LETTER: Welcome back Mr. Knight. Ignore the hate-o-rade and kool-aid drinkers


Welcome back Mr. Knight. Ignore the hate-o-rade and kool aid drinkers

When you have haters, it means you’re doing something right. In the case of Mr. Knight, he has haters on both sides of the political divide. So he is on the ball and many of us rely on him to bring us a balanced argument on the issues. When he plays Gaston Browne’s untruthful clips and does the fact checking, the UPP supporters love him. But when he plays clips of the same Gaston Browne and it is not favorable to the UPP, he becomes their biggest enemy.

A sycophant is someone who approaches greatness on his/her belly so that he/she may not be commanded to turn and be kicked. Only a sycophant agrees with everything someone else does.

Mr. Knight is no sycophant. Like he always says, has a thirst for change, not exchange. He has demonstrated his commitment to a “Better Antigua and Barbuda” by coming on air 5 nights a week to bring the issues to the people. He is a selfless spirit and for many of us who are independent minded we want to hear both sides.

If we want to hear a one sided viewpoint, we can go to Pointe FM or Progressive Radio. But if we want to hear an idependent viewpont, Knight will give us a lot to think about. Most of the times he just plays the clips so you get to hear the utterances directly from the horse’s mouth. I think that it is refreshing that we can hear arguments from all sides and that is what Observer is all about.

After hearing the gospel according to Joan for many weeks, advancing the UPP agenda, it is refreshing to hear another side of this UPP saga. It now makes more sense. There’s more in the mortar than the pestle. All that we were hearing suggested that Pringle was the victim. But Knight gave us something to think about. Pringle is not acting like somebody who wants to win. It looks like he likes the moniker “Single Pringle.” It looks like he was comfortable when he was the lone voice. But leadership calls for hard work and being the leader of an Opposition of 1, is very different when you are an Opposition Leader of 6. He has not demonstrated since he took over from Lovell in January 2023, that he has what it takes to lead.

He had 5 years of practice and is still acting like an apprentice with training wheels. His delivery in Parliament still falls short and as far as I can see, Pringle is still not demonstrating that he is motivated to do the job. He just does not get the electorate excited. Elections are won by numbers and yes, elections are indeed popularity contests. After Lovell lost by 6 votes, the UPP needs to wake up. It’s not about how much you improve by, it is about winning. Knight is about tough love and if you really want to win, it starts by winning over those who sometimes disagree with you.

But we know Knight, he is not afraid. He is consistent and committed to enlightening the people. Not the hit and run, bomb job that we get with Pringle and the UPP. So all I can say to the UPP and ABLP, many of us look to Knight to bring us the issues from both sides. And when you look at his numbers on Facebook, people are listening. Instead of criticizing Knight, UPP should get their own nightly program going. Where can we go to hear the UPP’s message? Even Tabor is gone on Fridays.

Welcome back Mr. Knight. Keep the fire blazing. We only know what’s going on in the country when you talk. The UPP should be paying you for exposing the Labour Party. You are consistent and relevant and many of us appreciate you.

Knight fan

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  1. Another WEAKLING intimidated by the Chairman and the WOMEN’S FORUM. Boo hoo

    Gisele Isaac-Arrindell is very protective of her UPP brand. She refuses to associate with LOUDMOUTH VAGABUNS and CASHAPP BEGGING CLOWNS!!!

    Pringle not moving, so the bully can keep badmouthing the UPP convention all she want.

  2. Very very well said Knight fan! This article is one of the best I have ever read. Unbiased views and full of truth. It is time the independent minds take back Antigua! It’s time to drain the swamp…!!

  3. And here is one story that you will hear again and again until you get to understand it.
    UPP will not achieve any measure of unity until the tone deaf, divisive, single minded leadership is removed. They engineered the convention elections, but some did not want to believe that. Now thankfully the message is getting across. There has to be an inquiry into that matter as soon as possible. It will disclose how the steal was done.

    BTW, this stealing goes all the way back to the 2019 convention. Remember the three questions woman who was stuffing her handbag with the votes? The video is there to prove that.
    Until the dishonesty is acknowledged, there will be no unity. Gisele and her woman army and hit men who engineered the steal of the elections must go for there to be peace and unity.

    This must happen real soon, otherwise, UPP is done for. There will be no peace.

  4. Just wait JOAN soon expose he true colours. Alot brewing behind the scenes. De pot soon reach boiling point……stay tuned for JOAN exposè

  5. The clips he has played about the Chair’s many salaries and wanting to collect a pension while still working must be driving she crazy. The woman is mashing up the UPP but she and the blind followers cannot see that. They will get the answer after the next election and Gaston and the ABLP wipe them out.

  6. Knight ,I have been listening to you from day one.I still continue to listen to you from thousands of miles away.Keep on doing what you are doing.For they do not like the truth.The truth hurts like hell.Keep up the good work for Antigua and Barbuda.

  7. Mrs. Arrindell is the epitome of STRONG BLACK WOMAN!

    Only a weak “man” will blame women and women’s forum for their DISMAL failure to influence voters. The polls show 2 things:

    1). Richard Lewis lagging behind Michael Joseph
    1). Cussing, gossiping and lying don’t sway voters

  8. Mrs. Arrindell is a STRONG BLACK WOMAN that cannot deal with STRONG BLACK WOMEN like Dr. Clean Athill, Joanne Massiah, Jermaine Edwards and Rachel Collis. Wheel and come again about Mrs. Arrindell please,

  9. I am happy to see that this talk show is upsetting the establishment or apple cart, we are all indoctrinated by what ever side we support blue or red and not the objectivity towards issue of nation building, in other countries you hear real talk show with freedom of speech, the public due to minimal literacy in terms of law and constitution is intimidated into been scared, and both side of politics like that so they protect their interest with their funders. I will not be no political fanatic, I am for country. Continue build our political civics Mr knight.


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