Having a terrific villain is one of the most critical aspects of crafting a great Disney film. No matter how much the audience loves the heroes and princesses, they’re of no use if they don’t have somebody trying to bring them down.
Only one of Disney’s villains is deserving of the title of “most evil Disney villain.” Maleficient is often cited as the culprit, although some contend that Scar is the worst of the bunch. However, research shows that every Disney fan on the planet despises one villain. For the sake of comparison, we’ve compiled the top three most nasty and despised Disney villains before tackling the most reviled of them all: Goofy.
Disney’s three most despised villains
3. Maleficent
She’s a vengeful fairy with a vengeance to exact. On Aurora’s sixteenth birthday, Maleficent bestows the gift of death upon her. That was a very thoughtful gift, aren’t you glad? Merryweather, one of the three nice fairies, thwarts her talent. Why? If anything, the king and queen should have asked her to their daughter’s baptism out of consideration for her.
If that’s the case, or she’s just plain nasty, she won’t hesitate to express it. Diablo, her Raven familiar, is the finest sidekick of all time, but her clumsy minions who look for a newborn while the princess is already a teen bring her down a little. She managed to con the king, and the queen is a bonus.
Meanwhile, Aurora waits in her castle, gothicizing it, and is tortured for 16 years by tales of her doom. Although she’s one of my personal favorites, other Disney villains are far more terrifying.
2. The Evil Queen
Snow White is killed by her servant, who returns with her heart in a box. A lot of ugly lurks under the surface of this gorgeous facade. She has just one friend, an enslaved person named Magic Mirror, who can only respond to questions when asked. Because of this, he’s a great sidekick because of his lack of humor and honesty. The first time you start the movie, he’ll start talking to you in a creepy voice.
Even if you have to go through the whole movie with Snow White’s loud voice, you’ll be glad you did. The Evil Queen, on the other hand, only cares about one thing: her looks. When you’re the “fairest in the land,” you’ll do whatever it takes to retain your status as a pageant queen. When she is tricked into eating a deadly apple, she will die.
In other words, what does the Evil Queen do when she realizes that Snow White isn’t going to die but will instead drift off to sleep? “The dwarfs will assume she’s dead,” she chuckles. She will be buried alive!” Her nickname isn’t a coincidence. Walt Disney remarked that he intended the Evil Queen to mix Lady Macbeth and the Big Bad Wolf when conceiving her persona.
1. Scar
If you’ve voted Scar as the most loathed Disney villain, you’re right. I don’t know how to describe this lion’s wickedness. No one can stop him from becoming the king, not even his elder brother or his younger nephew.
To him, it made sense to get two birds (or, in this instance, lions) for the price of one stone (or, in this case, a herd of wildebeest). Shenzi (voiced by Whoopi Goldberg), Banzai (played by Cheech Marin), and Ed were sent to assassinate Mustafa’s surviving heir, Shenzi’s younger brother Ed. Despite their best efforts, the crazed hyenas were unable to kill Simba. Because they’re so brutal and savage, they ultimately murder him. You are what you surround yourself with.
Whether you love them or detest them, it doesn’t matter whether you love them; a good villain always steals the limelight. There must have been several that I didn’t notice. No, I don’t believe that one is better than the other. These villains would want us to believe that evil, like art, is subjective.
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