Who do you think makes a better Commissioner of police? 


Who do you think makes a better Commissioner of police? 

A) A person with policing experience and advance degree in related field

B) A person with only an Advance degree in the area/field

C) A person with only policing experience 

ALSO, order the above in terms of who you think should be considered first, second and third. You can state why. 

Below is my opinion. 

The current commissioner of police is saying he has done his best. But society deserves the best person for the job (not saying he isn’t), but saying our best may not be the best available. I strongly believe the best person for the force is someone who has an advanced degree and policing experience. To show you I mean this in an honorable way, not even me would meet that requirement by having only advanced degrees. The best person is a person with policing experience and an advanced degree for COP. The second best is a person with an advanced degree in policing and related degree and no policing. The least best is anyone else (just experience). This is how I think a police commissioner of a court should be chosen. I do not think the current commissioner’s best is the best we could have had for Antigua and Barbuda policing. This truly is not an attack on the commissioner, and I mean this in general and in good faith. Respond if you agree or believe what I am saying has merit. 

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  1. You have identified three categories but are been very vague with your suggestions. Normative thinking requires solutions once you identify problems. I am willing to go a step further and call the name of the most qualified and competent person the lead the police force. I recommend Mrs Quashie for the job. Having looked at the current pool of top cops, she has the qualifications, having just attained her Master’s degree, the experience both in theory and practical policing, she is well respected among her pairs, feared and respected in the streets, she has integrity, is god fearing and none partisan. She is my pick to address the current crime situation in Antigua.

  2. In either scenario the “top brass” of the police force should be made up of personnel that all have those skills, either individually or collectively. The commissioner must then be able to act/operate based on the combined knowledge of the top brass to effectively carry out his duties.

  3. I am not qualified to answer that question. It would depend on what types of things people learn in school vs on the job. It would also depend on the actual individuals in question. The best people to make the selection would be a panel of people who have knowledge of both the theories and practical realities to be able to compare candidates properly and who can also question the candidates directly as to their vision/ideas for tackling the problems at hand. Sometimes people look good on paper but lack vision.

  4. By your explanation, Commissioner Rodney is BEST suited for the job as he has an advanced degree in policing (he possesses a Master’s Degree in Criminology) and he also has about 40 years of policing experience.

    So what exactly is your point?

    I think the issue you might be having, J. Francis, is that you like to write about things without first possessing all of the necessary facts. For God’s sake, do some research before you speak.

  5. The police force will never at this time be in a better place. Look at this, we have a ACP (Cuffy) who at 9yrs ago was a corporal and because he is loved by a person on the police service commission he was promoted no policing experience but driving, no college education in 2024, not even sure he has subject and cannot articulate at all.
    The COP has a degree but in journalism, now wat is that? Do not have any crime fighting strategies. It’s sad to say that persons left the police organization because this self righteous commissioner don’t understand how to utilize his staff. Albert Wade is a good man to be the COP; if he just took off a little of his blatant aggression towards the government of the day, the force would be better with him. Jeffers is a softie, so he is out. Benjamin-Quashie, good student of education but weak and is guided by persons who does not know crap. She is also an emotional person who makes that impact her judgment. Would she make a good cop? Hell NO!!! The commission has damaged the fabric of this force so badly that because of who they promoted, you cannot find a proper fit to lead. I strongly suggest Lt. Col. Edward Croft to be the COP. The reality the force is facing, is that because there are so many persons at the top without reall policing under their belt and lack in the professional requisite degrees to guide them, the force is in shambles. I am speaking from a learned position and as a person who was in. I did not leave because I didn’t care about the force but the slope it’s heading down, I saw no place for me and others like me with degrees who left. The entire top n middle section of the force needs management training. The officers are demotivated and the present top don’t hv a plan.
    Let’s check out the top brsss, Denaé’s (ACP) very tactical man, how can u not hv him over SSU, the rest ACP, don’t make one. Jimmy Tonge (ASP) understands tactical strategies, Cecil Daley, they knock him about for years. Graham(ASP) how he got there? No one knows because he not ready for that. ASP Ellis now a training school, can we be serious or we don’t have nonsense? Crime chief Cabral, not a sound we hearing from him because he has no plans, he spent 25 of the 37 yrs in the force driving politicians, not ready for this.
    In all the force needs persons who has species degrees and understanding of police n strategic planing. Can you say it’s there with what we have now? Nope. They left, stopped working, or about to leave.

  6. Why are writers and responders reluctant or afraid to add their names to what they write?

    Who is afraid of the big bad wolf? And who is the big bad wolf? The public?

    If you feel so strongly about an issue that you are pushed to write, show some respect for your name, or keep your thoughts to yourself.

  7. I think the police commissioner should not be a political appointed
    I feel he or she should be voted in an election by we the people whom they wish to serve
    The appointment by the pm makes for a partisan officer

  8. Law enforcement @ the street level over the years have become, by design, a paramilitary organization.
    The names of their operations these days are always akin to a #war on the community/people.
    They’ve moved away from being a HOLISTIC PARTNER in building Communities.

    Now, with all of the allegations of corruption in the force, it would be wise, once again to recruit the TOP BOSSES, COP – Commissioner of Police and other officers/Captains from other Nations in the Commonwealth, in order to remove/weed out the cronyism, biases, corruptions in the Force.

    It seems like more than the Judiciary is in need of a #Purge!

    Yes indeed! The Nation could use the Spirit of, An Epsom Salt Purge.

    Jumbee Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg👣Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  9. @Lester Simon, so if a person have the cure for a deadly disease or invented certain technology, those ideas must be kept from the public because he chose to not publish his name?

    Do you really believe your logic makes sense? Someone told me they are going to donate a large amount of cash to help others, these people that is in need of the cash should not accept the assistance because the celebrity does not want his or her name to be known?

    Where is the sense in your statement?

  10. @Wash an’ Basin,
    I was told by a reliable source he has a Bachelor’s of Communication? Are you telling me through your research you discovered he had a master’s degree in criminology that no else knows about on planet earth?

    Anyway, you asked what my point is, my point is that folks at the helm of the police force should have advance degrees in social sciences like policing, criminology, psychology, sociology, criminal justice, along with the policing experience (preferably). This should be what is sough-after with priority but exceptions for lesser can be made.

    That is my point, for the right person who has those qualities. I also still believe an Intelligence and National Security Unit (INSU) should be form immediately.

    Let the experts with the advance degree and exceptional abilities formulate crime fighting strategies and keep the nation safe.

    This unit advises immigration, police, customs, government persons and agencies etcetera.

  11. @Ex-police, thanks for your contribution. I am not saying what I am saying to attack any individual but to implement a merit and pragmatic solution to crime reduction. I do believe your points are being made in the same way. The commissioner of police should be picked not mainly from years of service but because of an advanced degree of knowledge, experience and research in vital parts of policing, society, behavior and analytical skills.

  12. Deputy commissioner Albert Wade, everything Rodney has Education wise; Wade has and more. Wade is better

  13. @ Lester Simon
    You very much know the answer to your question.

    We live in a fiefdom ruled by a dictator who is petty, vindictive and callous.
    Do you think people will put their names to articles that would leave them and their families penniless and starving because they spoke out? Get real.

  14. It should be a good man (Men on average make better leaders. Criminals don’t respect women, and women are often uninspiring and cliquish.) who has a clear undersganding of the kind of country that we would all like to live in. There cannot be good plans without good goals. Yes we want ciminals caught and that might require some intense anticrime activity for a while, but we don’t want a permanent war zone. What we ultimately want is a peaceful and harmonious society in which most children turn out well and the ones who go astray can be quickly apprehended and rehabilitated. Anyone with a suitable background could be good for the job. But, the right vision is paramount.

  15. I do not understand how the present commissioner has a master’s degree in criminology. When he was at school, didn’t he have to write in English? Because his English is terrible. Lots of green verbs, poorly constructed sentences and inability to express himself properly.

    All the commissioners seem to suffer from fear of the ruling party, or have some allegiance to who did them a favour. One of them could not arrest a minister because he said he was his mentor. He was allowed to get away with that nonsense and become a hot shot lawyer. People forgot he is the reason why the current AG is still in power.

    It seems this present one has decided he is not ruffling any feathers. All he wants is to go on his trips, get his per diems and bide his time until he can retire lavishly in his native land as a big shot, compliments the people of Antigua and Barbuda. He was pathetic on the leader’s radio station. Fawning to him, and grinning like a Cheshire cat. He was even being insulted and did not seem to know or care.

    The only one who did not have this fear was the UPP administration lady cop. However, as well meaning and decent as she was, the job was too big for her.

  16. I read some of the shared opinions, and sorry Mrs quashie no bones to pick, none are suitable to be commissioner of police, the cultural milieu that obtains under the the institutional interference by politicians has not allowed quashie to use her academic ability and plus funding needed to apply such feat, vere brown had some of what it takes, which is not taking orders from politicians and do his policing. I use to work at APUA in the 80’s and learn a lot while George Piggott was the electricity manager, which inspired me to go further, my father was perturbed when I resigned my job to go to the virgin islands to work with the power company, I did well and returned, only to be objected to by the present superiors in office who spend time here doing the same crap like pictographic work of old British relics left here after independence, no standards or measurements to this day 2024, I had to leave as they blocked me from been promoted, am not conflating the police work with linesman work, but they all meet the same resistance, a set cultural milieu, where politicians instructs police to break the law which the police should know the constitution, no police commissioner will ever function under politicians so corrupt, look at the inspectors when they retire, their kids are given special government jobs because of the work they did for the politician, I never forget inspector teague who put the shackles on George walters hands, had a stint at different government jobs after retirement, with the last one been at APUA that blocked a young person from aspiring, I am sure Lionel Michael working in the BVI gets a lot more implemented because of his support budget and less contact with politicians as I heard him said on a radio interview, and we need to cut the colonial ties to england, our police personnel look ancient with all those British regalia and clothing, will never solve a crime that way, lots a change needed, and young police in the force which should be service need to resign and go work abroad and return, academic is not internship, so don’t mention how qualified by the book someone is, Wendell Robinson upon attaining police commissioner first blunder was to take instructions to lock up Damani Tabor for talking, shackles on foot and hands as though he was an escape murderer, and now Wendell Robinson wants to posit himself as a star lawyer, I believe he is given certain status in the judicial system because of secrets he holds on politicians when he was commissioner, look at the Barbuda situation where the police is used to facilitate real estate transfer by force, even against the sitting local government of Barbuda by arresting a council member who possess the court of arms, that new commissioner will have to work in equity of all race and ethnicity, they can’t tip toe around white people in fear and jump on their black people only, have you ever heard a white or syrian being arrested for domestic violence or incest? No because the white people has certain white lawyer do their private policing at mill reef ,jumby bay and other white enclave, that lawyer is deceased now so I don’t know who continues, look at the white man that killed his wife in woods parking lot, did he serve out his prison sentence? No! Because our old people like cutie Benjamin with their colonized brain were taught to love white people as how we love the white Jesus picture, he let him out of prison as it pricked his heart that a white person is suffering and hurt, to hell with other black people suffering as Tim Hector would say of the politicians, the Chinese is released and recidivism occur again. We have to go out of antigua to come back and change this place, when I went up to state college I remember “Doc” as he is called, said that you all are not here because you are bright, but because we choose you. A lot of people in antigua who’s parent had political connection got their kids into Antigua girls high school and other institution because of minister connection, that’s why we have engineers that don’t seem to function, they come back from study with no experience and is given the top job, Apua electricity manager comes to mind, no innovation or creativity, just torture of his subordinates, so he don’t impart any knowledge like let’s say George Piggott did, if vere brown comes back and take this job as police commissioner it would be a different atmosphere that may stop the ruling party from continue to hold power as institution like ABEC will come under real policing during election, the upp went a bit further and brought in the Canadian with experience, same thing the PLM did in the 70’s had brought in some people to advance the Apua system which was sabotage by throwing chains over the lines to blackout the country, when I went to Apua to work in the 80’s I saw buck and boost transformers on the lines left there to rot, because the Antiguan placements put there to supervise after plm lost the election did not have a clue, and had to do as the politicians directed, as is happening today with the waddadli power plant been left to rot so a private concern can get the contract to generate electricity, that electricity manager has a fiduciary trust to the people of Antigua and Barbuda. Any way you got the drift, we are living in a state capture, no independent or objective thoughts, even observer radio is captured by the classics of the derricks with no new approach to running the station, knight at knight was a bit of innovation, you sight um?

  17. @Howcanubeapreacheranacommissioner what is wrong with being a preacher and a commissioner? God serving people can’t fight crime?

    Whilst you’re at it, since you think Wendell is the best, please tell me how can you be a commission and a bulla man who prays on staff?

  18. Lester Simon, now why is the name of the poster important to you. The message was clear. If there is a lie, say so! The thing is, we often wish to align name with what was said to be accepted. Just point out the lies and not who it came from. I said I’m a ex police. I’m not in to be afraid of no one. The thing is, we too fast and always wanna match a face to what was said for it to be acceptable. Chuptz.

  19. A good Commissioner of police has to be an EXCELLENT leader first, which has absolutely nothing to do with that long laundry list of qualifications that were stated; and others which were not.

  20. I would not choose but I think Mrs. Quashie has the respect of most Police Officers. I heard how she deals with the new recruits in the Training School She is like a mother to them. She encouraged those who are just average to do more which is a good thing. Not all the Recuits have that ability to get 70% in examinations, they are not all cut from the same cloth. A person can be just average and be a very outstanding Officer in the Police force. For those who are looking for high percentage in examinations all the time you need to get a different approach and not giving those who get a high percentage all the privilege. The lesser ones need ENCOURAGEMENT as long as they are being seen as SERIOUS. Mrs Quashie/Mr Rodney I know you will do your best in this area. Let’s mould our youths. The ones with average scores have feelings too. Please let’s not discriminate. Those same average Recruits might be some of your best women and men in the Police Force let’s not condemn them in this way. Not high marks on paper makes an excellent person all the time we seems to forget that.

  21. ALL I WOULD SAY IN AWNSER TO THOSE QUESTIONS IS A VETERAN OF THE ABPF [ Antigua / Barbuda Police Force ], who have come through the Ranks predicated on merit and Comand the RESPECT of hus Piers …and OPERATE IN AN ENVIRONMENT / SOCIETY WITH APSOLUTELY NO POLITICAL / GOVERNMENTAL INTERFERANCE

    The Honorable Comissioners Wright George and Cedric Potter had NO Advance Degrees. Common Intellegence and Strong Morals Trumps Advance Degrees. Knowledge is Not Wisdon … Science and Advance Studies give One Knowledge … but creative thorth processes is what produces Wisdon …!!!

    Police men and women RECRUITS do not need a MOTHER in the Police Force.

    They need leaders who would train them well into service to their country without fear or favour.

  23. Junasas Sirvimbi. Amen to that. During the opening ceremony for new Recruits it was mentioned that there would not be competition but yet I along with many others see preferences. If you don’t attain certain percentage at exams you are the under dog. Sometimes it’s not book make head but I know they must have the basics. Others came out who attain high percentage and boast about. We can have all the paper or high percentage but no common sense to do things. Encourage the youths. Treat them with respect. Treat everyone equally and we will have a set of serious and happy graduating Police Officers. SAVE OUR YOUNG PEOPLE

  24. @Hazle Roberts…what a #script for a DOCUMENTARY and DOCU-SERIES

    #Lights – 🔆⚡️📸
    #CAMERA – 📽️📹🤳📷
    #ACTION – 🎬🎬🎭🕺🏾🎤🤹‍♂️🤹🏿‍♂️🤹‍♀️🤽‍♂️🤽🏾‍♂️

    Jumbee Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole Dutty Peg👣Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  25. Too many square pegs in round holes…. that is how I would describe 99% of department heads in this country. They all have one thing in common and that is “FEAR” of the political directorate, and they mistakenly called it respect. A former deputy once said to me any instructions given to him by the PM he would carry out even if it was illegal…just imagine. The IHI investigation which involved ripped off of over $160 million remained buried and it is quoted that the PM have the power to instruct law enforcement to reopen it…just imagine. Police it seems cannot act unless instructed by the PM and you all here debating about who would make a good COP. The answer is simple…ANYONE WHO ENFORCES THE LAW WITH FEAR OR FAVOR

  26. Dear Nonesense people like you always take things out of context. Once I say common sense is important. You seems to have a gripe because I say “Mother”. I don’t care how you view it but I term it as that. I have my opinion and so do you. The oldest of person always need that person in their life to encourage them. She may not be a biological “Mother”but interact with them in a special way. What’s your gripe? Don’t come for me because you may not like my terms of opinion. I said what I said.

  27. We need a commissioner who is a born antiguan!
    No more foreign born, that immigrated here!
    Also no more appointees that the PM appointed!
    His or her allegiance will be to whomever appoints him or her!
    No more foreign rule!

  28. You can have all the degrees doctorates advance training and all the letters in the alphabet behind your name all you want at the end of the day if you don’t have the skills to communicate or talk to people, know how to motivate and encourage those under your command or if you are not a natural leader or have what it takes all those “qualifications” are just pieces of paper and don’t mean nothing. This current COP has this training has a degree in communication and yet he is the worst commissioner in the history in Antigua and Barbuda. I listen to him on DLP on Thursday and all I heard him talk about was himself. At this point even the last joined recruit would.make a better commissioner than this one. This is just my opinion.

  29. Yes by all means, years of policing experience; especially in sleuthing, but more importantly a person of high moral character, sense of justice, inspiring leadership ability, and the icing on the cake can be a degree in the human sciences.

  30. @ my way of helping

    Thanks for engaging even though you didn’t put your name.

    In the second situation of a donation, clearly a person can donate anonymously. And anyone can write anonymously, as you did, using a pen name.

    I am simply saying that commenting on a newspaper article without adding your name strikes me as possibly being afraid of someone linking you to your (entitled) opinion. What is the reason for the fear?

    This is not the same as an anonymous donor, who simply does not seek publicity and has no fear being associated with the cause to which the donation is made.

    In the first case of a cure, it is mandatory that the name and the details be published as part of the scientific process so that the details of the cure can be assessed, and repeated by others.

  31. Anytime you are dealing with a leadership position, the person for that position needs to have leadership qualities. One of those qualities is to be able to motivate those reporting to you and demand respect. Must also be a team builder. Although you would want someone that knows the job of policing, that is not necessary. Once the people he leads have those qualifications. We see all the time with our politician that they are head of a ministry that they have never worked in. But their leadership qualities is what makes them get things done. I am of the Finance and Accounting profession, but I have run Construction and Development project, base on my leadership and managerial qualities. I have been chairman of board of companies and didn’t know the industry at all. But you will quickly learn. And do not be shy and don’t pretend that you know things. And keep asking questions. People that have to explain their job to you will fall through the cracks when they want to give you a six for a nine. And when in doubt get external professional advice. That is why I can run any business. Put me at APUA and I will soon find out what the problems are and make the necessary changes. Put me in charge of the police and my sub-ordinates will have to tell me their plans and I will be able to break it down and make sense from nonsense.
    Mr. Rodney doesn’t have the respect of the entire force. He need to weed out those that undermine his authority.

  32. Editor, why has my comment responding to Lester Simon not been posted? Nothing offensive was in there?

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