Works ministry to better monitor use of government vehicles


Vehicles owned by central Government must be duly audited or they will be refused fuel and maintenance services in the first instance, the Ministry of Works and Housing has announced.

This position is being taken by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda as plans are underway to implement processes to effectively monitor and maintain the fleet of public sector vehicles.

“A Government vehicle audit will take place from Monday 30th April, 2018 to Friday 4th May, 2018 at the Sir. Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium between the hours of 8:30am to 4:00pm daily,” the ministry said in a release.

Permanent Secretary within the Ministry of Works, and Chairman of the Vehicles Use and Management Policy Advisory Committee Mr. Clarence E Pilgrim, said:“there are reports that some of the vehicles in the public sector fleet are not being properly managed, and the Ministry will be taking aggressive action against instances where public sector fleet vehicles are misused or abused.

“The audit of Government vehicles seeks to address all aspects of public sector fleet management to determine the physical status and effectiveness of the assigned vehicles that are in the Government fleet, and to efficiently manage the present resources in an effort to plan for future assignments and maintenance of the vehicles,” he added..

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  1. Oh my bad…I thought when you spoke about audit it would entail how many are parked up at beaches, cinemas and clubs on the weekend.

  2. Total waste of time by the PS if you ask me. Don’t think he even knows what an audit is. Lennox if you’re reading this please put this man back at Clare Vue. You need someone to write new policies and procedures for the control and use of government vehicles and than put people in place that you can hold accountable for the execution of the policies. You of all people know Public Works is a cesspool of corruption. No two words about that. Straight talk. And one of the many areas of corruption is the use of fuel. How much is the fuel consumption from government vehicles and who is monitoring that. As you know WIOC never loses. They just subtract all the fuel delivery from the consumption tax they have to pay in. So I have learned this add up annual in deduction by WIOC to ten million dollars and more. And how do you account for that? You don’t you record the NET revenue as income instead. Put systems in place to account for this big loop hole first. And check which departments are the main culprit of this misuse. Cause I can tell you. What I put in my government car I can go home and take it out and put it in my private car. Very simple. So what can be done about that. Record the consumption of fuel per mile by vehicle and you will expose the culprits very soon. You have people that should have a vehicle 24/7 but others that can only have vehicles from Mon-Fri 8/5 or whatever the working hours. I see many buses in the weekend carrying friends and family and parishioners from the church to beach picnics and other occasions. I mean Lennox you have more then your hands full than to do an stupid audit that will do nothing and cause lots of money and time lost. Let Pilgrim find other work to do PLEASE.

  3. Transport Board/Antigua Motor Pool
    Look into your male drivers on the following:
    • driving the school buses very fast and recklessly with our children.
    • using company vehicles to make their own money on the side.
    • hanging around doing personal business during work time or misuse of vehicles.
    • smoking weed and drinking alcohol in the vehicles.
    • playing loud music in the vehicles even at 6am when picking up staff.
    • having sexual activities in the vehicles at remote locations, such as: A Toyota Hiace with G plate parked at Pot Works Dam with a male and female occupant in the evening. A next parked at a bushy area in Wilikies. A next parked at a popular get away spot on American road when you want to get a cheap room. A next heavily tinted coaster parked at beach area. This is what you hire people to do? And these staff members talk about these illicit behaviours among themselves like they dont care.
    If some of the management and supervisors are also advocates of these things how can it get better?…..FIX IT!!!

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