CABINET NOTES: The Cabinet then held a discussion about the state of our country’s roads and about the provision of potable water to households, hotels, businesses and institutions.
The Minister of APUA confirmed that the provision of potable water has reached more than 12 million gallons daily—7 million from Reverse Osmosis (R/O), and the remaining from stored water, accumulated in the dams, reservoirs, and aquifers.
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With Gaston Browne we are safer with Labour!!!
@ Bluddy Joke
When last have you had a shower?
Promise made: No new taxes; Promise kept: NO
Promise made: More jobs; Promise kept: HIGH YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT.
LOL, his balls stay funky. It’s all BULL shit
Bluddy Bloke cannot be living here in Antigua. Tarl!
If there were medals 🥉 🥉 🥉 to be handed out to idiots, Bluddy Bloke would be given the whole damn box mi ah tell you 😁
The ABLP will be telling us next that the roads have been repaired … oh wait!
The watching World must think we’re nuts …
@Brixtonian – from my perspective Antigua looks like a developing economy with some leadership shortcomings.
The US on the other hand looks to be on life support with a somewhat popular, utterly senile organized crime “don” as a leader. This isn’t to mention that our next “president is likely to be an erratic NYC buffoon with severe anger management issues.
more cars in Antigua than drivers but the roads and vehicle parts are extra atrocious… the average Antiguan makes less that $1500 US a month… Healthcare a racket… teachers and nurses fleeing… Approx. 33000 working class citizen cannot go to the supermarket weekly for their essential needs.
Promise kept? We had NO WATER for TWO days. It came back this morning. By 6;00 pm it was gone! O am living in the REAL Antigua not in a Utopia.
Is that so? So where the hell is the water then? You mean 2 days per week for a few hours. Gimme a break! When the pipe is actually running for enough time to wash dishes and shower y’all can wake me up.
Ah, what water? Water hasn’t ran at my home with any pressure in a month. I have personally seen APUA water make a show of turning on the valve or whatever, but the water just trickles at such a slow pace, it takes hours just to fill a bucket.
Don’t know who they’re trying to fool, but I didn’t think anyone could top Pussy Salad for worst, but Medford Nicholas has done it.
These clowns just continue to lie.
They must be flushing holes to evict crab because we are not getting what they are exclaiming in my area. These people are notorious for their hilarious lies.
Water for everyone who has a cistern. Not people who rely on APUA water daily. When I turn on my water pipe is just air and dust. Is air that is turning my water meter. Bathing with a bucket and having my house full of one gallon Oasis water bottles is the way of life now under Gaston Browne and Melford Nicholas.
Only water I get, is from the heavens, so I wonder where Gaston water going?
I don’t think it’s going to the ministry of finance either, as I frequently see water trucks delivering water to the building
Water everyday for the hotels and them. Not running water for the citizens who living the daily horrors from this incompetent minister and their head of state. What about this guy’s who is supposed to open by sector the water services??? Why their just open what their want or may their get precise instructions not to open certain lines because,their are going to high end citizen$$$. Just for allow the water tankers from Mr Red and Mr blue actual and past ministers,come on!!!! Antigua people have not brain or their forget to fast?.
Papa Doc , Baby Doc , lady Doc a RIP off Antigua blind. Taking us to the cleaners and them some. Don’t know what Prince Doc is going to do with all Antigua people money. Probably he is going to do like the BBC lady- off spring of a slave plantation owner. Write Antigua a billion Dallar pay back check when his time came. Antiguans are financially enslaved . Internal Repatriation will have to be paid by their children . Papa – Lester , Hall , Hugh , Wilmouth , Chet , Humpherys , Chester and Now greedy Turner – Can go on and on. Civil servants too , especially directors of PWD , this one and the one before. Don’t matter All kool is sponsoring he will have to pay Bay back from all those shady contracts , no tenders Board , riding the black fools and giving them handouts- sponsors . Now they all get rich they are trying to squeeze the small contractors. Saying you have to have all kinds of documents to do business with government. Did they follow the tenders board act. NOT AT All!
Independent thinker seems like you know somethings that might be good to share with the public. Don’t think whatever you know will influence the red koolaid drinkers, but it’s important to still share the information.
oh really I live up bryden side forth road jus above bryden an I dnt get water everyday ,🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨so explain that
“The Minister of APUA confirmed that the provision of potable water has reached more than 12 million gallons daily—7 million from Reverse Osmosis (R/O), and the remaining from stored water, accumulated in the dams, reservoirs, and aquifers”.
Is this really a true statement?
I understand that Delaps/Potworks could produce a little over 1 million gallons per day “if pushed”.
It is also my understanding that Bendals water-plant produces 300,000 per day.
So we are looking at 1.3 millions gallons per day between the two plants.
How does 7+1.3= ‘more than 12’?
Maybe I missed something, so I will await the update.
This is great! Thought I was the only one out here experiencing drought. These clowns just wont stop lying and clowns like @Bloke just continue to exist in some virtual reality. Can’t tell the last time I had a good shower.
People, SIDS in in a couple of weeks. The world will see the joker that these ALP clowns truly are. I hear the DAWG wanted the UN people to just drop money in his lap to prepare and they told him no. Off course, knowing this dunce, juvenile, incompetent, greedy DAWG, he’s probably pitching a hissy fit because he cant get his way. He may just sabotage the whole damn thing and blame UPP operatives. LOL.
12 million gallons daily at peak performance, yes. ON PAPER. Practically, no. While there have been very slight improvements in selected areas, the water situation in Antigua has remained largely unchanged. And rates have increased. And we stay silent. And we suffer. The powers that be with their cesterns and pumps will never appreciate this, however. Fantastic…
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