Youthful Pride: Michael Joseph Represents in High-Level Delegation to China


 Michael Joseph Represents in High-Level Delegation to China

By Craig Nelson, Freelance Journalist

Mr. Michael Joseph, the recently elected Custodian of the St. John’s Rural West Constituency, was selected to join a high-ranking delegation to the People’s Republic of China.

The delegation, led by Prime Minister Hon Gaston Browne, includes key figures such as Minister of Health Sir Molwyn Joseph, Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon Chet Greene, and Chief of Staff in the Office of the Prime Minister, Ambassador Lionel Hurst.

Michael Joseph, also the Chairman of the National Solid Waste Management Authority, has been lauded for his inclusion in the delegation, a move that demonstrates a commitment to incorporating diverse voices and perspectives at the highest levels of government.

The decision by Prime Minister Browne to include a representative who not only hails from the Rural West Constituency but is placed in high regard as a young leader has been met with widespread approval, showcasing the government’s dedication to grassroots inclusion in national affairs. 

As a humble servant and icon in communities, Michael Joseph has set a strong example through his character, humility, and commitment to public service. His involvement in the international mission to China serves as an inspiration for young people across the nation, particularly those in the Rural West Constituency.

 Michael Joseph‘s dual roles, as both a grassroots leader and Chairman of the National Solid Waste Management Authority, highlight his versatility and commitment to national development. His presence in the delegation underscores the importance of involving young leaders in policy-making and diplomatic missions.

There is growing speculation and hope among the public that Michael Joseph may soon become the next voice and light in the upper house, adding his perspective to the legislative arm of the government as a Senator. This possibility has generated enthusiasm and optimism, as it reflects the ABLP Administration’s ongoing efforts to create avenues for youth representation at the highest levels of governance.

The ABLP Administration has consistently demonstrated its commitment to nurturing young leaders and providing them with opportunities to actively contribute to national development. Michael Joseph‘s inclusion in this prestigious delegation is a testament to the government’s dedication to fostering youth participation and engagement in shaping the nation’s future.

As all eyes remain fixed on the delegation carrying out national duties in China, Michael Joseph‘s presence continues to inspire hope and pride among the youth. His journey exemplifies the strides being made to ensure that the voices of young leaders are heard and valued in the corridors of power, setting a positive precedent for the next generation of policymakers and influencers.

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  1. This article has gone overboard to try and impress us with this guy, and is full of repetition.

    Is he also full of the ”highest level of governance” in regards to ”abusing women”?

  2. Michael boy I gotta tell you
    You lying down with the wrong dogs
    Dem fleas insecticide resistant

  3. It is more important to be honest than to be Bice but I wish the statement was that you will be honest and nice.

    Be honest about this? Should the government continue to have incompetent people at big position with no degree, advance or otherwise?

    Should any government official like a PM say I cannot help you as a citizen start an endeavor of national importance, where the assistance being sought is for government agencies to act in a reasonable, prudent, and expeditious manner?

    Should people enter politics with average salary and then have millions while in office?

    Should politicians beg you for monet when you ask them for help and have not even help you before they ask?

    Since your quote is about honesty, do answer now. So I know your mind.

  4. This is not a good start, young man. You are there simply for optics, so you can be a desired candidate in Rural West.
    There is nothing there about what you have achieved ( not to include using other people’s money to share out stuff to schoolchildren).

    In other words, this is just FLUFF.

    Your career will be very short-lived if you go along the path you are travelling.

  5. Craig Nelson is a FAKE journalist, who has no idea what a freelance journalist does.
    He is NOT Freelance Journalist. He is a FRAUD.

    Rural West is being overrun with garbage and Michael Joseph, the Chairman of the National Solid Waste Management Authority is in Chana to inspire hope and pride among the youth to grow up and be part of what? The Corruption culture fostered by ABLP.

    This propaganda piece is an example of the Chinese media and ABS hook-up that was previously announced.

    While you may have expected the first propaganda piece coming out of ABS or Pointe; here is an example of the China style of propaganda and misinformation. This is classic China style, of using propaganda writers pretending to be independent or freelance journalists.

    Be on the lookout for deep fake IA images and showing Opposition Party members doing unsavory things in photos and videos next.

    Craig Nelson, do yourself a favour. Find another career.

  6. @ My way of helping

    You’ll never get an answer. Your questions are too poignant for him to answer. At best he’ll turn around and cuzz you and call you all sort of names.

    There is no such thing as honesty among them. The aspiring MP mentors should have told him: stay away from that word: “Honesty” stay away from that word. We are not about that in the ABLP

  7. Their going to China is of no benefits to us. The trip is just that; a trip. Millions of dollars spent on excursions annually and then they boast about all the countries that they visited at our expense. Max and Molwyn have accumulated in excess of 150 years between them and have lost their capacities to learn anything contemporary so why are they part of the liming team?

  8. The ABLP is becoming slowly but surely the party of choice for the young and intelligent of our people. We are seeing where Gaston Browne is taking g to be party. He is demanding that the old boys make room for the young ones. And by next General Election we will have a slate of at least half competent young men and women. A few months ago it was Dwayne George newly appointed who was taken on a trip to Saudi Arabia. This is how you groom the young and inexperienced one for the future. Cause God forbid we get candidates like those dunce elements in the UPP to represent us. What a disaster that would be

  9. @ Less We Forget

    You guys are the ‘brightest dunce’ government we have had in Antigua. Not to mention your incompetence. I will mention a few examples of your ‘brightness’. Cutie said we shall RISE from the WEST as the sun RISE from the west (this in relation to LIAT). You guys are so dam dumb. Yiou spent $400,000.00 for palm trees that had to be destroyed and relayed.
    Practically ALL government buildings are in a state of disrepair, not surprisingly as we have a numb-skull as minister of public works!!!
    You mess up the crime bill requiring you to go back to parliament to amend and we have just discovered that the ABST amendment was not properly tabled.
    You destroyed prime agricultural lands used for research for over 50 years- which fool could have done that? Oh no, its a ”bright”, not DUNCE ABLP person.
    You build hospital and then break it down to make offices for a ministry- poor poor planning.
    You promised water in 14 days OR is it 14 years? Such incompetence!
    You promised MORE JOBS, LESS TAXES and MORE INVESTMENTS, instead we get LESS JOBS, MORE TAXES and LESS INVESTMENTS, circa 26 failed projects.
    Talking about young and inexperienced, the health system in the COUNTRY DOES NOT EXIST, as it is run by one of the many octogenarians: MAX, MOLWYN, CUTIE and ROBIN.
    There is much more that I can say but as we say in death announcements here ”too numerous to mention”. RIP ”bright dunce” LABOUR PARTY.

  10. Young man please teach the Chinese living in our island to learn to keep our island clean. We have some very nasty ones who refuse to listen and are most racist and contemptible. Solid Waste is the thing the Chinese educated us about but our culture does not permit us to recycle ‘poo poo’ so please do not allow that and rubbish piling up around their projects.

  11. Michael, joining the corrupt ABLP is going to do two thing for you. First, it is destroy your reputation as a people’s person, and second, if you have any skeletons in your closet, they will not be in there for much longer. Those skeletons will be forced into the light for all to see. A word to the wise is sufficient!

  12. Wow! This was supposed to be a puff piece to burnish Senator Joseph’s image.

    He is not to smart media wise, to have approval this article being published.
    Its best he keeps a low profile and start picking up the garbage.

    The knives are out now; in the future he will be damaged beyond repair.

  13. That was NOT journalism. It is a press release of communist propaganda. I’m terribly disappointed with the news services in Antigua & Barbuda for losing sight of their place and function in society. Folks, your freedom is being taken away at an incredible rate.

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