‘What can Shugy do for you?’ Remedial work on gutters and grills answers the question for St. Mary’s South voters


REAL NEWS –  Although he is no longer a member of the House of Representatives, nor in public office, Kelvin “Shugy” Simon, the United Progressive Party (UPP) candidate for St. Mary’s South, is getting things done in the constituency.

On Tuesday, September 19, Simon posted on Facebook a video in which he shows the filthy gutters in the West Palm Beach area of Bolans, along with a collapsed culvert that posed a danger to motorists and pedestrians.

In the video, Simon condemns the Antigua Labour Party (ALP) for spending thousands of dollars on its candidate launch, which apparently was held just a short distance away from these poor infrastructural conditions.

After Simon’s video began to make the rounds, the Browne Administration was forced to take action on Wednesday morning, September 20, when workers were sent to clean the gutters and address the collapsed metal grill.

The UPP candidate notes that ALP members continue to ask, “What can Shugy do for you?” But he points to the swift remedial action that his video has triggered as evidence of his effectiveness. While Prime Minister Gaston Browne and his administration continue their efforts to fool the people with giveaways and gimmicks, Simon says he will continue to expose issues that will compel the Government to act.

Reportedly, persons are being paid to clean the gutters in the constituency. However, the drains in question reportedly had not been cleaned for months and had accumulated smelly, stagnant green water, creating a breeding site for mosquitoes. Simon’s video also showed a part of the road where metal grills had been placed to cover a gutter – reportedly just before the January 18 General Election.

However, the grates had since fallen in, creating a danger, especially for vehicles. Members of the community had been forced to place a tree branch in that area – as a warning to oncoming traffic to avoid that side of the road.

Simon said the road had been hurriedly done to garner some votes for the ALP candidate, Samantha Marshall, whom he accused of failing to put proper infrastructure in place during her nine years as the parliamentary representative.

Meanwhile, he says that his role as an Opposition candidate – and as an MP – is to bring awareness to issues affecting the people, so the Administration can do the job for which it was hired. Simon therefore is pleased that his proactiveness has brought some relief to the people of the constituency; and he says he will forever be an advocate for St. Mary’s South, whether in opposition or in government.

Based on Simon’s second video – after the remedial work was begun – it was obvious that any flooding in the area would have been disastrous, as the drain beneath the grill was filled with dirt and debris, which would have prevented the water from flowing freely.







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  1. The question should really be,”What has ALP done for you lately?” They are scurrying around like cockroaches when the light goes on because an election looms.
    Don’t be fooled by this idiot PM and his leaches, they are desperate because the writing is on the wall.
    Shuggy does not hold the government’s purse and tax payers dollars should be used equally to maintain our infrastructure. Don’t forget the DAWG said that those who vote against him will get little or no assistance or something to that effect.
    The man lies with impunity, even in what should be an honorable place,parliament. George is a traitor who sold his soul for mammon. The question now is,” What can ALP offer?” What lies,deceit,treachery, skulduggery, corruption, high unemployment, no assistance with cost of living? Please.

  2. Wow 😳 wow wow St. Mary’s South don’t worry you have Suggy Listen Prime Minister Brown is aware that the ABLP will not win the Seat The Minister of Public works are playing her path to make sure that Suggy get all his infrastructure fix before he returns to the Parliament her eyes will be fixed on Him Prime Minister Brown I know how it hurts to see her steering at him across the Isle

  3. Shuggy is the best leader for SMS,point blank period. No one is a perfect specimen, but you must respect a man who put the people first,and that’s what this man has done continuously.

    Continue fighting for your people Shuggy, you surely got my respect sir.

  4. FETE, FETE, FETE …….that is all shoogy cares about. He wants the MP salary to fund his PARTY LIFESTYLE. no care or compassion for poor people, just FETE, FETE, FETE for the illegal nomination carnival preacherman.

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