14 new cases of COVID-19




The most recent reports received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment from the Mount St. John’s Medical Center (MSJMC) and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) have revealed fourteen new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Tuesday 26th January 2021.


Subsequent to the publication of the dashboard for Monday 25th January 2021 with the cut off time of 6pm, one hundred and thirty-one additional samples were processed by MSJMC and CARPHA increasing the pending results from zero to one hundred and thirty-one.


Of the seventy-three samples processed by MSJMC, sixty-nine were negative and four positive while of the fifty-eight processed by CARPHA, forty-eight were negative and ten positive.


Three of the new cases are imported while eleven are non-imported. Investigations have begun and contact tracing and testing are ongoing.  


Meanwhile, four new recoveries have been recorded bringing that total to one hundred and seventy-four.  


Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is two hundred and fifteen (215); which is inclusive of thirty-five (35) active cases.

Meanwhile, seven additional persons have been hospitalized and sixty-six samples are pending.


The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.


*Please note this dashboard includes information for the 25 and 26 of January 2021.

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  1. The situation will get worse as we see the virus is still raging on the global scene. It is left to the population to act sensibly and be very responsible. Once borders remain open and people continue to behave in dangerous manners…then the opportunities will be present for the unseen guest to attack people.
    We cannot depend on vaccines. There is no telling when supplies will be available for the Caribbean islands. Even Barbados now seems desperate enough to approach the Indian government about obtaining vaccines from India.
    These are warning signs of the times in which we live. My people …. it will only get WORSE as we draw closer to the end.
    We need to take the essential preventative measures and precautions that will deter this virus from jumping from person to person. Let us adhere to the protocols.
    Covid-19 will be with us for a long time. The new variants signifies that as an RNA virus, it intends to do its rounds over and over again.


  2. Covidiots feelkng themselves all their dreams coming through meawhile people are going out of work thanks to this wack curfew and yet no aid from this neverment

  3. @covidiot
    Now I understand the brain behind the name. For your sake, indeed for all our sakes, stay safe!!

    • Hey paid political agent like the long winded covidiot mosqutioes u nar pay my mf bills or feed ma pikney. Un like u me nar wait fu politician handouts. The phucking virus hab one 98% survival rate just slap on heavy fines pan the damn business and dem that a broke protocals and mek hard working people earn dem living plz and tonks. Some people work and APUA ah go look fu cut light and water soon. How tf people suppose to pay dem mf bills wid this wack curfew.

  4. There are plenty of people who can help just blockade the hill and ask the yachties and rich “residents” to give 100 US dollars to pass through Liberta on their way to the airport.

  5. The travel protocol to enter Antigua & Barbuda should be revised for persons entering to have a negative covid-19 result from test done within 72 hours before boarding the plane to travel.

    A covid-19 negative person could easily contract the virus within that 7 day period. So the result shows negative, but in fact the traveler comes in being positive.

    Most countries are opting for the 72 hours test results because they know that it makes more sense and is a greater preventative measure against importing positive cases into their borders.
    What is so hard in implementing the same 72 hours test result for Antigua & Barbuda ?

    We are playing a deadly mickey mouse game with peoples’ lives.

    Wake up, Antiguans.


  6. Unlike you that patrols A.N .and just wait for a story to popup I have a business to run so I won't read any rebuttal by you , probably won't understand it anyway so .... P.S. always be nice to people . Unlike you that patrols A.N .and just wait for a story to popup I have a business to run so I won't read any rebuttal by you , probably won't understand it anyway so .... P.S. always be nice to people .

    You call everyody a mosquito who disagrees with . You’re a disgrace why don’t you stop posting comments I learn nothing from you. Where’s your views , ideas or suggestions and then you stomp your feet and go into a tirade and write things that no one understand . At least I’ve read Anon comments and sometimes understand where he’s coming from . You’re truly what your name suggest a “Buffoon” you’re calling “Anon”a paid agent ? seems like the “MOUSTACHE ” controls your every thought . Do us all a favor and crawl back under the rock that you came from .

    • Blah blah blah like one phucking mosqutio. Boi like u hab phucking stang fu me. U can tell when dem guilty. Ya phucking finger nar hat u from typing all that phuck. Opposision party ah phucking pay u anyway. Me phucking point is instead this full ah phuck government lock down place wide dem phucking curfew just phuking fine business place and dem dat ah broke phukkng protocals and mek other place dat put dem self inna phucking expsene fu upgrade dem business fu meet de phucking protocals. Dat clear enough fu u @$$wipe?? U like u me nar wait pan none phucking politican weather it be red blue green orange or any phucking clouor fu one hand out. Me hope dem pay ya r@$$ well fu phucking interfere wid people who nar badder wid a r@$$ and gee u one phucking band aid fu ya phucking finger

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