Police have confirmed the identity of the transgender woman killed in potters yesterday.
She is Arnold Joseph also known as Angel.
Initial reports were that a young woman has been stabbed to death, but the police on the scene had since determined that it was a young male who identified as female.

Police presently have a male suspect in custody who identified himself as the victim’s lover. The suspect surrendered to the police.
More details soon.
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Ummm WOW! Someone died so that sad. But?
Well lard way me popcorn. This is some Jerry Springer/Mury type s**h. LGBTQAI is on land.
What the heck is a”Transgender Woman”? its still a man just trying to live as a Woman.. Whatever,no one deserves to die in those horrific ways.
A wah do you?
Omy omy such a pretty lady …..Maybe she tried to fu,*^%k him
It’s so sad to hear of people being murdered regardless of the circumstance. But as I know it, a transgendered person is one who has surgically altered their appearance and sex organs to take on the appearance of the opposite gender. A male dressed as a female is a cross dresser and a woman dressed as a male is a cross dresser. However this incident calls for prayers not only for the accused but for both families and who else might be affected by this act. I dare to say “we” NEED to organise a day of prayer for our nation and especially for our community. We are still searching for and hoping for the safe return of a runaway girl from the community.
Actually, that’s not true. A person does not have to undergo gender re- assignment surgery to identify as transgender. A cross- dresser may still identify by their biological sex but transgenders identify by the gender they feel most connected to. You can do some more research on it.
Thank you for this.
They are dam freaks in my book.. They need to get on their knees in the wee hours of the Morning,and ask the Father for redemption-They have a legions of demons which only Christ can Exorcise. Instead of various Societies just acting as though all of a sudden its fine for a Male with muscles all in their faces,to be accepted as a Female,and in some cases deceiving men into thinking they are,Society should be speaking truth to power,which is that this a horrible scourge on Humanity,one that time and modern ages can never make right..I am NOT advocating for violence against anyone,but i am deeply perturbed at the way Society is embracing this obvious evil,which can only result in one thing,and that’s curse on any nation that encourages such.. Then when we are faced with Disasters and horrible tragedies of all sorts,we ask Why do God allow such? Ask yourselves if we deserve better.. My view,and i do not give a dam what anyone thinks about..
Jesus take the wheel
wow, this is a pretty girl! So sorry that this occurred! Condolences to the family!
My condolences to the family and may the victim soul rest in peace.
RIP? Lord forgives those that search for it… let us pray that maybe at the last breathe for both it was done.
Let us be serious here!
Sounds more like a cross dresser and not a transgender. If the police could determine it’s a he and not a she. He would have had to already perform a sex change to be called a transgender… I believe…
denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.
😱The world is a dangerous place. You dont even know who your dealing with.
Sodom and Gomorrah!
. The Government of Antigua and Barbuda needs to organize a week of prayers to Heal the Nation from such curses
Almighty God is brimming with compassion and graciousness, long suffering, plentious in mercy and truth.
Halliujah! .
I understand that in the Caribbean culture, LGBT is taboo. But my god someone has been murdered, a family has lost a member a mother a child …. somewhere someone grieves. For people to right these deplorable comments is so disheartening. We need more humanity in our Society 🙁
I hope none of you writing these ‘jokey, deplorable comments ever lose a love one, unexpected and tragically, regardless of their sexuality.
Very sad
She is Arnold Joseph. Lord help us
Whatever she he was he going to pay for killing hopefully the family send him a dead spirit right to jail
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