Watts, Simon, Lewis Planned To Write the GG to Remove Pringle As Opposition Leader, PM Browne says


UPP Members’ Plot to Remove Pringle Fails as Watts Backs Out

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has revealed a failed plot by members of the opposition United Progressive Party (UPP) to unseat their leader, Jamale Pringle.

According to Browne, Richard Lewis, Kelvin ‘Shugy’ Simon, and Algernon “Serpent” Watts had orchestrated a plan to approach the Governor-General to remove Pringle from his position as opposition leader.

However, the plot collapsed when Watts unexpectedly backed out at the last minute.


Browne recounted that Lewis had prepared a letter, which Simon was willing to sign, but Watts, who had previously agreed to the plan, ultimately withdrew his support, leading Browne to label him “spineless.”

The Prime Minister’s remarks further suggest ongoing efforts within the UPP to oust Pringle, but for now, the plan remains stalled due to Watts’ hesitation.

If true, the revelation highlights ongoing tensions within the UPP, with various members vying for leadership amid internal disagreements.


Listen to Browne here:

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  1. This my PM. How can us ABLP GUTTER SNIPES not love and adore our PM. He comes to the GUTTER to find mud, garbage, waste to pour all over his opponents. Me jus lub how duttee he be. Gwen de vagabond no hab nutten pan u. Beg bak Aslot de vagabond no hab nutten pan u.

  2. If and I say again IF such is true. Should not said letter to the Governor General be a utmost private affair. How did the Prine Minister become aware of said letter. Is the Governor General working behind the scenes to provide information to the Prine Minister on the goings of the opposition. Just asking. If that is the case the he ( the Governor General) should resign from office.


    This news portal might just be attempting to ‘…FLOG A DEAD HORSE’ into ‘…GALLOPING’ or simply ‘…PRE-EMPTING.’

    This news was published as recent as ‘…YÉSTERDAY- OCTOBER 13, 2024.’


  4. First there were six, because even Pringle was in on making Lewis leader. But he went to Mama Bear and the rest is history.
    Then the remaining five of them decided to write to remove Pringle, then one, Bowen, backed out. Then the four decided to proceed with the plan, then one, Smith, pulled out. Then with the three left they again decided to proceed with a plan, but one, Watts, pulled out.
    Guys, guys, guys. This does not look good for you men. Too indecisive. The women would have done a better job. You call them weak but they have more guts than you. You talk and talk and posture and boast and scratch man parts, but that is all there is. Sound and fury. The women would have solved this problem a long time ago. You all have to stop acting so coward and man-up. This is embarrassing.

  5. Very embarrassing indeed and it was Watts that was the coward all along. He now under Giselle’s long dress. Poor fellows. This should have been done when Smith was there and the UPP would be in better shape now.

  6. Hope when the time comes for the Boy to talk he will do so. Time will reveal his involvement with his Nigerian acomplisses. Remember, there’s no honour amongst thieves.

  7. To J Dude,

    R u slow??? It said planned…….the letter never reached the GG because 1 of the persons (Watts) backed out!

    How dare I mix the GG in this mess?

    You need to read n understand b4 u speak!

  8. SCANDAL after SCANDAL. What’s going on with UPP ? How can anyone within the UPP and their CONSTITUENTS trust these Guys. I am really disappointed in SERPENT . He does NOT speak in Parliament and twice now He backed out of removing Jamale Pringle.

    Listening to BROWNE and BROWNE on Pointe Fm on Saturday, Hon. Gaston Browne described Serpent as SPINLESS and BALLSLESS. SERPENT , SHUGY and LEWIS should never win another election in Antigua. SHAME. SHAME,

  9. Gaston Browne is determined to undermine and destabilise the UPP.

    My beautiful country is suffering because this Prime Minister has long taken his eye off the ‘economic’ ball; and the inhabitants of Antigua & Barbuda are his sacrificial lambs – he doesn’t care as he should!

    His pursuit of a one-party state is now obvious to one and all, and the destruction of the UPP is the beginning of the end of democracy in Antigua.

    However, what Antiguans must now hope for is that someone who is patriotic (and not a hostage to Gaston’s “self-enriched” fortune) will come forward and reveal any untoward practices – past or present
    – that have not been conducive to governing Antigua in the right manner and direction.

    I thought it might have been Asot Michael.

    Hopefully, someone else close to Browne has some sort of conscience and SPILL THE BEANS …

  10. “Plan to write”. He is a mind reader now? Shouldn’t they be the ones to say that if something go so? Why would anyone but labourites believe anything he says?

  11. I guess the brown dog knows what is going on in the upp than in his own camp.
    We still paying for alfanero it is not sold ,Chinese is going to take over the port and the airport soon ,we want water to bathe ,price is to high in the country,salary for workers want an increase want toiletries at the hospital alot of things Browne dog need to study the road the road omg man we are human.stop spreading lies and do the right thing u need to resign. U bring in this smoking of Marianne when u were looking vote for election mess with the young people head. All the old people need to go home and give young people work .

  12. @Brixtonian, hopefully, the loose canon, the Ambassador at large, will put principles above “enrichment” and go further and reveal to the nation why he publicly accused the PM of being a “liar.”

    The ALP has caused to be worried after the bruising they got at the last election and the subsequent bi-election…the voices of the people of Antigua and Barbuda have signalled a clear message Gaston must go.

    In addition, UPP executives should concentrate on setting out their mandate to the nation their proposals for making Antigua great. Every effort should be taken to get under the skin of Gaston and his cabinet . Rebuffing his delirious attacks against UPP executives feeds his narrowed narrative.

    There are numerous issues and faillings that UPP have allowed ALP to get away with. The executives should write to the GG to ascertained if correspondence sent
    to his office is ever disclosed to the PM, or better still demand from the GG to justify the PM’S claims.

  13. Maggots in the meat: And not even the tropical sun, and salt can cure the bile that is proffered as political fodder, at the behest of leadership denied; to the detriment of the people left to wallow in the cesspool, for lack will to be unshakeable and unbeholden to the dieing trend of partisan bile. Entrenched as it might be: are there any among the bickering fray of the political delusionals that is still willing to bear witness to the fact that we are not any better off or, far removed from the era of Papa Bird dynasty? If so, just take a look at St. John’s environs: fetif and dilapidated as though frozen in some bygone forgotten time. Thus, I stand, and remain A-political and a conscientious patriotic nationalist; crying for the soul of my people to rise up! and un-shackle the yoke that bridle the mind, in acceptance of the gutter politicians that breeds Ill will; and vie only for personal gains of self enrichment.

  14. Maggots in the meat: And not even the tropical sun, and salt can cure the bile that is proffered as political fodder, at the behest of leadership denied; to the detriment of the people left to wallow in the cesspool, for lack of will to be unshakeable and, unbeholden to the dying trend of partisan bile. Entrenched as it might be: are there any among the bickering fray of the political delusionals, that is still willing to bear witness to the fact that we are not any better off or, far removed from the era of Papa Bird’s dynasty? If so, just take a look at St. John’s environs: fetif and dilapidated as though frozen in some bygone forgotten time. Thus, I stand, and remain A-political and, a conscientious patriotic nationalist; crying for the soul of my people to rise up! and un-shackle the yoke that bridle the mind, in acceptance of the gutter politicians that breeds Ill will; and vie only for personal gains of self enrichment, or be enticed to be fools for their folly: as so satiated in desire denied.

  15. This is exactly why Mr. Knight called them BALLS-LESS, SPINELESS COWARDS!!!

    3 punks running around with panties instead of briefs. Everyone knows who wears the pants (and boxer shorts) in UPP.

    What a weak crop of “men”
    Best they keep taking estrogen pills and buy more Stayfree

  16. The same CHAOS DEMON plotting to get rid of them. Guess they prefer to get SHOVED than jump off the sunken ship.

    WOMEN’S FORUM really in charge of upp

  17. You should be concerned about who is in collusion with the Road Builders to thief money from the people and who got kickbacks from the new COLONIALIST in Barbuda.

    • well the late JOHN ASHE already exposed UPP and Baldwin Spencer! KICKBACKS, GREED, BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, ENVY, MALICE etc etc etc

      “According to the testimony of the FBI agent, “during the same period”, Ashe sent the then Prime Minister (Spencer) approximately US$170,000.

  18. Yesterday a a girl child was buried. She was brutally murdered. Another unsolved murder. Yet the government is more concerned of making Antigua into a single party state. Before the UPP convention we had a good opposition and Gaston Browne was and the ABLP administration/ Government were on its heels. Now we are in the brink of a dictatorship the PM is once again making irresponsible statements. Like telling the gangsters to get rid of murder weapon / guns if they killed with it to prevent them getting caught.
    We need to reach out to international crime fighting organizations -Like Scotland Yard , The Canadian Bounties or the FBI
    for assistance immediately.
    PM and Cutie the people of Antigua wants Justice. The family of this young lady wants justice. So is the child and family of the young girl whose lifeless body was found dead at fig tree drive. So is the family of Lloyd Lewis of All Saints-chopped and shot.
    So much burning issues to address- crimes in schools- amount youth. Arm robbery. A crumbling infrastructure . Another tourist season, with anticipated increase in arrivals. All Saints road to English harbor will be off route. However the people From English Harbor , right down All Saints road have to contend with the worst road in Modern Antiguan history.
    Pares village, Freemans village, All Saints no water for almost an entire week.
    Food prices are astronomically high and climbing.
    The corruption in public office continues unabated. These are issues that the government needs to be feverishly working at and not to destabilize the UPP.
    Work on the crumbling Education system, hearing nothing to address the low passes in Mathematics and English.
    You continue to invest in a failed LIAT / Air piece. The owners of Air Pieces will be indicted and imprisoned in the USA before the End of 2024. Address these burning issues. By the way what has become of the inquiry that led to our African Brothers coming into Antigua and perishing off St.Kitts .
    Government ministers are competing with private citizens in every sector at your advice. You need to stop the hemorrhaging of the government treasury by your kick back friends , associates , business partners and government ministers.

  19. ANR has to be mindful of these things. Gaston Browne is a pathological liar and only the dumb,incorrigible, cool-aid drinking Labourites will believe anything this clown says.
    My how the Labourites are out in numbers! They were in hiding when the Air Peace CEO news broke? That to me is of greater concern for our country. How come the DAWG, who lied in parliament, could not comment on his dirty deals with another crook? Why is he hiding the agreement he made with this man from the public?
    Until I hear from more reliable sources, I am calling the DAWG out on another long stream of his lies.

  20. Yet he all up upp Business!
    That wha he pose to be studying!
    Antigua name always Inna something, cause of this crooked
    Yet his mission is to destabilize
    The opposition, and turn Antigua into a one party state!
    Kool aid drinkers, You’ll can’t see that?
    Farher help us!
    Divine intervention please🙏🏽

  21. SERPENT , SHUGY and RICHARD LEWIS are WEAK , SPINELESS , BALLSLESS and HYPOCRITES. How can these Guys serve in the UPP Caucus. They CANNOT be trusted. These Guys should get out of politics. Bunch of cowards.

  22. @ GOLD, please explain why these very HONOURABLE gentlemen are “weak, spineless, ballsless (huh!🤗) and hypocrites?”

    This would give the uninformed amongst us a better idea of what you ah chat ’bout 🤔

    For help, please read one of your fellow Gaston Browne supporters @Dave Ray; at least he gives a good explanation on his political views … even though he’s ALWAYS wrong.

    Sorry Dave, I couldn’t help myself 🤣


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