George Wehner investigates why water tanks that Baldwin Spencer and the UPP built at Buckleys, Patterson not being used.
The UPP says these huge storage tanks could have helped alleviate the water problem in the country.
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Wehner how is your WIFE??
I was wondering he same thing??? Let’s get the facts all out there.
Werner I am asking about your wife because I want to marry you.
Get your own username you fake copycat wannabe!
Hi fake Well well well, you are the one who’s fake. I’m the reap Well well well who is in love with pm browne and will stop at nothing to get him re-elected then take his wife place. I love you pm Browne. I don’t care how much of a clown or thief they call you.
I am the true Well well well.
To think that this government could have just connected the tank. Nothing wrong with RO plants but we need every drop of water we can get. This is an excellent idea and every community should have a storage plant. This water situation is just sickening now!! Tired of talk and promises!
Stop the damn blame game, both parties have been found to be negligent in supplying water in vast quantities to the island 🏝.
Water is a life and death commodity, stop the politicking AND RESOLVE THE SITUATION NOW …
If you don’t know how to, then contact those countries/or areas, in desert locations Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Las Vegas etc,.) that have been very successful in water 💧 supplies.
I’ve been saying that for a very long time. Aruba is a desert island in the Caribbean with a larger footprint on tourism tha Antigua. They have no issues with water supply and they get less rainfall than Antigua. 24/7 water running.
They have no issue? You sure? Then why did I see in a report for 2020 that: “Aruba is currently experiencing long-term drought conditions, according to the Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum, limiting water availability and impacting local agriculture livelihoods and production (World
Bank, 2020b).”. Why on other sources am I reading: “…Additionally, desalination in Aruba is currently unsustainable as fossil fuels are needed for fresh water production (see https://www.elementalwatermakers.com/desalination-aruba/)
You really need to take a course at UWI on reading comprehension. Paragraph two. Line 2 -3. “The water supply is reliable, yet very expensive.” Where in that ad for desalination did you read and comprehend that Aruba has a problem with supply water to it’s residents and visitors that occupy there spectacular resorts?
You are a fools fool. Nothing worst than that? An operative who deceive with intent to deceive is a criminal!!
Wheel and come again FOOL!!!
He said the problem with water supply report came from the world bank 2020b, “while OTHER SOURCES IM READING” -(the weblink) was reference for the fossil fuel and its unsustainablity..
You need comprehension classes
POOR BLIND BAT ““Aruba is currently experiencing long-term drought conditions, according to the Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum, limiting water availability and impacting local agriculture livelihoods and production (World Bank, 2020b).
No true.
Nutten tarl go so. Your referencing a world bank report from 2020!! Well I am referencing first hand knowledge. More wata there to satisfy every garden and some. You as a tenman should know “10 to 1 is MURDA.” Hop on Caribbean Airlines flight to TNT then on to Aruba and see first hand how bountiful the gardens are growing there. No tek fu u. You’ll be dehydrated on arrival and your going to need fluids to build you back up. During that time. Well Hydrated Rams will be watching.
Just for limited understanding of drought. What they are experiencing has had ZERO capability on the Dutch Government’s ability to
meet the daily needs of the community they serve. Unlike your mutants of government can’t supply one drop. Keep soaping up and wash offf with a tin cup dipping wata outta you bucket. Don’t drop the SOAP!!!!!!
The fact that pipes were not even connected leads me to assume that this was just a case of playing politics. ABLP and UPP you can’t play politics when it comes to water. APUA please explain.
Ask Whener when was the tank placed there before 2014? Fact is those tanks were there for years before 2014, yet not connected. The UPP was known for stealing good ideas but badly implementing them. Will not be surprised to learn that those tanks were badly placed. The moneys it would have cost to provide pipe infrasture to fill those tanks would be better spent in other endeavors. It also made no sense speaking about filling tank when insufficient water, at that time was being produced (not enough RO plants). In essence, seems to mee that the UPP put the proverbial cart Infront the horse (Like Lovell expecting to be PM but can’t win a constituency)
Why aren’t these used by the government:
• The UPP P.I.T?
Pure POLITICS. One up St. Phillips too. Go and check that one.
When last you buy piece a BBQ chicken from Elvis shop?
You nar go stop chat. Me no eat stale Meat!!! Only freshly caught Wild Salmon enter this body. Go yam you BBQ and enjoy you NAP after!!!
Elvis shop sell salmon too. Well marinated
I have it flown in daily. Freshly caught! Unlike you. Bully beef a tie up you tumuck!!! Not even SENNA can help you. You eat Too much rice pudden, bull foot soup, souse, backaneck…. When last you had a fresh meal? A stale food you a yam!!!
What research does this guy do before he put his foot in his mouth? Ask Whener when was the tank placed there before 2014? Fact is those tanks were there for years before 2014, yet not connected. The UPP was known for stealing good ideas but badly implementing them. Will not be surprised to learn that those tanks were badly placed. The moneys it would have cost to provide pipe infrasture to fill those tanks would be better spent in other endeavors. It also made no sense speaking about filling tank when insufficient water, at that time was being produced (not enough RO plants). In essence, seems to mee that the UPP put the proverbial cart Infront the horse (Like Lovell expecting to be PM but can’t win a constituency)
‘Known for stealing good ideas’? Dude you are a pure operative . You guys do nothing but steal all the ideas that the UPP come up with and trying to use reverse psychology to fool people. . You are totally void of ideas, that’s why the party has to hold off releasing any further ideas because you just cog and yup them up. Does the water tank programme sound familiar…….man you guys yup it up like vomit the minute it was released. You could not and have not even implemented it properly. No organisation, plumbing works on the tank to run the water, just a wishy washy plan that was poorly thought out!
Stand Tall, are you as TALL as the lone pupah tree sitting on the 26 ACRES of land that the 🐍 abandoned????
Says someone who supports the party that balked first at CIP when Gaston Browne suggested it in parliament Recall BS saying never then eating his own vomit.
2. Then there was the recommendation by GB that they use Chinese financing for the new airport rather than borrow at a high interest rate from ABI as the bill they brought to parliament proposed
3. Then there was the UPP against ending personal income tax as proposed by ABLP, now I hear Lovell claim he won’t reimplement it.
4. Then there were the housing initiatives that saw houses become pens for goat at places like Follies. Look at the success of national housing, Chapa etc under ABLP
5. Under this admin we now have fiber to the homes. APUA is now looking at rolling it out in the country side. Under UPP we have fake 3G. Under this admin, 4G via APUA
Just a few examples to show you how the UPP could not get things right
1. Water tank not connected
2. Water tank not connected
3. water tank not connected
4. water tank not connected
5. water tank not connected
This is the subject of the current intending. Is it a lie or is it true? That is the logical response. Would it matter what party is in government if the water tank is not connected? NO OTHER REPLY NEEDED other than Why they not connected. Maybe, yes, maybe there is a good reason. The than should be explained. Thank George Wehner investigates for brining this important information to light. Since water is so important to us why would anyone with any damm sense try to divert the subject? Why the hell would I want to talk about 10,000 “Past Participle of the verb to be” when water is so damm important to us all? This is a true demonstration why nothing is ever done cause we want to rant and rave instead of think and focus. Ain’t nobody want to hear that shit, we talking about those tanks right now.
Because he’s a jack of all trades! Including repairing back doors for entry!
You stepped on the wrong 🐍!!!
What are they going to put in the tank?
If there isn’t enough desalination/ Reverse Osmosis Plants to create the fresh water to go in the tank –
If the daily demand is 7 million gallons daily and APUA only producing 5 million gallon daily, where would water come from to fill the tanks?
Before spending scarce resources on fitting pipes on tanks you can’t fill you should increase the sullpy to a surplus then commission the tanks.
If Wehner wants investigative work to do, he can start investigating the period 2004 through 2014 when the UPP was in power and spent billions of dollars unaccounted for. Such as the $900 million spend on the sidewalks in St. John’s. All those Jellybeans Sidewalks and the covered sidewalks a.k.a Ratta Condominiums could not cost that much. Then he can go to the Fencing Scandals and the Jasco Bathroom. He will have plenty of work to do.
he needs to investigate the 26 ACRES of farmland at the managment of Algernon Watts
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