With roots deeply embedded in the Parham community, Tevaughn G. Harriette wields considerable influence – particularly among the youth – in St. Peter.
Starring in the No. 1 sport of football, “Peter Redz,” as he is affectionately known, came to leadership early as the captain of the Parham Football Club and as a leading striker for the Antigua & Barbuda National Football Team. When Redz plays, the “Three P’s” come out in their numbers: Parham, Pares and Paynters.
This graduate of the Pares Secondary School declares the pride and affection he still carries by descibring it as “the best school in the world.” But he longs to see Pares Secondary develop as an institution that turns out not only scholars, but more sportsmen and women of community and national stature.
Harriette’s secondary education prepared him for the world of work, and he went into the security business after completing school. Three years after he was hired as a supervisor, he had mastered the daily operations of the business and was promoted to the position of Assistant General Manager.
“This is where the load of the operations and negotiations of keeping the business going were placed on my shoulders,” he says. “I had to put my shoulder to the wheel and rise to the occasion in all aspects.”
The time, effort, and dynamic approach paid off, and young Harriette was promoted to the position of General Manager two years later. He says, “These unprecedented times, dealing with COVID-19, have helped to sharpen my management skills,” and these attributes have allowed the company “to still be in existence.”
As a member of the Parham Community Group and the East Boys Promotion, Harriette is deeply concerned about the lack of development in St. Peter after decades of Antigua Labour Party representation.
He believes the community should be further ahead in every aspect – especially in its infrastructure; in the employment and deployment of its young people; and in the use of its resources – the land and the ocean – for the benefit of local residents, and not only for investors.
Harriette is also concerned that the elderly are being under-served in the area of health, as the Parham Clinic is in poor condition while Pares has no facility.
Now, as he branches further afield, politically, he is getting to know better the communities of Vernons, Cedar Hill, Fitches Creek-Weirs, Paynters, Gunthorpes, and Lightfoot. And Harriette acknowledges that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the issues plaguing this very diverse constitutency. Therefore, he promises to “consult with all the people” in order to create a collective vision and deliver proper representation to St. Peter.
He says he speaks for the youth – as well as the adult population – when he declares, “No more of the hand-out mentality.” Instead, he is looking to bring to his constituency “develop-mentality.”
Tevaughn Harriette is convinced that the time for change is now, and the agent to bring about that change is the United Progressive Party. As part of “The Team to Redeem,” he intends to score big for St. Peter
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A man goes about kicking a ball and all of ah sudden he is termed an icon and can run a country!!!
Guess ALP can pick up a dog in red shirt and you idiots will still vote for it. Tell me what Maria Bird bring to the table?
Mr. Knight, you seem to be a man who has a shining armour of dunceness. What Mrs Browne brings to the table is intelligence, theoretical brilliance, eloquence, professionalism, class and a genius, as her husband to give her all the support she needs. I agree she may have limited experience in the political field but with the qualities that she possess and the ABLP team that she is embrace in, there is no doubt she will definitely have alot more to offer to the political arena than Mr. Peter Redz and Mr.Pringle.
DUNCY BAT KNIGHT. Your UPP attracts all sorts of Persons. If this the best UPP can do the results will be ABLP 17. UPP 00
Just Saying is not Maria Bird Browne a Minister and isn’t she helping to run the country? What is really wrong with some of you people who post comments on ANR. What was her credentials before she got married that would have prepared her to run a country? You guys should strive to be objective in your criticisms.
I don’t usually agree with guys like “just saying” but there are some merits to his/her statement and it happens in both parties. Imhoff would have been a far better candidate than Harriet. She is more experienced and far more knowledgeable of social and political issues, and has been involved in social and community development for eons. But alas, politics in Antigua is a popularity contest, and a footballer is more popular than anyone in Antigua (except for politicians of course). It’s no surprise that our development has been stagnant. The more qualified candidates are always shunned, and it’s been happening for year. What gains have we made after 38+ years of independence?
With that said, Michael Browne and Teco Lake were unexperienced unknowns he did jack shit in America, came back home, yanked and were thrusted into candidacy. The awe of Antiguans returning home was seen as a popular move and people like Just Saying and CONTRACT swallowed the bait, hook, line, and sinka. Michael Browne graduate yet? Asking for myself.
Once upon a time there was a man (Antiguan) knocking a ball with a bat and he became an icon not only in the Caribbean but all over the world. With Christ in the vessel and determination in your heart you can conquer anything
You mention “Christ in the vessel”. Is this guy some kind of a Christian or something? What is his philosophy, his values, his ideology????
I would like to agree with Mr Ryan this thing about youth in leadership rolls may be a travesty.
UPP reminds me of the West Indies Cricket Team had an excellent team once upon a time but keep recruiting talent that has not produced. Just keep turning the corner.
Adults need to lead the country into a particular direction. The youth must know their place. The more I listen to Pringle, Peter, etc the more I am convinced the future looks dim.
All the adults who buy into this youth thing do this when you work hard for your money turn over all of it to your child and tell them to run the household and remember to make demands for the things you need monthly…….
Under normal circumstances a move from supervisor to assistant General Manager and then to General Manager would be crowning achievement for one so young but l like the politically influence omission. The writer didn’t divulging the said Security Company is owned by his father.
Thank you for EXPOSING the nepotism. So really and truly he didn’t have to “earn his way” because his papa owns the security firm.
Nepotism is only normal and okay when dished out by the UPP. The history is there for all to see. George Walter, brother Selwyn, wife Hyacinth, sons Gregg and Vaughn. Harold Lovell, wife Joanne, sisters Linda and Debra-mae. These are but two glaring examples. No surprise then that they hail that young man’s meteoric rise to the top….. in his own father’s firm. Enough of the hypocrisy!!!
I’ve read all the comments here and am noting my view.
1. Alp has about 5 grown adults who are pass retirement and about to hit retirement, who not only been there for decades but the communities they represent had absolutely nothing to show for excellent representation but yet still they’re voted in time again and again. Leaves me to wonder what does the ppl really wants for their community and country as a whole??
2. Alp recruits the young then give then a few dollars and toss them to the side. Then they keep calling on the youths to come aboard, come aboard for what a few dollars which will be finished in hours??
3. Rural East representative when was the last time the representative walk or drive through that area my gosh it’s a horrible mess.
4. Upp call the youths, they’re elected and everyone has a problem with it. Please somebody show me one person in Antigua with no flaws absolutely no flaws. The great America had president who only had a high school diploma so what if Antigua has ambitious ppl who wants to see gd for their country, it’s better to try than to fail.
5. As an antiguan at times am ashamed the way we bring our very own down to the gutter and yet still will embrace a Jamaican, Guyanese, Syrian, Spanish, Chinese and a white man with little or no education at all to represent us not only in Antigua but worldwide.
6. As you take issue with my points do your research see how many ambassadors we’ve, how many are BORN antiguans representing us globally and those who aren’t please check their history.
7. Antiguans love your own for your country sake, support your own for your country, forget about party and love your country.
I totally agree with this.
This person needs people around him to guide his political development. With no experience in the security industry or business he was hired as a supervisor of the company and 2 later became the general manager….was this his father’s company? By not establishing that fact makes it misleading, and that is not a good start!!! More importantly we want to know about your policies at the national, sub national, constituency and individual levels. Your popularity as a football player is really not important now you have Segway into a completely different aspect of life.
This is the second time i have seen an article about you and much is left to be desired especially of those around you… For your information i am a resident of the St. Peters constituency and have a right to know.
As a youth reading this article, I am ashamed to call myself an Antiguan.. I Read most of the comments and i agreed with a few..
One person said the youths should know their place. And i watched as many went in on the young man.
We are still in the position of “party” instead of being proud that a young native of land has chosen leadership of larceny.
Yes, he is not qualified. Yes, he will need assistance but that’s what we are here for.. No one is born with the knowledge of how to do everything.
I think Antiguans are so accustom to having foreigners oversee then that when a local rises to leadership, it is considered the worst thing ever.
Give the young man a chance.. You have given many chances to some of the worst politicians we have ever had.. And we would still put them back.. Stop fighting your own. Antiguans are blind and if they continue, we will head downhill and end up like those countries whose natives are now our residents.
Please go to the head of the class.
COME on UPP !!!! How the hell can you JUSTIFY choosing this young Guy with no track record of even self managing His home to run for office. This shows that UPP SCRAPED the bottom of the barrel. This is lack of respect for the Nation. I thought the UPP learnt from the DISGRACEFUL JAMALE PRINGLE with His awful Representation in Parliament. What a shame !!!!
Redz is a great leader , he tries to help people i can testify for that …were we all born with knowledge? Dont we all have to learn ? Please you sound crazy …nobody is perfect , he is an Antiguan & he deserves a chance . We keep putting people who are saying things or making promises to us as a nation so why not someone young .
Redz is a great leader , he tries to help people i can testify for that …were we all born with knowledge? Dont we all have to learn ? Please you sound crazy …nobody is perfect , he is an Antiguan & he deserves a chance . We keep putting people who are saying things or making promises to us as a nation so why not someone young .
We Antiguans are the best at destroying people with our mouths. So here is this youngster who has decided to become involved with politics, and while he may not be the most qualified, the best some can do is to take aim and destroy him before he even has a chance. Question his experience without doing so in any derogatory fashion. It would seem that many have become accustomed with what I call the “inherited and osmosis politics” that take place in Antigua. For example, Maria Brown who had little experience, prior to her assumption of the seat she now holds is qualified to be a politician, because she is married to the prime minister. In addition, I have heard that the news caster Jeremy was mentioned as being a viable candidate, again what makes her better suited? Her father’s political career was not willed to her. Your father being a politician doesn’t qualify you to be a politician, but this sort of thing happens all the time in Antigua.
We are impressed with titles, prestige, and the likes but not with the common man. I have seen where politicians who have served in other professions, have had a good education but had no political background, however, because they were Mr and Mrs.so and so child and they have held some professional title, we have elected them into office. Not everyone will have the same background as a politician.
I am not suggesting that we accept every Tom, Dick and Harry from any of the political parties, I am si ply saying be fair, be opened and refuse to tear down each other. Citizens should always put country first, never politicians. I see a few people commenting and using the word “dunce”, but it’s a dunce who does not understand that you don’t belong to a party, you belong to a country, therefore, when a party is elected, whether, you voted for that party or not, that party has an obligation to serve you as a citizen. It’s apparent we haven’t gotten to that place yet.
Let’s agree that the politics in Antigua needs to change.
N.B I am not of any political persuasion.
We Antiguans are the best at destroying people with our mouths. This youngster who has decided to become involved with politics, and while he may not be the most qualified, the best some can do is to take aim and destroy him before he even has a chance. Question his experience without doing so in any derogatory fashion.
It would seem that many have become accustomed with what I call the “inherited and osmosis politics” that take place in Antigua. For example, Maria Brown who had little experience, prior to her assumption of the seat she now holds was qualified to be a politician, because she is married to the prime minister. In addition, I have heard that the news caster Jeremy was mentioned as being a viable candidate, again what makes her better suited? Her father’s political career was not willed to her. Your father being a politician doesn’t qualify you to be a politician, but this sort of thing happens all the time in Antigua.
We are impressed with titles, prestige, and the likes but not with the common man. I have seen where politicians who have served in other professions, have had a good education but had no political background, however, because they were Mr and Mrs.so and so child and they have held some professional title, we have elected them into office. Not everyone will have the same background as a politician.
I am not suggesting that we accept every Tom, Dick and Harry from any of the political parties, I am simply ply saying to be fair, be open-minded and refuse to tear down each other. Citizens should always put country first, never politicians.
I see a few people commenting and using the word “dunce”, but it’s a dunce who does not understand that you are not a citizen of a party but of a country. therefore, when a party is elected, whether, you voted for that party or not, that party has an obligation to serve every citizen. It’s apparent we haven’t gotten to that place yet.
Let’s agree that the politics in Antigua needs to change.
N.B I am not of any political persuasion.
Concerned citizen you comment is absolutely wonderful and laced with immense truth and wisdom. I enjoyed reading every word.
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