White woman facing backlash after refusing to rent to locals in Antigua


An apartment host in Antigua is under fire from social media users after telling a potential guest she won’t rent to locals.

Here is the exchange between host Teresia Matthews and someone looking to rent the “luxury” apartment which is listed for US$2000 a month. CLICK HERE TO JOIN WHATS APP GROUP

Senator Aziza Lake who commented on the post said;

“No one should rent your property. Especially not with the hateful xenophobic, racist comments to a potential renter. You are not welcome here in Antigua you cretin.”
turtle cove
Another social media user said:
“Imagine being welcomed into someone’s country then deciding to be a hateful gentrifier. You’re acting like Christopher Columbus was ur dad Teresia.”

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  1. Racist white people in this country denying locals an opportunity to rent their apartments???? What a shame. I hope the government deport she white racist mudda

    • They get authorities to block locals from building too. Very illegal and against human and civil rights. Yet the government allows.

  2. This is just the beginning. We have already sold all the good lands to them so they can tell us where we are not welcomed in our own island. Our biggest mistake as a people is thinking that Apartheid is over. They just regrouping to come again.

    • That is right. Land in the US and Europe is very expensive, so they are running to countries where their currency is worth more. Then they do what they can to be rude and exclude others.

      This is why I say Westerners can visit Antigua, but some of them must not be encouraged to buy land or live there. Isn’t discrimination against the law? If not, the government must make an equal opportunity law. Then once she has broken it, make her pay a fine, confiscate her goods and deport her to her own homeland.

      I’m so pissed. There is a song that some guy wrote called “I’m Proud to be an Antiguan.” He says oh so many of us say negative things about our country etc. and he thinks that is bad.

      Of course, Antigua has so many good things… But HEH…brag about how good it is, and racists running for cover from high prices and forest fires and snow and whatnot will take the island over. They may not have money in their countries, but can buy so many things with the difference in the exchange rate :(. Or their ill-gotten gains, if they are running from some crime they committed in their own countries…

      I’m not against people from other cultures, but racists already do not know how to behave. They just want to take over anything that is nice, and push others out and be rude to them. I hope to read the next time that she has LEFT the island.

  3. Golnaz but is that the way to go about assuring that she makes it in US ? You must be an ass just like her!!!

  4. She right not to rent to you animals. No amount of money is worth that kind of stress and headache. Good on you girl😁😊

    • Lol 😂 did someone see this coward… ur entitled your opinion and statements. But y make a statement like this and hide.

      Put ur real name so ppl can see who this Asshole is..

      Ps welcome to animal kingdom don’t forget to take ur shitty mouth with u when leaving.

  5. This is why I NEVER suck-up to these type of ignorant people. It doesn’t take long before their true selves come out.

    How can you live, or run a business in a country where the majority of people are predominantly black and then, you don’t want their custom – it beggers belief, I tell you.

    Before Gassy exiled me last year and curtailed my business, I gave work to all people of colour including white people … I WAS PROUD TO DO SO, AND NEVER GAVE IT A SECOND THOUGHT!

    Two things, first we must boycott this business, and secondly I would suggest that if you don’t like black people – GET THE HELL OUTA Antigua 🇦🇬 !!!

    • Ohhhh now we know why your posts are always the way they are…

      You’re bitter, but love you still though!

      I do agree with you though…..Call her out and shut her business down. Let’s organize a picket and picket her property!

          • Oh, @ Welcome, I’ll come back, more determined, driven and my destiny will NEVER AGAIN be in the hands of a Prime Minister who has an utter distain – it seems – for Antiguan businessmen & women.


  6. I white British woman has had national parks and DCA denying a local family from building their home because they don’t want blacks on the hill. Even after the black family owned the land before most of them, and their house was approved before they the British even bought their land.

  7. They get authorities to block locals from building too. Very illegal and against human and civil rights. Yet the government allows.

  8. The woman has noticed a pattern with locals, that they are difficult clients. It may be true. It’s her experience. Kind of difficult for foreigners to link up with all their acquaintance in one weekend anyway. It’s unfortunate she chose to stereoptype instead of creating a clear list of terms of use. Had she done that it would possibly have deterred most of the would be hooligans. Well, now she will learn.

    • “… she chose to stereotype instead of creating a clear list of terms of use …”

      So white people don’t use towels then?! 😳

    • You sound like a dumb ass like this white entitled woman. I live in the states and visit Antigua from time to time and would get Airbnb’s, now that I see this post, she just killed her business with me and any other of my business associates that travel your island. Stating that black people/locals are more prone to noise and unkept, is a racist statement and should be grounds for immigration status revocation.

    • This is Airbnb not long term rental… How many locals has she or her friends rented to? I bet none, but she has already made her conclusions based on racist beliefs.

  9. She needs to know Antigua is a melanated country. She is the minority. She needs to feel uncomfortable especially because she was so comfortable to respond in writing that way. Go back wey you come from Teresa!

  10. I am a local Antiguan and I can tell you this, there is a house in my area that does air B and B rentals and I’m telling you for a fact that it gets rented almost solely by locals and there is always pure confusion, they invite like 50 friends over, block up the whole roadside with their cars, blast down the place with blaring music, and get this, climb up on the rooftop to jump off the roof into the pool. It is driving the neighborhood crazy. Total lack of respect for the other residents. So this kind of nonsense does happen.

    • I am British with Antiguan descent and to be honest with you should have made it clear on your terms and conditions clear You will not be in this position it looks bad the way you responded like you don’t want black people in your place At no point I am saying that you are a racist it’s just it just doesn’t look goodi if you made it clear You do not want noise or a certain amount of people in your property then it might deter people renting for that that sort off Use or for parties That is just my advice

    • I’m a former landlord and an expat and the same thing happens in the US. She cannot tell people not to rent based on their nationality. She is a moron. She is a racist, and she would be breaking the law here.

      In spite of all of the racists I’ve met, I never discriminated against any of my tenants. She needs to charge a bigger deposit…and keep it if they do extra damage. She needs to get INSURANCE and charge FEES for breaking rules. She needs to get references for all prospective tenants.

      She sounds lazy and inexperienced and desperate to make easy money on a house she can’t afford to pay for by herself. If she is hating on my countrymen, then she needs to be deported. Right after the government fines her and seizes her property like they do in the US.


    • Antigua has been doing that for a long time,that’s why so much corruption. Case in point.. we ran Allan Samford from our small island cause his backside came their with that foolish entitlement attitude,and he ran to Antigua and they suck him up there and made the thief a celebrity, lmao. So this woman came to Antigua and set up shop because she following people like Samford who got away with it. Now Antiguans should take a stand for their country and stop the perpetual bickering.

  12. I’ll bet you’ll still patronize her property 🤦🏽‍♂️
    We all know that the white race is the most racist people created. Look at the history…all over the world.

  13. Ok so I get why she doesn’t want to rent to locals but as I’ve always heard it’s not what u say it’s how you say it



    BUT SHE CAN PUT IT IN HER REQUIREMENTS…NO POOL PARTY OR 2nd 3 Rd party or no deposit and even when she does that the ugly fckkers dem ignore…..

    She’s totally RIGHT No LOCALS

    • Worse happens in the US. People use drugs in them and overdose and die. Some people use them to sell drugs out of. Some people destroy everything in the unit. If you can’t afford your house and can’t handle picking tenants and running a business, sell it.

      If you are going to rent it, you cannot discriminate against people because of their nationality. Landlords tend to get angry and blame tenants when they are in a financial bind or are not prepared to run a business.

      Your friend is not vetting tenants, charging enough for the unit or charging a large enough deposit and fees. This is not going to magically work out for her with tenants from a foreign country. There is no easy money. Please watch your language.

  15. Hail Jumbee Picknee😎🌅🏝⛱could you please pass the grey poupon?
    These conch_fritter are fabulous!

    Antiguans need to get the meaning of #RIGHTS & PRIVILEGES straight!

    Your ‘rights’ under the law, does not give you the ‘right’ to infringe upon, the RIGHTS of other’s.

    As some bloggers have indicated, #POLICIES & #GUIDELINES MATTERS, and should be clearly spelled out in the Rental Agreements!

    The next time, I’m in Antigua, I’ll throw a #crocus_bag over me(cut out two arms and a neck), and walk into Hensworth Jonas Church bare feet with my locks flowing to my waist!
    I’ll leave the Spliff at Devils Bridge.

    I hope, he doesn’t say, I’m not welcomed into his “church!”

    Ras Smood aka Jumbee Picknee
    Son of Mami_Wata and Papa_Elegba!

  16. The black politicians sell out we black birth right. They were given free lands by the acres up Buckley’s to build school for this children. They come here unqualified and get the best and highest paying jobs in companies that get our duty free and tax exemptions. Our PM and ministers go to dinner with them like hungry animals and so blind as not to see all the top people in their employ are whites.
    They even have apartheid like set up where blacks are not allowed to purchase properties and owned properties.

  17. People need to stop this black and white bullshit. Learn from the past and strive to make our island a better place in turn the world. We will never move forward if we keep living in the past.

    I can’t tell you how many times I have been cussed off because I mention to people to pick up the garbage they just threw out their car window. Everywhere I go I see garbage is strewn all over the streets. I go to the beaches and I see even more garbage lying along our beautiful coastline. Unfortunately many people here don’t have any civic pride. I have asked them many times if they throw their containers on the floors of their homes only to be told “Mind ya business” and “A fu me country dis” Well dis a fu me country too and yes a fu me business to help keep it clean. It should be all a we business to keep Antigua clean.

    Now regarding the situation with the owner who does not want to rent to locals. I know many people here don’t give a damn about other people’s property and belongings. I do not know what she has been through but I know and have seen with my own eyes how people who have rented places and have completely trashed them. Some have parties and certain types of people show up and cause a big disturbance and end up not only trashing the place and belongings but even stealing items. Come on people. We are so much better than that. Show respect and you will all get respect. Respect is not an entitlement, it’s earned.

    My country, our country would be so much better off if we all had pride in keeping it clean, respecting all people and their properties and stop mistreating all the animals here. I have to mention the animals too. When visitors come to our shores and see how we as a people mistreat animals, that sends a lot of negative ripples about us.

    Even if only one person reads this makes a change, then writing this was worth it.

  18. Plenty foreign owned bars in Antigua don’t even want local people in deh so how you expect dem go open dem house for you ??

  19. Who allowed this r to come here and buy property? Antigua people need to wake-up. The ALP has allowed this disrespect from all foreigners white, black, and Asian. Now, they want to do the same to Barbuda.

    • Mr. Byam…marning! Marning! Marning!
      A wah U, a say Papa⁉️

      Dis Nu_Nu Tea nice, as e wash dung, Mama Hillie, Bun_Butter n Cheese!

      Mr. Byam, as the saying goes, “the horse has already bolted from the barn!” As a matter of fact, those HUEmans, of lighter hues, I called them pink to vanilla, you call them “white” have never left the Caribbean, much less Santa Maria de la Antigua, you know the Terrorists from the Vatican to the House of Windsor(the one which folks like you, possibly bow to or salute to), again, the Original Terrorist, the Europeans never left. Therefore, no one is bringing “them” in.

      While, this incident reeks in more ways, than one; it’s part of a trend in business. Customer Service which morphed into Customer Care has taken a hit, since, the lockdown due to the COVID viruses.

      Brace yourself, there’s more to come. Both individuals like this proprietor and incidents, such as these.

      Oh, Jumbee_Picknee say, #GASTON a goh be, de fus CATEGORY 6 harricane fu travel lakkah, de Jumbee and dem, fram Africa to Antigua….

      Mami_Wata & Papa_Elegba dun a tun up de Atlantic!

      • … and the ABLP government was behind the EXILE of Antiguan 🇦🇬 nationals conducting their BUSINESSES last year due to their destructive vaccination programme when they banned us from returning home, because we refused to take the vaccine.

        See what I did there @ Caribian – thought not!

  20. I hear there is a Pizza place in English Harbour that refuses to serve locals. The can both stick there good you know where


    This same xenophobic attitude is applied to the hiring process at hotels for certain positions and the type of pay; the whites get paid more with incentives while the blacks get paid less with no benefits for doing the same job and putting in way more work, can you imagine training a white manager who was given a position you applied for? You’re good enough to train them but not to be granted the position SMH!!!.

    Hence why there are no black hotel general managers in Antigua.

    • That there are no black general managers of hotels in Antigua.

      Also look at Epicurean. All of the top management are foreign white people.

      Stop putting up with this

      • I had no idea about Epicurean, I will definitely write to them about this anomaly if true …

  22. See? This is what is wrong with black people.
    We find all kinds of reason to show that we should not be like that, including how bad some black people are and all our bad points.

    You think white people do that? Look at them in America. Even though they know their own people behaving bad they still will not make excuse for black people.
    Yes, some of us are too much. But we’re not supposed to take white people’s side over black people.
    They made us catch our ass because they saw us only as their servants, then we were a blueprint to get them rich when they come here. So now they have it both ways. In their place, they let us know who is boss, and in our place, they come here penniless, flash around their white skin and long hair and we who still suffering from picky head complex, move aside and let them pass or lie down and let them use us as steps.

    No white woman, even if she feels this way, should field that she could display her racism openly and we make excuse for her by cutting down our own people.

    Everytime I watch all the terrible things they doing to balck people I have to do like they used to do and reach to God to sustain me to hold back the anger. They cannot get another chance again this time with our permission. I say let she haul she racist ass and go. We do not exist to allow her where she come from to make her rich.

    Want to say more but now too vex.

  23. They can only do what the people allow them to get away with. How many of you are willing to make her uncomfortable in Antigua? She’s comes from racist Australia where they treat the Aboriginals like shit — Racism is in her blood. Too many Antiguans are just keyboard warriors. Action speaks loader than words.

    • …@Mek She Uncomfortable inna ANU…

      …if, we tink dis is #Misery!
      …u cyan, “wet u hand and wait fu me!”
      …’cause, wen dem kind yah sneeze!
      …and, me a talk bout, dem Chinese!
      …it, will be wus dan, dem Wuhan disease!
      …we’ll be, on bended knees
      …begging! Please! Please! Please!
      …we cyant take no moh!
      …’cause, ebrie bady! A kill we wid blow!
      …so, blow! Blow! Blow Papi blow!
      …blow de Conch_Shell fu we!
      …’cause, not even the GG!
      …cyan, tell me! Ras U crazy!
      …nutten Tarl, cyan go so!

    • To the indigenous population

      That’s what they have planned for you Antiguans and it’s well underway

      How long are you going to allow yourselves to be treated like slaves and 2nd class citizens in your own country

      Your own greedy government officials have sold you out

      • Ah true dat, but we are waking up to the nonsense now, and hopefully, the proof of the pudding will be seen at the next General Election.

  24. So let me understand this renter car owners who refuse to rent their cars to locals are racist too?

  25. Hold the phone Central if, locals have $2000 USD then, time to pool your money and build your own hotel/motel to generate $$$ for local Antiguans and keep the $$$$ local. Why spend $$$$ and give it to a White female who is a Non-Antiguan.

  26. You will never see Gaston Browne or any member of his cabol commenting on this.

    I can bet she came to antigua on vacation and never left, then probably applied for antiguan citizenship, yet want to stereotype and discriminate against Antiguans.

  27. There is no secret how locals are viewed by many of the business people of European descent in our hospitality industry. There has been very little attempt made by them to understand our local culture and appreciate it. Clearly you see an indifference towards any liveliness exhibited in the Antiguan culture. The property manager feels how she feels, but ignorance and lack of appreciation led her there.

  28. And if the Antiguan government officials had any self respect they’d deport her.

    Instead they are too busy rolling out the red carpet for white people and oppressing their own folks.

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