Police are currently investigating an alleged homicide which took place in New Winthorpes at Barthley’s Apartment around 4am on Thursday 23rd May.
Carrisa Chandler, 30yrs old of New Winthropes was pronounced dead by a medical doctor at Mount St John Medical Center, shortly after she was allegedly shot by her boyfriend, 44yr-old Tedson Knowles of the same address. The incident allegedly stemmed from a domestic despute between both parties earlier the said morning. Police have since recovered the alleged firearm used in the incident. Knowles is now in police custody assisting them further with their investigations.
Meanwhile, police are making an appeal to members of the public, especially in matters of domestic disputes to to contact the Domestic Hotline at 463-5555 or call the emergency 911 or any police station for help.
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Have mercy Jesus. Leave. Walk away. Before the situation escalates. Nobody wins. I hope there are no children involved. Conflict resolution skills are lacking.
Guns smoke; …Bullet flies; and with Jealousy, a family cries.
In relationships, where ‘…Guns; …Bullets; and .Jealousy,’ exist, the possibility for tragedy to occur is never remote.
Behind closed doors and in privacy, though not necessarily secretly, an irate man or woman, may just ‘…flip’ and something may just ‘click.’
For longevity, these are relationships worth avoiding. Long life so dictates.
A family is now left to mourn and grieve over the ‘…tragic and painful loss of a loved one.’
Sure that the ‘Good Lord’ will help them through this tragedy.
My Pompey, as you have mentioned here before. Would it not be wise to wait until an investigation is completed to involve the word “jealously” which then implies “malice” which them justice a murder charge?
You do know murder is a very serious crime? I am only responding to enlighten you as you have enlighten me (wrongly in my father’s case) that an officer basically have no duty to act in good-faith by looking at all evidence available to form probable cause. While studying to take the Bar Exam and passing the Bar Exam, I learned the law make it explicitly clear that any investigating officer must have probable cause and you get this by looking at ALL evidence and not what you feel will help you convict someone but even those that contradict prosecution. I think this is why people should think like me, as you stated you do not know why people should think like me, they should think like me because the law states so and good-faith says so and the tort of misuse of legal proceedings says so.
I have no clue what happen in this case, I wasn’t there, so I am saying to the family of this beautiful lady, I am so sorry and I can not imagine what they are feeling at this time. I pray my prayer will diminish the emotional distress they are suffering at this time. My heart feels for you and when an investigation is completed, I hope you have that reliable information to help you heal.
He shoots from the hip.
There is no need for malice to be present for a murder charge, (Gray 1965). The men’s rea of an unlawful killing is the intention to kill or cause grievous bodily harm(GBH) . Note the intention to cause GBH is enough for a conviction of murder as established nn in Vickers 1957 and confirmed in Cunningham 1982. Thus not withstanding the use of the term jealous there will be are murder charge . However if the defendant can successfully pleads the partial defence of loose of self control or diminished responsibility the defendant is found guilty of manslaughter . If he can plead successfully self defence, automatism, sanity then he can be acquitted. In respect to gathering information , while all.information is necessary and helpful ,it is in the.inevstigate on mind and risk that will determine when he have sufficient evidence to prosecute the matter .
Malice aforethought must be proven either by the specific intent to kill or knowingly causing death or reckless indifference to life or gross negligence. I have never heard of any murder that does not require the element of malice aforethought mentioned herein.
Murder is different from Manslaughter. Manslaughter does not require any malice. If you have an intent to cause great bodily harm, then that becomes the malice (acting knowingly or recklessly or gross negligently). So, you have proven the malice required.
Words of wisdom Mr Pompey” Relationships worth avoiding” Some may say that the woman did not know the person has the tendencies,but i always believe there are subtle signs early in the relationships, Run as fast as you can at the first sign..So Sad.
@my way of helping STFU u idiot. He use a GUN and shot the woman dead. What more intentions u want than that. U always trying to use other circumstances to justify ur father’s bs. Do us all a favour and just STFU!!!!
@ SMDH, You are saying that any person who shoot another with a gun must be prosecuted, without any investigation? Intent is of no consequence/importance to you, motives, mitigating circumstances, whether it was accidental or intentional so you can determine the punishment, this is not of importance?
I will not be able to shut up with people like you still alive and talking these ignorance for our youths to read and hear.
I am not upset at you, I empathize with you, it is your lack of information and education in this area.
I do not know what happen here but I know a young beautiful lady lost her life and should have gotten the opportunity to live a full and happy life. Other comments will not be made until evidence is made available.
@My way of helping as I said and I will put it in CAPS STOP USING OHTHER CIRCUMSTANCES TO JUSTIFY YOUR FATHER’S B*******. DO US ALL A FAVOUR AND STFU!!!!!
You sound like a rass.
Take a Law class before you come for someone with a law background and possibly even a law degree.
Is that edifying Mr. Pompey. Which so many years in the police service having seen it all, that is all the advice you have for the young people? Come on. I know you have a wealth of experience in many of these criminal fields that you could share with your fellow men.
Try help to reduce crime under the youth.
Sometimes women need to do a background check on the men that approach them wanting relationships. The accused guy in this news article has 2 children with another woman that he seldom provide child maintenance.
Antigua is a small place and everyone know everybody. I believed that she had know what type of temper this young man has and still stayed in the relationship. The power of some love/lust relationship is deceiving.
A lot of our young men like to drink alcohol and smoke weed then behave crazy.
Sometimes you do a background check, and everything is perfect with him/her. and then something happens and the individual snaps for the first time in his/her life.
Sad but true
People do not snap one time in a relationship and kill their spouse-these are relationships that has been toxic and as in most cases ,escalate to tragedy .. I really think we just need to stop all If’s but’s and maybe’s ,since this is a clear case of the man murdering the young woman with a Gun.I may have had another argument if they fought and she died maybe of strangulation or something,although its still death,but when you pull a trigger on a loaded Gun you intend to do nothing else but take a life..Instead of people trying to come up with all sorts of reasons we should be educating our young ladies to know when its time to put on their running shoe,and run as fast as hell. This is happening way too often in our small society and no amount of condolences and theories will bring these young women back.
Weed weed marijuana let u behave crazy wrong product leave that slave mentality in your fridge at home
Qustion I have first is about the gun. Was it a legal or illegal fire arm.
If it was legal I would want the police to look at a criteria for obtaining a fire arm license that would include a mental evaluation of some sort. I know of many other gun holders that have a bad temperament. And I always say to them that they are an incident to happen. Actually one is my friend whom I had to take the gun away from in a private party where he couldn’t control himself having had too much to drink and got in an argument with his wife who danced with another man. One confession I have to make is that I also when I look honestly into myself, I cannot say that there weren’t times that had the good lord not cool me down that I would have used my fire arm to settle a score. Knowing that it is only for my protection and not for revenge. But when you have a brawl with another fellow you want to settle that right there and then.
Using a gun on a loved one is a very uncontrolled emotional action.
We have to teach our youth from the secondary school of about conflict resolution, You may be heated in this moment but in the next moment looking at it soberly you may regret your action.
John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)
(44) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Apparently Grammar is not a prerequisite to post on this forum.
How are all these guns getting into this country?
The same way your tv and radio appear
We really need to take a serious look at Domestic Violence in our community. It is nothing new, and the number seems to be growing.
We need to realize DV affects all of us, personally and economically. So when we hear the person next door been beaten don’t just turn up your TV to shut it out. Call the authorities. I am not advising anyone to put themselves at risk, put make that call. Don’t just suck your teeth and say “dem at it again”. Call the authorities. Please those in auth. when you are been called, take the call serious, the same seriousness you would when you get a call about a weed bust!!!
Don’t allow religious believe let us say “oh dem married mi nah get involved”, call the authorities. LETS STOP IT!
Stop blaming the victims of Domestic Violence, no one asked to be abuse, so the next time before your response to such situations as “she / he should a leave, or she/ he was asking for it”. Keep this in mind, Domestic Violence does not happen over nite. The effects of abuse can stay with long after they leave the relationship.
DV has no regard to gender (men get beaten too), religion, race or creed! So please instead of waiting until another life is lost, how about we start breaking the cycle!! Educate the youths, children who live in a home of abuse either grow to be abuse or the abuser. speak up’ demand stiff laws be put in place, the life you save may just be your own or some one very close to you.
sounds like you’re speaking from personal experience.
Your comment is a bit conflicting-you are saying that persons should not be saying “She or he should leave” then in another sentence,you say we need to brake the cycle.. The only thing to brake the cycle and may help to save a life is to educate young women to be aware of the subtle signs of an abuser and to LEAVE that relationship before you are in too deep.. Domestic Violence as you say do not discriminate,but when you are emotionally Intelligent you know when to walk,its all about you and only you can know from the start of a relationship the things that’s been said or done to you behind closed doors.,because unlike what some may think, things like these just don’t happen out of the blue.. Another reason for Women staying in toxic relationships is low self esteem,they stay hoping the man will change,sadly they usually do not,so again Education..Love should not hurt..
Not one person has said RIP to the dearly departed. Yet all the men on here having a pissing match about what word means what and what constitutes which crime. I’m sure there are lawyers in court to do that. The article is about a young lady who just lost her life in her prime. I hope if for nothing that this article can save someone else’s life. Please ladies if you are in an abusive relationship seek help! Seek independence so you are not depending on anyone to stay, look for signs … put god in your life and pray for strength and wisdom
Rolston Pompey talk a little too fast at times , how about a simple RIP …..JEEEEZZZE MAN!!
No help from the Police. I can attest to that. I have been in that situation before and was told there was nothing that could be done unless a crime is committed. Yaah.
It’s so unfortunate for that girl. My condolence to her family. Walking away is not as easy as people think. You try to walk away then you are harrassed.
When a man makes up his mind a restraining order or anything else for that matter means nothing.
Thank you . I will state again “Stop blaming the victims of Domestic Violence, no one asked to be abuse, so the next time before your response to such situations as “she / he should a leave, or she/ he was asking for it”. Keep this in mind, Domestic Violence does not happen over night”!!! Focus on the crime!!!!
Shake my head
Y’all don’t even know what takes place n so😒
She hit him too!!
She made vis mouth bleed!!
And the father knows how his daughter stays and he still making it seem as if she was such a nice person who never did anuything.
None of us are perfect!
We all do things wrong!
Threating the mans family isn’t the way about it!
And Carissa Chandler said bedore she died”A mask man shot me”
So why are they still blaming him?
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