide students with local and global news education to foster awareness?
  9. Should teachers be required to have a minimum level of technology training to keep up with digital teaching methods?
  10. Should schools offer bilingual education to all students?
  11. Should public schools have more autonomy in their curriculum without state mandates?
  12. Is it beneficial for high schools to start later in the morning for improved student health?
  13. Should schools ban competitive sports to focus on inclusivity and physical well-being rather than competition?
  14. Should student feedback be considered in teacher evaluations?
  15. Should schools implement programs to teach empathy and social skills as part of the core curriculum?
  16. Should schools be required to provide resources and support for students with learning disabilities beyond what is federally mandated?

Government and Policy Essay Topics

  1. Is it necessary for the federal government to implement a universal basic income?
  2. Should there be a constitutional amendment to protect privacy rights in the digital age?
  3. Should the government require a cap on campaign spending for all federal elections?
  4. Is it time for the U.S. to introduce mandatory civic service for all citizens?
  5. Should there be a federal law that mandates paid parental leave for all employees?
  6. Should the U.S. reinstate the Fairness Doctrine to ensure balanced media coverage?
  7. Should the government fund infrastructure projects to improve public transport across the nation?
  8. Should the government implement stricter environmental laws to combat climate change?
  9. Should the government have a say in corporate executive pay?
  10. Should the government make voting compulsory for all eligible citizens?
  11. Should the government implement policies to ensure Internet neutrality?
  12. Should the Electoral College be reformed, and if so, how?

Health Topics

  1. Should genetic testing for inherited diseases be mandatory before starting a family?
  2. Is it ethical for doctors to deny treatment based on personal beliefs?
  3. Is it ethical to place a higher priority on organ transplants for patients who engage in healthier lifestyles?
  4. Should mental health screenings be as routine as physical exams in schools and workplaces?
  5. Is it ethical to use placebo treatments without patient consent if it could potentially lead to better health outcomes?
  6. Should age be a factor in determining the allocation of limited healthcare resources?
  7. Is it ethical for health insurance companies to access personal DNA tests to determine coverage and rates?
  8. Should all medical research be published openly to facilitate global advancements in healthcare?
  9. Is it ethical for parents to select for or against certain disabilities or conditions in their unborn children through genetic interventions?
  10. Should antibiotic use be more heavily regulated to prevent antibiotic resistance?
  11. Should the government require individuals to meet certain health benchmarks (like BMI or cholesterol levels) to qualify for certain types of insurance?
  12. Should all healthcare professionals be required to undergo cultural competency training?
  13. Is it ethical for companies to patent new drugs, potentially limiting access based on cost?
  14. Should there be a cap on the amount hospitals can charge for emergency services?

Social Media Essay Topics

  1. Should social media platforms be required to verify the age of all users to protect young children?
  2. Is the effect of social media on democracy positive or negative?
  3. Should there be a “digital bill of rights” to protect users’ privacy and freedom of speech on social media?
  4. Should social media influencers be held to the same advertising standards as traditional media outlets?
  5. Should social media platforms be treated as publishers rather than platforms, making them responsible for the content they host?
  6. Should social media usage be limited to certain hours to promote mental health?
  7. Should users have the right to be forgotten, allowing them to erase their online presence on social media completely?
  8. Can social media be effectively used to enhance educational experiences?
  9. Is social media making us more narcissistic as a society?
  10. Should there be legal consequences for spreading fake news on social media?
  11. Should there be an international standard for data privacy on social media?

Religion-Related Topics

  1. Should public schools have courses on world religions to promote understanding and tolerance?
  2. Is it ethical for public officials to use religious language and symbols in their official duties?
  3. Should religious leaders have a say in state policies?
  4. Is religious conversion harmful or beneficial to societal harmony?
  5. Should religions adapt their practices to modern ethical standards?
  6. Is interfaith dialogue effective in reducing religious conflicts?
  7. Should religious groups be allowed to use public spaces for events?
  8. Should atheism be taught as a part of religious education in schools?
  9. Can religion and science coexist without conflict?
  10. Should prayer meetings be allowed in workplaces?
  11. Is religion a major factor in wars and conflicts today?
  12. Should religious organizations be allowed to provide government-funded social services?
  13. Is it justifiable for a religion to ban the questioning of its beliefs?
  14. Should religious customs be allowed to override medical advice?
  15. Is proselytizing a form of freedom of speech or an imposition on others’ beliefs?
  16. Should religious texts be updated to reflect current societal values?
  17. Is religious tolerance achievable in highly diverse societies?

Topics About Science

  1. Is the pursuit of artificial superintelligence a threat to humanity?
  2. Should genetic modification of human embryos be allowed for disease prevention?
  3. Is it ethical to use CRISPR technology to alter ecosystems to combat diseases like malaria?
  4. Should there be international regulations on ocean mining to protect marine ecosystems?
  5. Should we prioritize funding for renewable energy research over nuclear energy?
  6. Should plastic production be significantly reduced, even if there are no viable alternatives for certain uses?
  7. Is it ethical to use drones and AI in wildlife conservation?
  8. Should the scientific community focus on extending the human lifespan?
  9. Is it more important to fund research on curing diseases or on preventive medicine?
  10. Should all new buildings be required to incorporate green technology?
  11. Is it ethical to perform experiments that create chimeras (organisms with cells from multiple species)?
  12. Should science agencies fund missions to asteroids and comets?
  13. Is it ethical to create artificial environments for endangered species rather than preserving their natural habitats?
  14. Is it ethical to conduct large-scale scientific experiments that could alter the Earth’s atmosphere?
  15. Should the international community ban deep-sea mining to protect unknown marine life?

Sports Topics

  1. Should the use of technology like VAR (Video Assistant Referee) be expanded in all professional sports?
  2. Should governments provide more funding for women’s sports?
  3. Should athletes be punished for off-field behavior?
  4. Should all athletes be required to undergo regular drug tests, even during the off-season?
  5. Should sports betting be legalized and regulated?
  6. Should children under a certain age be prohibited from participating in competitive sports?
  7. Should college sports programs invest more in athlete education and less in facilities?
  8. Should sports leagues have salary caps?
  9. Is it necessary to have more stringent safety protocols in youth sports?
  10. Should there be an age limit for professional athletes in contact sports?
  11. Should cheerleading be officially recognized as a sport?
  12. Should national sports teams be required to have players from diverse backgrounds to reflect the country’s diversity?
  13. Should schools focus more on physical education to combat childhood obesity?
  14. Is it ethical to exclude athletes based on past political or social statements?
  15. Should athletes be considered role models?
  16. Should extreme sports like base jumping or skydiving be regulated by governments?

Topics for Argumentative Essays on Technology

  1. Should governments have access to encryption keys to combat terrorism despite privacy concerns?
  2. Should the development of autonomous weapons systems be banned internationally?
  3. Should there be a tax on robots to help fund social welfare programs affected by automation?
  4. Is the Internet of Things (IoT) a threat to personal privacy?
  5. Should AI and robots have rights?
  6. Does telecommuting have more benefits than drawbacks?
  7. Is it ethical to have AI serve as judges or mediators in legal disputes?
  8. Should society depend on blockchain technology for voting?
  9. Is the digital divide worsening social inequality?
  10. Should governments use AI to make decisions about social services?
  11. Are tech companies responsible for users’ digital wellness?
  12. Is augmented reality an ethical tool for marketing?
  13. Should countries have a cyber warfare treaty?

Business Topics

  1. Should there be a cap on CEO salaries relative to their employees?
  2. Is the shareholder-first model damaging to other stakeholders?
  3. Is it ethical for businesses to use offshore labor for cost reduction?
  4. Is consumerism driving unethical business practices?
  5. Should businesses that automate jobs be required to retrain their displaced workers?
  6. Is it ethical for businesses to sponsor political campaigns?
  7. Should small businesses receive more government support than they currently do?
  8. Should businesses be held accountable for environmental damages caused by their suppliers?
  9. Should all businesses be required to become carbon neutral?
  10. Should the use of corporate tax havens be illegal?
  11. Is the gig economy exploiting workers or offering them real opportunities?
  12. Should companies be legally required to manage cybersecurity risks?
  13. Should businesses be incentivized to hire ex-convicts?
  14. Should companies be allowed to collect biometric data from their customers?


By employing the strategies outlined in this article, you’re well-equipped to construct a compelling argumentative essay that’s sure to impress both your teacher and peers. Start with a clear thesis statement to guide your readers, use your research effectively to support your arguments, and thoroughly review your essay multiple times to ensure clarity and correctness. With consistent effort and careful attention to detail, your essay will not only stand out as an exceptional piece of work but also set a new standard for your future assignments.

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